
Stone mung bean powder Stone green bean powder

author:Lamb Society

Shiquan mung bean powder is a food with a unique flavor in Guizhou. Shiquan mung bean flour is named after the first shiquan county in the Tongren region of Guizhou.

The above good mung beans are mixed with the best rice, soaked and ground into soy milk, and baked, which is one of the traditional foods of Ishigaki. The powder is fragrant and delicate. It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, and strengthening the stomach.

Stone mung bean powder Stone green bean powder


Shiquan County, Tongren District, Guizhou


Detoxify and detoxify


The powder is fragrant and fresh


One of the traditional foods of Ishigaki

First, flavor characteristics

The uniqueness of Shiquan mung bean powder is first manifested in taste, a bowl of steaming mung bean powder is served on the table, you can smell the fragrance of mung beans, tempting appetite, and to the entrance, soft and smooth, salty and spicy, delicious and delicious. Shiquan rural family with stone grinding out of the mung bean powder, in Shiquan has hundreds of years of food culture history, with examination in China is unique, especially with local characteristics of green food, it fully inherits the traditional craftsmanship of minsi, the use of modern technology processing, it only needs high-quality rice, mung beans and rare rare and the most special mineral water as raw materials, plus must not be less sauerkraut, sweet sauce and wild plant wood ginger flower and other more than ten kinds of spices as ingredients, its unique taste, extraordinary taste, but also especially has the effect of clearing fire. Shiquan mung bean powder is a must for folk traditional cuisine, and is the best choice for family breakfast, the best choice for travel, and gifts for relatives and friends.

Second, the function of the role

Mung bean powder is mainly mung bean, which has the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, and also has the effect of cleaning up the damp heat of the stomach and intestines, so eating mung bean powder on hot days and summer can not only be a full mouth, but also refreshing, and the summer is suddenly dissipated.

Third, the method of consumption

When eating, cook the fresh mung bean powder in boiling water for about half a minute or so, and add the seasonings. The condiments of mung bean powder are also very exquisite, there are ginger grains, green onions, pepper oil, bean paste, oil pepper, lard, etc., which are spicy and mellow to eat, soft and smooth, refreshing and delicious. If possible, you can replace the pepper oil with wood pepper oil and the lard with pine mushroom oil, which is even more fragrant to eat.

Fourth, the production method

raw material

The raw materials of Shiquan mung bean flour are mung bean, glutinous rice, and rice, and the ratio of the three is 3:3:4.

Production steps

The production process is divided into two steps: refining and burning.

The specific operation of the pulp is as follows: first soak the mung beans and peel, soak the glutinous rice and rice for 10-12 hours, then mix these raw materials into a pulp juice, blanch the pot with a simmer, and then use a brush to spread the dipping oil around the pot, scoop a spoonful of pulp evenly spread on the pot surface into a pot lid-shaped bean skin, peel off and cool it slightly on the bamboo pole, fold it into a flat barrel, and cut into chopstick-wide strips.

5. Related Customs

The mung bean powder that the Shiquan people like to eat, its unique flavor is "unique in the surrounding counties and cities of Shiquan and even the whole country, there is no other branch".

In the New Year, you must eat mung bean powder, which is a unique Spring Festival custom of the Gelao people in Shiquan County. The New Year's Day, the first day of the New Year, there is a custom of not moving and not eating rice, one said: open the koshiki, the next year there are many mosquitoes; One said: the next year's meal is not eaten until the first day of the first year, which means "more than enough every year", so every household eats mung bean powder at the beginning of the New Year.

Stone mung bean powder Stone green bean powder