
Leaders of Guilin City went to the municipal news media unit to investigate

author:Guilin Life Network

From July 22 to 23, Yang Yanyan, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal CPC Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, led a research team to Guilin Daily, Guilin Radio and Television Station, and other municipal news media units to visit and investigate the situation of news and propaganda work and media integration, and held discussions with the responsible persons of municipal news media units.

At the Guilin Daily, the research team visited the Guilin Daily Newspaper History Museum and the Honor Room to learn about the history of the Guilin Daily newspaper and the achievements and propaganda achievements in the development of the newspaper, and to listen to the report on the reform and innovation and media integration of the newspaper since the beginning of this year. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of Guilin Daily. Nowadays, the newspaper has three newspapers, "Guilin Daily", "Guilin Evening News" and "Sports Herald", as well as new media matrices such as Guilin Life Network, News Information App "First Time", and WeChat Public Account "Guilin Evening News", which is the most influential media platform in Guilin. In Guilin Radio and Television Station, the research team successively conducted field research on the studio, 4K live broadcast car, media editing room, TV studio, recording studio, broadcast frequency live broadcast room, etc.

The research group pointed out that the news propaganda of Guilin Daily and Guilin Radio and Television Station has been firmly grasped, the media has been deeply integrated and promoted, and various propaganda tasks have been completed very well. Where the people are, they are our propaganda fronts. In the next step of work, we must continue to adhere to the mission, grasp the key points, and firmly shoulder the responsibility of the main ideological front. Continue to publicize the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions when he inspected Guangxi and Guilin, firmly adhere to the main ideological position, focus on the work of the autonomous regional party committee and the municipal party committee and the municipal government center, closely focus on Guilin's industrial revitalization, rural revitalization, ecological protection, red cultural inheritance, world-class tourism city and other important themes, strengthen authoritative interpretation and in-depth excavation, and unify the thinking of the people of the city with the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government. Publicize and implement well the general secretary's requirements and ardent expectations for Guilin's work. It is necessary to implement the requirements put forward by Zhou Jiabin, secretary of the municipal party committee, for news propaganda and ideological work, fully tap the characteristics and advantages of Guilin, tell the story of Guilin well, spread the voice of Guilin, and ensure that the degree of attention to internal and external propaganda is not reduced, and the connotation of Guilin's world-class tourist city is continuously enriched and enhanced, and the high-quality economic development of Guilin is effectively promoted, and guilin's popularity is further expanded. It is necessary to further deepen media integration and reform, enhance the vitality of internal development, and become stronger, bigger, and better mainstream media. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the building of leading bodies, the building of qualified personnel, and the building of work styles, and build a contingent of news and public opinion work personnel who are politically firm, professionally skilled, have a fine work style, and are assured by the party and the people.