
In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

author:Nangong Qin

"After the fire is not cold, I belong to the generation born in the ruins of the slaughter city, as long as the human race is there, there is always a Chinese."

There is a way: the Chen family party in the Jiang family, the Song family sister Kong family cai.

Among the four major families of the Republic of China, "Jiang Song Kong Chen", the Jiang and Song families who are in the limelight naturally do not need to be mentioned much, and the Kong family is also rich and invincible.

Only the Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu families are neither powerful enough nor rich enough, and the reason why they can be among the "four major families" is quite curious.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Compared with the high-profile legend of the three Sisters of the Song Family, the Chen Brothers are quite mysterious, they are the players behind the Central Unification, and they are the highly respected elders of the Kuomintang.

In particular, his younger brother Chen Lifu, in the 25 years of working with Chiang Kai-shek, he has never been scolded by Chiang Kai-shek, and his ability and way of dealing with the world are absolutely incomparable.

However, after going to Taiwan, the situation of the Chen brothers took a sharp turn for the worse, and Chen Lifu was even expelled by the wolf.

How did Chen Lifu, who lived to the age of 101, look back on his legendary life in his later years?

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > doctor</h1>

On August 4, 1950, Chen Lifu, a prominent figure in the Republic of China who had served as Chiang Kai-shek's confidential secretary, secretary general of the Kuomintang, minister of education, vice minister of the Legislative Yuan, and many other important positions, was suddenly asked to leave Taiwan within 24 hours.

Because of his feud with Chen Cheng, Chen Lifu was "expelled" from Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek on the eve of his fiftieth birthday, and this order to "leave Taiwan in 24 hours" pushed Chen Lifu to the darkest moment of his life.

Chen Lifu was the youngest secretary-general in the history of the Kuomintang and one of the founders of the Central Unification, and he made outstanding contributions to the cause of education during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

After the order to leave Taiwan was issued, Chen Lifu's family rushed to the United States, and his son, who was still in elementary school, was already in a foreign country before he could say goodbye to his classmates.

Chen Lifu, who had reached the age of destiny, had to raise chickens, run a business of skin eggs, tofu milk and rice dumplings to make a living, and almost no one could have predicted that Chen Lifu, the representative of the "four major families," would live in such an embarrassing situation when he went into exile in the United States.

Many people think that he and Song Ziwen are generally in the United States as a Yugong, "No, no, I don't have money to be a Yugong, but I don't forget to be a scholar, and my worries about the country and the people in my hometown have really added a sense of worry to the world."

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

After Chen Cheng's death, Chen Lifu returned to Taiwan after nearly twenty years of exile, at this time he was already a 69-year-old man, and many enemies and friends had returned to dust and soil.

Chen Lifu did not know how old he would be, and the past in the political arena had become a floating cloud, and he only cared about burying his head in traditional Chinese culture to find a pure land.

Immersed in the study of Chinese culture and traditional Chinese medicine, he served as the chairman of Taiwan's "China Medical Academy" for 30 years, paving the way for cross-strait academic exchanges in traditional Chinese medicine.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Chen Lifu's study of medicine was first inspired by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who mentioned at the beginning of his article "Theoretical Foundations of Chinese Medicine":

"Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied medicine when he was young, and many inventions have been made for the principles of human evolution... Then all human inventions must first be applied to medicine directly related to survival, and there is no doubt about it. ”

In 1929, Wang Jingwei, who was the chief executive of the National Government, passed the "Resolution on the Abolition of Traditional Chinese Medicine", which caused a national uproar.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Chen Lifu, as a kuomintang elder, took the lead in supporting various medical celebrity delegations to petition Nanjing, but under the pressure of public opinion, the bill was repealed.

Chen Lifu was admitted to Tianjin Beiyang University after finishing 17 years old and became the fifth in the sea, and later studied in the United States to obtain a master's degree in mining from the University of Pittsburgh.

Born in science and engineering, he is not ignorant of science and opens his mouth, but he knows that chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

He is analogous to Chinese medicine as the king and slow, Western medicine as domineering and fast, the cooperation between the two can make the world medicine greatly improved and developed, which is what he advocates "Chinese and Western unity".

