
Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

author:Blueberry entertainment sauce

Fan Weiqi was born in the United States in 1976, and she grew up in the United States to live a life like a little princess, and everyone in the family spoiled her, so that she knew early on that the princess could only be a person!

In 1982, Fan Weiqi returned to Taipei to attend junior high school, and officially debuted in 1999 as a singer!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

In 2011, Fan Weiqi and Chen Jianzhou, a black man, were happily married, and after marriage, the two had a pair of cute twin sons.

The eldest son is called Chen Ruifei, and the younger son is called Chen Ruixiang

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

However, Fan Weiqi, who has become an adult wife and mother, has been declining in reputation over the years, why is this?

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

At that time, Fan Weiqi and Zhang Shaohan were both artists of Fumao Records, Fan Weiqi was more fiery than Zhang Shaohan, and later Zhang Shaohan entered the acting career and filmed a lot of pure idol dramas, and the momentum was once pressed on Fan Weiqi.

In the face of Fan Weiqi's step-by-step retreat, the company took an important decision to bundle the sisterhood of the two, let Zhang Shaohan take his sister Fan Weiqi to operate together, and use the sisterhood of the two to bring the development of Fan Weiqi.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

In the ten years of the two, Zhang Shaohan has long regarded Fan Weiqi as his good girlfriend and family.

But then Fan Weiqi became angry, and she did something very sorry for Zhang Shaohan.

When Zhang Shaohan went to the United States for heart surgery, her mother came out to do things and transferred all of Zhang Shaohan's assets. When Zhang Shaohan returned from the United States, he found that his mother had done such a ridiculous thing.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Then Zhang Shaohan's mother also framed her daughter for abandoning her, and managed her daughter to ask for millions of alimony, rumoring that her daughter was taking drugs!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Under the destruction of her mother, Zhang Shaohan's career has been severely damaged, and even the brokerage company plans to give up on her! At this time, Fan Weiqi actually did something that fell into the well, saying that the relationship with Zhang Shaohan was only average!

The relationship between the two for more than ten years disappeared... Not only that, Fan Weiqi also directly poached Zhang Shaohan's assistant.

Panic said that Zhang Shaohan was very bad for his assistant, and the assistant had been wronged for many years, obviously alluding to Zhang Shaohan's character problems. So much so that the assistant came forward to slander Zhang Shaohan at a critical moment.

In this way, Fan Weiqi and the assistant sang and sang a set for Zhang Shaohan!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

The purpose is to make Zhang Shaohan completely destroy...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Not only that, Fan Weiqi also publicly slandered Zhang Shaohan that "people who do not honor their parents are not worthy of being a person."

He used extremely harsh language to add fuel to the fire of the Zhang Shaohan incident.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬
So why did Fan Weiqi do this!

Because the two are artists under the same company, if Zhang Shaohan is destroyed, then Fan Weiqi will take Zhang Shaohan's place and take over her endorsement and business at that time! In the face of interests, Fan Weiqi chose to rob Zhang Shaohan of everything without character, including her assistant!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

At that time, Zhang Shaohan was very disappointed in Fan Weiqi's approach, and Zhang Shaohan, who had been together for ten years, regarded Fan Weiqi as a girlfriend and family member, was stabbed by Fan Weiqi, who he trusted most.

Fan Weiqi really makes people look down on...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

After many years of being misunderstood by this Zhang Shaohan, the truth gradually surfaced. It also made many people see Fan Weiqi's ugly face!

At the beginning, Zhang Shaohan did not come out to apologize, also because she did not do anything wrong. Zhang Shaohan's mother is not a good person, she cheated in marriage when she was not divorced, and Zhang Shaohan was just her victim for money!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Years later, Fan Weiqi asked Zhang Shaohan's forgiveness, but Zhang Shaohan said, "You hurt me, why should I forgive you?"

At that time, Fan Weiqi said that she was a Harvard graduate, and strived to establish a high IQ and high education in front of people!

