
The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

author:Old Liu and Xiao Qi

There are many penalty shooters in world football, and Kaka, who has just announced his retirement, is one. Kaka's cool head and precise shooting skills made him the first penalty shooter of the Brazilian national team, and in addition to Kaka, who are also penalty experts. Some of them have never missed a penalty in their careers, and some of them are famous in football for their spoon penalties.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

Neskens: As another football genius that emerged from the Tulip Kingdom after Cruyff, Neskens is also the undroned king. Despite his bad luck, Nesskens' strength was unquestionable. His strong body, exquisite technique and indomitable fighting spirit have made him a business card of Dutch football. Nesskens is extremely versatile, and he is almost a golden oil that can be done except for a goalkeeper. In terms of penalties, Neskens has never missed a single penalty in his career, and he is almost an unstaken penalty prince.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

Piero: As the pride of the Apennine Peninsula, Piero is a legendary juventus star and an outstanding penalty player. Piero's penalty shoot-out is highly appreciative and has a high success rate, and he is one of Italy's top scorers. Piero's footwork as a striker is superb and he is the Zebras' all-time top scorer. Piero's penalty angle is extremely sharp, coupled with reasonable movement footwork and center of gravity, the opposing goalkeeper is almost unable to defend Piero's penalty.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

Ronaldinho: He was Brazil's midfield magician and is an eternal memory of a generation of Brazilian fans. Ronaldinho is a highly creative player who is addictive to dribbling possession and has created countless classic goals on set-pieces. Luo's ball feel is almost perfect, and he can score goals with any part of his body. Ronaldinho is even more of a genius on penalties, having managed to trick the opposing goalkeeper into scoring a penalty that was only a fraction of Ronaldinho's goal.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

Villa: As the top scorer in the history of the La Liga national team, Huluwa's ability to reverse her feet is quite terrifying. The striker, the former European Cup Golden Boot, World Cup Silver Boot and La Liga top scorer, is a nightmare for all goalkeepers and Villa is also quite accomplished in penalties. Although Villa did not have a tall body, he was very strong and durable. He has a variety of shots and a strong ability to take chances. He was a genius pure shooter, and only shots could maximize Villa's desire to win.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, these people are penalty experts, and the monotheistic people never lose points

Pirlo: There are a lot of spoon penalties, but Pirlo's spoon penalties are the most elegant. In terms of free kicks, Pirlo is a solo football player with "Peel's leaves", while on penalties Pirlo also has his own research. The midfield core of the former Italian national team not only has precise footwork, but his style of play is also very elegant and ornamental. Pirlo's penalties did not rely on strength to win, and his excellent footwork helped him to shoot repeatedly on the penalty.