
Strengthen Conviction, Build a Solid Ideology, and Shape a Strong "Iron Striker" -- The leading group of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the County Discipline Inspection Commission held a collective talk with the newly readjusted discipline inspection cadres

author:Tocto Integrity

On November 3, in accordance with the requirement that "to strike iron must be hardened by itself," the leading group of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the County Discipline Inspection Commission held a collective conversation with the newly adjusted discipline inspection and supervision cadres in order to further enhance the self-restraint ability of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, build a solid ideological and moral defense line against corruption and degeneration, and better fulfill their duties and fulfill their responsibilities in their new posts. Tumu, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and acting director of the Supervision Commission, presided over the meeting and made a speech.

The meeting demanded that whether they are "old people" who have just readjusted their posts or "new recruits" who have just joined the ranks, they must strengthen their ideals and convictions, replenish the "calcium" of their spirit, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, always know and respect, guard against fear, and keep to the bottom line, and ensure that at any time and under any circumstances, they can not change their will, do not lose their hearts, and do not forget their roots, help the clean social atmosphere with a good work style and life style, and promote the positive work style and anti-corruption with a fine work style to achieve practical results.

The meeting stressed that only when we have the overall situation in our hearts can we have ideas for our work; only when we have responsibilities in our hearts can our work be effective; only when we have our own skills can we accomplish our work; and only when we have a hard work style can we go long in life. The newly readjusted discipline inspection and supervision cadres should change their roles as soon as possible, throw themselves into new posts as soon as possible, quickly open up a new situation, perform their new duties well with new responsibilities, comprehensively apply their knowledge and experience in the previous work fields to promote future work, strengthen their convictions, perform their duties faithfully, assume pragmatic and long-term achievements, and unswervingly carry out the anti-corruption struggle to the end.

At the meeting, the newly readjusted discipline inspection and supervision cadres made statements, and the secretaries of the town discipline inspection committees, the directors of various departments and offices, the heads of discipline inspection and supervision groups stationed in various departments, and the responsible persons of the inspection organs of the county party committees attended the meeting.

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