
"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

author:Read good poetry
"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness
"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness
"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Autumn is a beautiful season, colorful and full of poetry, golden rice, red pomegranates, fire-like maple leaves, high clouds, melons and fruits.

Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the wilderness in autumn, and go to see the red mountains and forests together.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness


Sui-Yang Guang

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Jackdaws fly a few points, and the water flows around the isolated village.

Where the sun is about to fall, a look at the eclipse of the soul.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Nozomu Akihara

Don-Yang Ling

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

When the guests came in autumn, they frequently sent two or three letters.

The clouds outside the sunset are gone, and the countless peaks of the green mountains are chaotic.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Autumn evening wild hope

Don-Liao Ning

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Leaning on the flute to chat, where is Qin Chuan.

The grass is clear at first, and the sound is twilight.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Song-Ong roll

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

One day in autumn, the cold and clear bay, countless peaks and mountains between near and far.

Idle up the mountain to see the wild water, and suddenly see the green mountains at the bottom of the water.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Song-Su Yan

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Yingying a water like an autumn snake, a chicken dog silent wild Hakka.

After the rain, the green grass is added along the path, and the wind returns to the red thanks to the partition wall flowers.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Song-Wu Weixin

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Idle and reed flowers stand at the water's edge, and the heart is dazed.

The sunset exhausted the wind, and a tree of jackdaws fell into the field.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Edan Noboru

Song-Chen Yunping

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

The geese by the river pass through the autumn, and the twilight clouds on the river are sad.

The ridge curves the mountain sideways, and the tide returns to the water.

Stone crabs in the sand, sand gulls lying on the ground.

Bleak three more months, who leans on the building alone.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Song-Liu Chang

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

The river is not crossed, and the flat boat floats in the sunset.

The dew in the autumn is sparse, and the distant trees are full of light.

The water is clear and turbid, and the mountain seedlings are green and yellow.

The fisherman is hidden, why wait to sing the vicissitudes.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Nozomu Akihi

Ming-Song Dengchun

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Listen to the forest nature of the birds, and see the heart of the country in the clouds.

The earth is humble and the Han is wide, and the heavens are far away and the caves are deep.

Old Ma Kong knew that the poor ape would choose the forest.

Ten years of book swordsman, lonely to the present.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Qing-Cui Hua

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

The light moon is bright and the forest is clear, and the cold clouds are hidden and dangerous.

The ruins are silent, and the yellow leaves are under Xiao Xiao.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Qing-Wu Weiye

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

The Jingjiang River is anxious, and kesi is actually He Yi.

White bone newly opened fortification, green mountain geometric enclosure.

The sails of the dangerous building have rained, and the lonely tower has returned.

The sun rises in sorrow, and the jackdaws fly in the desert.

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

Qing-Liu Xuan

"Poetry Appreciation" Ten poems about wild hope, let us enjoy the beauty of the autumn wilderness

The swamp is trapped by whale salamanders, and the lonely city is miserable.

Heavy siege and land danger, ten thousand fortresses pressed low mountains.

The rain was silent, and the wind flag team was in unison.

The villagers are idle, and the fragrant rice is full of domains.