
"Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community" and do a good job in national unity and promote the development of enterprises

author:Turpan Radio and Television Station

Photo/Reporter: Buy Dinuer Tursun

Intern reporter: Wang Lingyue

Since its establishment in 2019, Turpan Silk Road Pearl Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has strengthened national unity through life assistance and work assistance while grasping the development of enterprises, so that employees of all ethnic groups have established deep feelings and created a strong atmosphere of national unity.

On October 6, the reporter came to turpan Silk Road Pearl Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd., located in Ximen Village, Xincheng District, Gaochang District, and saw that in the spacious standardized factory, employees were orderly screening, labeling, packing and packing.

"Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community" and do a good job in national unity and promote the development of enterprises

The employees of Turpan Silk Road Pearl Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. are Uyghur, Han and Hui. In the work, everyone is united and fraternal, whether it is management or employees, everyone is called brothers and sisters, in life, everyone is as close as a family, helping each other.

"Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community" and do a good job in national unity and promote the development of enterprises

Abdullah Yasen, a villager in Ximen Village, Xincheng, has a congenital disease, and the family of three lives only on his odd jobs. In 2019, Abdullah Yasen came to work at the Turpan Silk Road Pearl Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. under the introduction of the "two committees" of Ximen Village in Xincheng. After the company's general manager Wang Yongxu learned about his family's situation, he also arranged a cleaning job for his wife, and the two of them could get a monthly salary of 5500 yuan. Usually, Wang Yongxu would also visit Abdullah Yasen's home from time to time to find ways to solve his difficulties. Abdullah Yasen was grateful, worked very hard at work, and became a good helper for Wang Yongxu.

"Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community" and do a good job in national unity and promote the development of enterprises

In 2020, Abdullah Yassen's son had surgery. After Wang Yongxu found out, he helped him solve the cost of his son's operation, which made abdullah Yasen's family very moved. He said: "Mr. Wang is my boss during working hours, and when we leave work, we are like brothers. He helped me a lot in two years and we appreciated him so much that he was like a family. ”

The national unity of Abdullah Yasen and Wang Yongxu is a microcosm of the great national unity of Turpan Silk Road Pearl Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Since its inception, the company has firmly grasped the main line of casting a solid sense of the Chinese national community, carried out in-depth education on national unity and progress, and continuously enhanced the centripetal force and cohesion of employees. At the same time, we should actively absorb the employment of the masses in difficulty and drive the peasants to increase their incomes and become rich.

"Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we should strengthen the consciousness of the Chinese national community" and do a good job in national unity and promote the development of enterprises

Wang Yongxu said: "Our company currently has more than 60 people working, and employees of all nationalities are very united, like brothers and sisters. Usually organize some networking activities to make employees feel at home. Our company is a big family, and we will continue to work hard to carry out the work of national unity better. ”