Chen Lifu is extremely disgusted that some people insist that Chinese medicine is "unscientific", and even more disgusted that the Chinese people have abandoned the valuable experience that their ancestors exchanged for their lives.

He believes that the development and growth of Chinese medicine is an important part of the promotion of Chinese culture, and it should also be an important cultural achievement that is absorbed and accepted by the world's medicine.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Chen Lifu also advocated the "modernization of Chinese medicine", believing that the ancient texts of Chinese medicine are not easy to approach, and should be translated into chinese so that most people can read and understand.

The roots of Chinese culture are in the I Ching, and the roots of Chinese medicine are also in the I Ching, such as the "law of inequality" of Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, and the "law of uncertainty" of Hansenbao in Germany;

When Nobel gold medal winners such as The Danish Boya's "Principle of Mutual Survival" are inspired by the "I Ching", the Chinese people should not think that it is not worth an article, and world medicine should not think that Chinese medicine is "unscientific".

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Chen Lifu himself attaches great importance to health, his body is not strong and powerful, he has suffered from diabetes since the age of 58, and has also done surgery for gallstones and bladder stones, but he can still live to be 100 years old, because he has an effective maintenance secret.

He is known for "nourishing the body and moving, nourishing the heart in silence", "eating moderately, living sometimes", "eating more fruits and vegetables, eating less meat";

"Things begin to ripen, water boils and drinks", "the head should be cool, the feet should be hot", "contentment is always happy, no seeking is safe" to demand their daily life.

At 5:30 a.m., he got up to do a full-body massage, walked five or six hundred steps after the meal, and did not even participate in ribbon cutting, marriage witness, and attended the wedding and birthday feast of relatives and friends in order to seek peace of mind.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > country</h1>

"I am a centenarian, dying of old age, in my long life, I have known from a young age that there is only one China in the world, and if there is any problem, that is, the orthodox dispute over who represents China.

If someone in Taiwan announces that there is a second China in the world, I think things will get quite serious.

Not only will our cultural life be immediately strained, but the life of the whole nation will also become tense, and there will be no peace in the country, and such a thing will certainly be recorded in history. ”

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Chen Lifu once said: "The doctor heals the country, and its righteousness is also one." "Chen Lifu's occupation after returning to China after returning to the United States is mining engineer.

He would have continued his exploration of the mining career along his own research studies, and had no intention of politics, but because of his brother's persuasion and Chiang Kai-shek's invitation, he entered the political arena from then on.

Nor did he expect that a master of mining would one day become a figure on the cusp of the times.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

As a political figure, Chen Lifu cannot be regarded as excellent or successful, and since he went to Taiwan to defeat the Chen family, he was also cold-hearted about politics, and only opposed Taiwan independence, which became the focus of Chen Lifu's life in his later years.

Chen Lifu was born in the first year of the twentieth century, "Our generation has come from the era of the national boiling, and the seeds of national hatred and family hatred can be said to be deeply rooted in the heart and dissolved in the blood of the nation from an early age."

Whether it is the study of traditional Chinese medicine or the promotion of Chinese culture, Chen Lifu always wants to use Chinese culture to promote the unity and stability of the Chinese nation.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

He drew experience from the rise and fall of history, "The Chinese nation cherishes the Taoist unity more than the political unification, and the political unification can be broken, and the Taoist unification cannot be broken":

"Chinese culture and historical background are different from other countries, and the continuity and connotation of Chinese culture have always adhered to unity. There have been four major social upheavals in Chinese history, such as the Spring and Autumn Warring States, the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the Late Tang Dynasty, and the Late Qing Dynasty.

Among them, there are four or five hundred years, and the short ones are more than a hundred years; on the whole, the time for reunification is long, the time for division is short, and those who advocate division do not understand Chinese culture or the national conditions. ”

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

In November 1975, Hong Kong's Chung Wah Daily published Chen Lifu's article "If I Were Mao Zedong."

In the article, Chen Lifu expressed his ardent desire to hope that Mao Zedong would sincerely and sincerely carry out the work of peaceful reunification, and in the spirit of "turning big things into small ones," Mao Zedong himself or Zhou Enlai would send zhou Enlai to Taiwan for peace talks.

