
First Blood 3 (Film)

author:The Buddha laughed and laughed

1988 American action film starring Stallone.

Rambo lived peacefully in Thailand, renovating monasteries, punching to earn money to pay rent for monks, one day the colonel came to the door again, invited him to Afghanistan to help the local rebels resist the Soviet invasion and was rejected, the colonel went to Afghanistan and was captured and imprisoned, Rambo found the US ambassador to Thailand to help him go to Afghanistan alone to prepare to rescue the colonel.

Rambo learned about the layout of the Soviet base by helping Soviet deserters of Afghan civilians, infiltrated the Soviet base with a local guide at night, crawled with a short knife to clear mines, entered the dungeon for a maneuver because the little boy was dragged down, and escaped from the sewer with the little boy after the bombing and explosion of the Soviet base.

Ancient relevant public scraping bone to cure poison, now there are Rambo bullet disinfection, and then return to the tiger's den alone, rescue the colonel, open a helicopter strafing, open a bow to blast the arrow to blow up the plane, down to the crypt to kill the pursuing soldiers, the two single-handedly challenge the tank aircraft army, with the help of the Afghan militia to complete the counterattack, and finally drive the tank and the villain helicopter collision to win. The protagonist is invincible.

First Blood 3 (Film)