But then she was punched in the face, and someone deeply pickpocketed that she was actually just Harvard Community College, not a famous harvard at all...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

After the lie was exposed, Fan Weiqi actually threw the pot to fans and the media, saying that she had never said that she was a graduate of a prestigious harvard school, but everyone misunderstood.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Fan Weiqi also blatantly hated what the fans really had in mind...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

It is not so much that everyone understands wrongly, but that Fan Weiqi's own vanity leads everyone to Harvard...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

At that time, Liang Jingru was a real hardcore girlfriend to Fan Weiqi, and Liang Jingru was also the mother of Fan Weiqi's two sons.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

When Fan Weiqi tore Zhang Shaohan by hand, Liang Jingru offended many people for Fan Weiqi, and also openly called fans, Fan Weiqi is a good person.

However, not long after, Liang Jingru was punched in the face by what she had said, fan Weiqi was not only not a good person, but also secretly calculated her...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

For a while, Liang Jingru was deeply involved in the divorce storm, and it was this Fan Weiqi who pushed the wave to bring public opinion to the highest point.

At that time, Liang Jingru rumored a marriage change, and Liang Jingru did not want to make things too big and let the media spread it.

As Liang Jingru's best girlfriend Fan Weiqi not only does not protect Liang Jingru, but also generously says to the media that "vaguely I have heard about it."

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

This put Liang Jingru on the verge of extreme embarrassment...

Later, Liang Jingru came out to debunk the rumor that divorce did not exist, and Fan Weiqi's agent continued to make up the knife " as early as 2 years ago , I knew the news of the marriage change "

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬
Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Some people said that Fan Weiqi was just a big mouth, but later Liang Jingru chose to cut Fan Weiqi in two, not only taking Fan Weiqi, but also treating her as an enemy!


Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

At that time, Xiao S said in "Kangxi Lai" that since Fan Weiqi gave birth to a child and became a mother, she no longer had contact with these good sisters.

Because everyone is a good sister, often drinking tea and chatting together, and then Fan Weiqi actually opened a mother chat room alone, and there was no small s in it.

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

This matter has always made Xiao S remember in her heart, I don't know what reason, she was actually isolated by Fan Weiqi!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

This is really the same as those pseudo-girlfriends in our real life, and it is not said that one day people will suddenly stop contacting you. And you still take people seriously...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

In this way, when Fan Weiqi was spat on by her good girlfriend, she also concluded that she was a real pseudo-girlfriend.

Whoever associates with her will be used, and when it is worthless, it will be kicked away...

After the complete collapse of the human set, her husband Chen Jianzhou and Chen Jianzhou continued to sell miserably, saying that it was only because Fan Weiqi was too kind that so many people would bully weaknesses!

Never waste time proving that you are a good person...

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Some time ago, Fan Weiqi connected Lin Xinru to cry, her comeback has no hope, and she kept wiping her tears, estimating that she had regretted what she had done!

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

According to her husband Chen Jianzhou, Fan Weiqi is now studying for a master's degree in the Harvard community, and she is also busy with basketball, I don't know if Fan Weiqi is planning for a comeback?

Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬
Green tea "Fan Weiqi" stabbed her girlfriend knife 2 times, lied Harvard graduated, she is more hypocritical than you think Fan Weiqi did Zhang Shaohan's plastic sister Flower Fan Weiqi how much can she lie? 范玮琪替梁静茹承认离婚遭反感范玮琪被小S吐槽两面三刀‬总结‬

Some people say that Fan Weiqi is really a bad thing to do, and she has been called by the majority of netizens for extremely poor character, and some people say that Fan Weiqi is too low in emotional intelligence, which has caused her to offend many people.

But when a friend appears, Fan Weiqi does not comfort her but goes up and stomps on it, which is really hateful! Now Fan Weiqi is working hard to maintain the personality and expect to make a comeback, but people's conduct is not something that can be changed...

From the beginning of the goddess singer to the pseudo-girlfriend that everyone spurns, the reputation is discredited, Fan Weiqi's three views may not be very correct!

She is also known as the "originator of the plastic sisters", and whoever is with her is the most unlucky person! It is estimated that it will not change in a lifetime!

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