
Dong Jie And Jiang Xin Supported "A Hundred People To Aid Youth" Han Hongbiao wept and "hated" himself

Dong Jie And Jiang Xin Supported "A Hundred People To Aid Youth" Han Hongbiao wept and "hated" himself
Dong Jie And Jiang Xin Supported "A Hundred People To Aid Youth" Han Hongbiao wept and "hated" himself
Dong Jie And Jiang Xin Supported "A Hundred People To Aid Youth" Han Hongbiao wept and "hated" himself

Recently, Han Hong's large-scale charity charity action "100 people to help youth" large-scale troops arrived in Xining safely and held a launching ceremony at the China Museum of Tibetan Medicine Square. Subsequently, Han Hong led 153 volunteers and 45 vehicles to Huangyuan County to deliver medicines for the local people. Friends in the circle Such as Dong Jie, Jiang Xin, Ye Zuxin, Tan Weiwei, Qian Feng, Yu Xiaoguang, Han Hong students Ma Haisheng, Zhang Jie, Tuo Yunfu and many other artists and friends also came to the free clinic site to dedicate public welfare love.

Han Hong's mobilization meeting made harsh remarks and put forward higher demands

On the evening of August 9th, The Han Hong Charity Foundation held a pre-departure volunteer mobilization meeting, and Han Hong once again stressed the difficulty of the trip: "This time the 100-person youth aid is more challenging than ever, including the replacement of new and old drivers, the replacement of new and old medical experts. The road conditions in Qinghai are much more difficult than those in Tibet and Xinjiang, for example, Maduo is more than 4,000 meters above sea level, which has never appeared in previous assistance! Han Hong shed tears several times when reviewing past rescue cases, and put forward higher requirements for new drivers, doctors, media, logistics, etc.

Qian Feng, on behalf of the Tiantian Brothers, helped and worked hard all night to prepare for the presidency

On the morning of August 10th, the launching ceremony was held in the rain, Qian Feng, as the representative of the Tiantian brothers, arrived overnight the night before, personally presided over the launching ceremony, and after the completion of the activity, returned to continue working on the same day, so tired that Han Hong really gave a thumbs up for Qian Feng. Qian Feng revealed on the spot: "Before Han Hong was a guest every day, he knew about this hundred people to help Qingdao, and this time as a representative of the Tiantian brothers, he rushed to Qinghai to participate in it, hoping to do something within his power to cheer up our large team!" ”

Dong Jie Jiang Xin volunteered to dispense medicines and Han Hong's tears spilled on the scene

After the launching ceremony, Han Hong led a large army of volunteers to Huangyuan County for two hours, and before it was too late to eat lunch, he began to provide free clinics for local patients. At the free clinic site, Dong Jie, Jiang Xin, Tan Weiwei voluntarily came to the drug distribution office to select and take medicines according to the doctor's prescription; Yu Xiaoguang, Ye Zuxin, Ma Haisheng, Zhang Jie, Tuo Yunfu and others braved the light rain to receive 537 patients together with other volunteers. Based on her previous assistance experience, Han Hong went to each medical tent to understand the patient's situation.

At the end of the free clinic, a little girl's condition attracted the attention of the doctor, suffering from aplastic anemia, she had no treatment plan, the crowd was powerless, Han Hong could not hold back the tears at the scene of the crowd, lamenting how much money is used, what is the use of more drugs, "hate" such a good team can not be treated. In order not to leave regrets, Han Hong donated 50,000 yuan on the spot and left contact information to continue to track the little girl's condition.

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