
Mountain fish, baboons, silverback gorillas and humans, who is the most powerful in fighting, has humans degenerated?

author:The world of popular science
{"info":{"title":{"content":"山魈、狒狒、银背大猩猩和人类,打斗起来谁最厉害,人类退化了吗","en":"Mountain fish, baboons, silverback gorillas and humans, who is the most powerful in fighting, has humans degenerated?"},"description":{"content":"灵长类动物被认为是最聪明的一类动物。除了我们人类之外,还有大猩猩,黑猩猩,红毛猩猩,各种狒狒和猴子等。包括我们人类在内,...","en":"Primates are considered the most intelligent of all. In addition to us humans, there are gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, all kinds of baboons and monkeys, etc. Including us humans,..."}},"items":[]}