
Are the four suspected crosser figures in the history of our country really not worn back by modern people?

author:Ancient and modern history

First, Wang Mang

Many of wang mang's policies were beyond the times. We all know that capitalism sprouted in the late Ming Dynasty, and Wang Mang proposed a loan system more than a thousand years before the Ming Dynasty, and doing business can be loaned to the state, and the state collects interest.

He also carried out land reform, collected land resources and nationalized them, and then distributed them to civilians, who only had the right to use them but no ownership rights, and prohibited private trading. It's a lot like the current system.

He also built 200 low-cost housing communities for the poor. It can be seen that it also comes from the era of high housing prices.

He also encouraged invention, and when a man built his own flying machine, Wang Mang was greatly interested and personally received him. Of course it failed in the end. He was bloodied by the Dog Scolded by Confucianism for focusing on these "strange techniques".

He hated slavery and forbade the sale of slaves. Have an equal mindset. However, most of these policies were repealed after his death.

Are the four suspected crosser figures in the history of our country really not worn back by modern people?

Second, Xu Shou

Xu Shou was a Qing Dynasty man who had worked hard to take the Xiucai exam and did not pass the exam.

At that time, the foreigners were all steamships, but our country was still manpower, so he ran to the foreigners' ships to look at them, and when he came back, he built his own steam engine. I grinded the parts little by little, assembled them again, and tinkered with them for three months, and I built a steam engine with nothing. Subsequently, steamships were built.

Then, he began to translate scientific works, including six chemical works, which opened up a path for the blank chemical field in China at that time.

The chemical periodic table we are memorizing now, the words in it are all made by him.

Are the four suspected crosser figures in the history of our country really not worn back by modern people?

Third, Fang Zhongyong

Fang Zhongyong had never read a book when he was five years old, and suddenly he cried one day and asked for a book.

My parents still borrowed it from my neighbors, so I don't even have a book at home.

Fang Zhongyong can then write poetry, although it is not good, but it is very good for a five-year-old doll. Then began a career of writing poetry to show off and sell money.

When I grew up, I was "lost to everyone".

It is obvious that it is a soul wear, although the level of poetry is not bad, but for children it is a prodigy, and for adults it is ordinary...

Fourth, anonymous

The last person did not know who it was, and his strange deed was to erect a tombstone for himself after his death, which the historian called "ridiculous stele".

Are the four suspected crosser figures in the history of our country really not worn back by modern people?

Because the inscription has two big words: nonsense.

There are four big words on it: Never again.

It can be seen that the mixture after passing through it is not good.

Author: Angora