
Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment June 6 news (reporter Kang Xi correspondent Liang Ting) June 6 at 8 a.m., 2021 walker Xuhui City Public Welfare Hiking Changsha Station kicked off vigorously, many hiking enthusiasts gathered on the banks of the XiangJiang River, they are not afraid of the 32 ° C high temperature weather, with footsteps to measure the star city of Changsha, with enthusiasm to interpret the spirit of walkers. In addition, Xuhui will carry out public welfare tree planting in The Name of the Contestants in Xuhuilin, so that the desert will be embellished with more greenery.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

Before the start of the event, Wang Yong, assistant general manager of the Hunan Regional Business Department of Xuhui Group, delivered a speech, sharing the hiking culture of Xuhui Group, and also expressing the healthy, happy, abundant and progressive lifestyle advocated by Xuhui.

The champion took away and enjoyed the scenery on both sides of the Xiang River

The Xiangjiang River Scenery Belt is not only beautiful, but also has a profound historical and cultural heritage. Today, with the two banks of the Xiangjiang River as the canvas, green public welfare as the background, and everyone's footsteps as the brush, draw a beautiful picture, and explore the Fisherman's Wharf, Yuxiang Spinning Factory, Orange Island Bridge, Hunan University, Locomotive Park, Du Fu Jiang Pavilion with both feet... Discover the unique beauty of the city.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

At exactly 8 a.m., a whistle sounded. Olympic champion Long Qingquan and badminton world champion Gong Ruina led more than 1,500 hiking enthusiasts to drive away together, turning their full love into a foot stride. When the walker Xuhui meets the Olympic spirit, when the cifi meets the Changsha internet celebrity landmark, it is destined to collide with a different spark.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

Continuing the format of previous years, this year is also divided into two groups: challenge group and happy group. The challenge group has a total distance of about 20.21 kilometers to pay tribute to 2021, and the parent-child group has a total distance of about 5 kilometers.

The 20km Challenge requires not only courage, but perseverance. Walking between the Yan value tracks of the Xiang River, strolling under the shade and wind on the banks of the Xiang River, the heart also becomes lighter.

The 5km Fun Race is all about fun and experience. The children held their parents' hands and laughed and accompanied them all the way.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

Joy is the main theme of this hike, cifi Changsha sculpture and Xiangjiang river echo, Changsha has been on the list of the happiest city for many years, but also one of the hottest Internet celebrity cities, contestants with their hands holding up cards have taken photos with cifi Changsha happy, with actions to tell their love for the city.

Along the way, I also encountered many cosplay surprises, such as the handsome "Captain America", the energy king "Spider-Man", and the exquisite Hanfu show that made Hanfu fans feast their eyes, adding a lot of charm to the road.

Xuhui "Chief Selling Officer" image Ofahi Xiaoxiong, accompanied by the whole process, random haunting, cute and cute image, while bringing joy, captured the hearts of many hikers, attracting many people to take a group photo.

This hiking activity passes through Hunan University and Central South University, and the banner cheering for college entrance examination students is particularly conspicuous, "Cheer for college entrance examination students, I am waiting for you at Hunan University", which represents Xuhui's good wishes for college entrance examination students, and looks forward to their college entrance examination on the day of their choice and rushing to a shining tomorrow.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

Learn the history of the Party on foot and remember the glorious course

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. At this juncture, Xuhui organized more than 10 party members as volunteers to devote themselves to the party history propaganda site, and told the participants the story of the major historical node in the centenary of the founding of the party in front of the "Learning Party History on Foot" exhibition board. 6 children sang "Red Star Shining" in unison, and loud red songs flew on the fertile soil of red culture in Huxiang, triggering a chorus of red songs on the spot.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

In addition, on the way, the race walked past the former residence of Xiao Jinguang, a proletarian revolutionary, a military expert, and one of the founding ten great generals, and set up a photo spot in Wangyue Lake Park, which is the best photo spot for a photo with the Mao Zedong Youth Art Statue in Orange Island. At the same time, the event also set up 3 party member service stations, and arranged an online mini program with prize quiz games related to party history on the way, allowing the participants to relive the party's glory years and review the revolutionary history of their predecessors in the activity.

Charity Hike Ends Multiple Prize Surprise Rewards

Runners who make it to the finish line will not only receive applause and cheers, but will also receive a special commemorative medal. The medal is based on the design element of Xuhui Group's little bear IP "Xiaoxu", the cute image and running posture, showing the vitality of Xuhui and hikers, and perfectly interpreting the spirit of walkers.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

At the same time, Xuhui also specially prepared a certificate of completion and a catalogue of the event for the participants who finished the race, a thin piece of paper, full of sweat, to witness the strength and glory. At the end of the event, the dynamic stage performance greeted the return of the brave, and the generous prizes such as Huawei mobile phones, Huawei watches, and Huawei headphones rekindled the passion of the scene.

Of course, the surprises at the finish line are much more than that, and the participants can also participate in the lottery and interactive games at the end of the line to win sports awards such as cervical spine massagers, children's balance bikes, fascia guns and so on.

Each step counts as a "tree" that bears witness to the power of the walker

Walker Xuhui City Charity Hike is a public welfare activity initiated by Xuhui Group in the form of hiking events. Since 2018, the Walker Xuhui City Charity Walk has been successfully held for three sessions. This year is already in its fourth year. The activity aims to let hiking enthusiasts enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city and achieve the purpose of fitness, while dedicating their love to the public welfare cause.

Public welfare hiking makes the desert new green 2021 walker Xuhui Changsha Station heat open

This year, the 2021 Walker Xuhui City Charity Hike continues the tradition of public welfare and once again combines the "Xuhuilin" project to dedicate a love to the desert oasis. According to the rules of the event, if the applicant successfully registers, Xuhui will plant 3 shuttle trees in The Name of the Contestants, and as long as the competition is successfully completed, Xuhui will plant an additional poplar tree. Last year, the 9-city linkage of the 2020 Walker Xuhui City Charity Hike planted more than 25,000 trees. This year, the 2021 Walker Xuhui City Charity Hiking Changsha Station gathered about 1500 hiking enthusiasts, driven by the power of public welfare, the desert will grow new green.

According to the relevant person in charge of Xuhui Hunan region, in the past 14 years, Hunan Xuhui has repeatedly walked through the sharp edges, deep ploughing Huxiang for 14 years to create more than 20 projects, with a series of fine products to understand the city's ambitions, and constantly innovate the territory of Luozihuxiang. In the future, Walker Xuhui will continue to explore the beautiful and vibrant genes of the city and share the future with the city.