
The end of primary and secondary school and the holiday arrangements are out! But you need to know this before the holidays

author:Linchuan released

2017-01-06 Linchuan released

The end of primary and secondary school and the holiday arrangements are out! But you need to know this before the holidays

"It's the year to come here"

Today, on the ninth day of the first lunar month,

It's only 20 days away from the Spring Festival of 2017!

The end of primary and secondary school and the holiday arrangements are out! But you need to know this before the holidays

Primary and secondary school students in the city,

Coming to their happy winter vacation,

But before the holidays,

Also go through the most "hated" final exams,

Because the final exam is good, the winter vacation is happy,

Final exam schedule is out!!

Don't panic

Everything you want to know

I'll tell you


qi mo kao shi

End-of-primary testing

Test Subjects and Scope:

First grade

Second grade

Third grade

Fourth grade

Fifth grade

Sixth grade


The Human-Taught Edition is in the first volume


The human-taught edition is in the first volume


Human-Taught Edition Character and Society Third Grade Booklet

Human-Taught Edition Character and Society Fourth Grade Booklet

Human-Taught Edition Character and Society Fifth Grade Booklet

Human-Taught Edition Character and Society Sixth Grade Booklet


Guangdong edition of the third grade book

Guangdong edition of the fourth grade booklet

Guangdong edition of the fifth grade book

Guangdong edition of the sixth grade book


Popular Science Edition Third Grade Booklet

Popular Science Edition Fourth Grade Booklet

Popular Science Edition Fifth Grade Booklet

Popular Science Edition Sixth Grade Booklet

1. Grades 3 to 6 Si Pin and Science (full volume, full score of 60 points, Si Pin and Science 30 points each)

2. Grades 3 to 6 of English include listening, with a full score of 70 points (including 40 points for grades 3 to 5 and 30 points for the written test; 30 points for 6 years of listening, 40 points for the written test)

Detection time: (adjusted)

16 January 2017 (Monday)

17 January 2017 (Tuesday)


8:10—9:40 (Grade 3 Chinese) 8:10—10:00 (Grade 4 and 5 Chinese) 10:30—12:00 (Grades 3, 4, and 5 Mathematics)

8:10—8:50 (Grades 3-6 Comprehensive) 9:10—10:00 Grades 3, 4,6 English (including Listening) 10:25—11:55 (Grade 6 Mathematics)


2:00-2:50 (Grade 1 and 2 Chinese) 2:00-2:50 Grade 5 English (including Listening) 3:20-4:10 (Grade 1 and 2 Mathematics) 3:20-4:00 Grade 5 Comprehensive

2:00-4:00 (Grade 6 Chinese)

Information adjustment tips: The original fifth grade English and comprehensive subjects exams will be held in advance to the afternoon of January 16, and other arrangements will remain unchanged.

Mid-to-midterm final testing

Detection time:


January 16, 2017

January 17

January 18

7:30-10:00 Grade 8 and 9 Chinese

7:30—9:30 Grade 8 and 9 Mathematics

7:30—9:30 Grade 8&9 English (including listening)

10:20—12:00 Grade 7 Political History (Vol.)

9:50-12:20 Grade 7 Chinese

9:50—11:50 Grade 7 English (including listening)

1:30—2:30 Grade 8 and 9 Students (Volume)

1:30-3:00 Grade 8 and 9 Physics

1:30—3:10 Political History, Grades 8 & 9 (Volume)

2:50—4:50 Grade 7 Math

3:20-4:20 Seventh Grade Students ( Volume)

3:30-5:00 Grade 9 Chemistry

Test subjects and scope: Chinese, Mathematics, English, Politics, History, Geography, Biology, Physics (only available in Grades 8 and 9), Chemistry (limited to Grade 9) are all subjects of the Academic Development Level Test. Geography and Biology are closed-book examinations, politics and history are closed-book examinations; other subjects are closed-book examinations for sub-subjects. The curriculum standards for each subject require that the teaching content to be completed this semester be tested (see table below).


Seventh grade

Eighth grade

Ninth grade



Grade 7 Upper Booklet (Human-Taught Edition)

Grade 8 Booklet (Human-Taught Edition)

Grade 9 Volume 1 (Human-Taught Edition)

150 minutes


Grade 7 Upper Book (Beijing Normal University Edition)

Grade 8 Booklet (Beijing Normal University Edition)

Images and Properties of Quadratic Functions in Section 2 of Chapters 1 to 2 of The Ninth Grade I and Ii (Beijing Normal University Edition)

120 minutes


unit1—unit9 (Human-Taught Edition)

unit1—unit10 (Human-Taught Edition)

unit1—unit11 (Human-Taught Version)



Grade 9 Chapters 13-18 (Human-Taught Edition)

90 minutes


Grade 9 All 1 (Human-Taught Edition)

For 100 minutes, political history is rolled up on the same occasion


Grade 7 Booklet (Sichuan Edition)

Grade 8 Booklet (Sichuan Edition)

World History, Volume II (Sichuan Edition) (Note: The Second Book Examines "World War II")


Grade 7 Upper and Lower Volumes (Human-Taught Edition)

60 minutes, geography, biology on the same occasion, closed volume


Grade 7 Booklet (2013 Human-Taught Edition)

Grade 8 Booklet (2013 Human-Taught Edition)

Human-Taught Edition (2013 Edition) Seventh Grade Upper and Lower Volumes


Grade 9 Volume 1 and Volume 2 Chapter 8 (Human-Taught Edition)

Music, art, physical education, information technology and other examination subjects in primary and secondary schools shall be completed by the school before the final examination and in accordance with the content specified in the curriculum standards of this semester.

Winter vacation

he jia

It was learned from the Municipal Education Bureau that according to the teaching progress and final testing schedule of primary and secondary schools in the city, the winter vacation of the primary school stage in the city begins on January 18 (the 21st day of the lunar month) and ends on February 11 (the fifteenth day of the first lunar month), and the winter vacation of the middle school stage begins on January 21 (the 24th day of the lunar month) and ends on February 11 (the fifteenth day of the first lunar month). All primary and secondary schools will officially open on February 13 (the seventeenth day of the first lunar month), and secondary vocational schools and kindergartens will be implemented according to the implementation.

Producer: Yan Hui

Editor-in-Chief: He Sangyang

Editor-in-charge: Gong Mingao, Gao Biwang, Huang Xiaoyu, Tu Longyun

The end of primary and secondary school and the holiday arrangements are out! But you need to know this before the holidays