
Warm warm warm

author:Qufu released
Warm warm warm

come! warm! gas! Yikes!

Say important things three times

According to the recent weather forecast

The city has entered the heating period ahead of schedule

Qufu's friends

Hurry up and touch the heating in your home

Warm warm warm
Warm warm warm

Notice about early heating

Qufu Municipal People's Government

Notice on early heating during the 2021-2022 heating period

According to the recent weather forecast, in order to ensure the heating needs of the general public, the municipal party committee and the municipal government have decided to advance the central heating time of the heating period in Qufu City from 2021 to 2022 to 12:00 on November 6, 2021.

All relevant departments and units should strengthen organizational leadership to ensure that heating is given in advance on time. During the early heating period, residential users will no longer be charged for heating.

Notice is hereby given.

November 6, 2021

Statement of Originality

The content of this article is the original work of Qufu Rong Media

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Warm warm warm

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