
mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

author:Talking about health
mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

#2020东京奥运会 #

Every Olympic Games, there are scandals of illegal doping.

The same is true for this year's Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Nigerian sprinter Okabaré was detected for doping and disqualified, the first case of doping since the start of the competition.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

In fact, doping has always been a topic that can never be avoided in the sports world, as long as people who have watched the event will not be unfamiliar with doping.

After all, with the gradual increase in the commercialization of the sports industry, every millisecond and every centimeter involves huge benefits, so doping has gradually begun to be abused.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

The history of doping is much longer than the history of the modern Olympic Games

As for the historical record of doping, as early as the 3rd century BC, athletes tried to drink alcoholic mixed drinks before the game to improve their performance.

In the ancient Olympic Games, athletes tried to take hallucinogenic drugs extracted from poisonous mushrooms to participate in competitions, so as to achieve the purpose of improving performance.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

In 1807, a marathon runner won the championship and said that he had taken opium tincture to keep him awake in an endurance race for unlimited time.

At the time, however, doping was not seen as cheating, and was even considered a pioneer in experimenting with new technologies.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(Abraham Wood during the game)

Of course, the first time in modern sporting events was doping in the media, it had to be traced back to the swimming competition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 1865.

Later, in 1887, european cycling reported that some athletes took drugs such as nitroglycerin, caffeine, ether and heroin to participate in the race.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

At first stimulants, it is possible to be used

At the Third Modern Olympic Games in 1904, American marathon runner Thomas Hicks was racing.

His coach followed him all the way with a syringe, injecting a dose of shidan whenever he was tired, and drinking another glass of whiskey, keeping him awake and physical.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(The coach of Higgs was inseparable in the game)

This kind of strychnine, also known as sporphyrin, is an alkaloid mainly extracted from strychnine, which can enhance the tension of skeletal muscle and is the prototype of the earliest stimulant.

Relying on Shi Tinin, Hicks eventually became the first doping Olympic champion, when the media reported with such a sentence: "The marathon fully proved from a medical point of view how important drugs are for long-distance runners!" ”

Subsequently, in successive Olympic Games, doping was gradually abused and even became an indispensable substance for athletes, when doping was as common as drinking water before competitions.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(Many media reported on the incident after the game)

After World War II, the drawbacks of doping were gradually exposed

With the end of World War II, synthetic new doping became more abusive, and finally at the 1960 Rome Olympics, Danish athlete Knood Jensen died suddenly in the course of a drug overdose.

Due to the bad impact, the IOC began to focus on doping, and at the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico, the IOC launched its first comprehensive doping test.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(Jensen suddenly fell and died suddenly)

The road is one foot high, the devil is tall, and the doping violations are still endless

Although the explanatory text prohibits the use of doping to compete, many athletes and even countries still play a "cat and mouse" game, such as the large-scale doping incidents in the former East Germany and the former Soviet Union during the Cold War.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(East German delegation at the Olympic entrance ceremony)

Most famously, it was the 1988 Seoul Olympics, when hormonal doping abuse peaked.

The abuse of hormone doping peaked when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson ran a staggering record of 9.79 seconds in the 100m final, setting a new record in 100m history at the time.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(Johnson sprint close-up, far ahead)

But three days later, Johnson was found to be doping, the results were invalidated, and the former runner-up Carl Lewis won the championship.

After several years, he failed to run within 10 seconds, and eventually was banned for life because of doping again.

Even more ironically, in 2003, an American doctor named Vader Exxon exposed the scandal of the U.S. Olympic Committee's long-standing cover-up and connivance of its athletes to take banned drugs to improve their performance, and Carl Lewis also admitted to taking doping.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(Carl Lewis has broken the doping scandal)

With the continuous updating of medical technology, doping is almost ubiquitous in international sports events, covering a wide range and using a large number of people.

Statistics have been made that nine of the 10 fastest athletes in Olympic history were detected to be doping.

And in addition to some events that require intense endurance, some sports with little physical confrontation, such as shooting, diving, snooker and other events, have also been exposed to cases of illegal doping.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

(A doping testing site at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics)

Why do some people take doping in these events?

Mainly in these events, athletes need to pay more attention, taking stimulants similar to "β-receptor blockers" can allow athletes to concentrate, discharge external infections, and small muscle groups can be controlled more precisely, thereby improving competition performance.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?

The proliferation of doping has seriously affected the universal values of competitive sports

As the saying goes: it is a three-point poison of medicine.

The abuse of stimulants naturally comes at the expense of the athlete's body.

According to a 1994 survey in the United States, after the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, as many as 150 athletes died of doping, and a large number of doping caused serious side effects such as athletes' emotional irritability, abnormal liver function, drug addiction, and increased incidence of sudden cardiac death.

But the road is one foot high, the devil is one foot high, and the confrontation between competitive depression and stimulants may not be completely resolved for a while and a half.

Perhaps, the rise of modern sports is inseparable from the shadow of doping, but we still hope to restore the passion of sports itself as soon as possible.

Don't turn the world of sports into a black hole because of doping.

mad? sudden death? How did the abused "doping" become a stain on Olympic history?


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