How accurately this article shows Chen Lifu's idealism, he has not received any echo, but Chen Lifu is not entirely idealistic.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

After the 1935 North China Incident, Chen Lifu was sent by Chiang Kai-shek to open up the relations between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and after the Xi'an Incident, Chen Lifu contacted Pan Hannian in Shanghai to advocate a peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. In the 1945 Chongqing negotiations, Chairman Mao and Chen Lifu had a conversation in Chongqing, and the conversation revealed their views on the Kuomintang authorities.

He believes that Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles can bring China to the road of national liberation, which shows his true feelings.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

In his later years, Chen Lifu was very concerned about the development of the mainland of the motherland and believed that only the mainland of the motherland could realize the great rejuvenation of China and the Chinese people.

Such reflection is not easy for him as a Kuomintang elder, and the root of Chen Lifu's transformation and reflection is that China's development and growth are gradually becoming more and more important on the world stage, and he has witnessed the vigorous development of the motherland.

In his later years, exchanges and communication between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait gradually increased, and Chen Lifu, who was 88 years old at the time, also said that for the sake of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the peaceful reunification of the motherland, he was willing to personally come to the mainland to conduct peace talks.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

He always looked forward to the peaceful reunification of the country and the prosperity and strength of the nation one day. "In the past two decades, Chinese mainland probably no longer in the so-called 'cheap price' of the Western Han Dynasty.

I don't want to play the role of 'preferring to be poor rather than rich' anymore, I think this is progress, it is a 'fortunate thing' in the true sense, because Tang Shi knows the Chinese culture best, as long as the mainland's 'Chinese characteristics' are there, his hopes will not be disappointed." ”

The famous British historian Toynbee believes that Russia and Japan have made mistakes in hastily responding to the challenge of industrialization in Western Europe, and believes that China can create a new response model.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

The reunification advocated by Chen Lifu is peaceful reunification, mainly based on the same roots and homogeneity of Chinese culture.

"Since returning to Taiwan in my later years, I have been advocating for the revival of culture, and I do not want future generations to lose the collective memory of five thousand years of culture because of our faults.

The roots of Taiwan are on the mainland, and no matter how big 'Great Taiwan' is, it is also a land of bullets, and the history of colonial rule on the island is too long, especially during the Japanese occupation period, the motherland's culture was almost destroyed.

Although I have made some progress over the decades through the hard work of my generation, but today's principals even have problems with national identity, can I still expect these people to be enthusiastic about cultural identity? Therefore, a great revival of Chinese culture depends on the mainland. ”

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" ></h1>

"I am a Chinese, and I have been opposing 'total Westernization' all my life, because I know the truth that state-owned learning will be revived even if it dies, and if there is no country, it will die forever."

Some people once believed that chen Lifu's greatest contribution in his life was the severe lashing of Western culture, the contempt and hostility to the sublime foreign world, and in his life, he never had such a tough attitude on other matters.

Chen Lifu went to the United States to study in his youth and saw the superiority of its system and capital early on, but he always believed that Chinese culture was the soul of the country.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

"Chinese culture is the soul of the country, why do we have to have some people confused to cater to the domineering mentality of a small number of Westerners, and should we also declare Chinese culture to the world as non-democratic and non-scientific like 'Dayu is a worm'?" Chen Lifu personally experienced the humiliating and painful years of imperialism's military invasion of China, when the Chinese nation shared the same hatred and hatred.

However, now that outsiders covet the heart of the Chinese nation, he is not dead, and there are unscrupulous people who want to take the splitting of the motherland as a pleasure and carry out cultural aggression against China, which is what makes him most anxious.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

"The cultural aggressors must first destroy the history and culture of the country they invade, so that the people of that country do not understand or doubt their glorious history, and expand the propaganda of some of the glorious historical facts, so that they cannot lift their heads, and if they can insult their ancestors, they will certainly receive honorary degrees."

If they admit that they have no history and are an inferior nation, then they can use Darwin's theory of the law of the weak and the survival of the fittest to carry out aggression and make people happy and willing to be slaves. ”

After Chen Lifu left Taiwan and lived in the United States for decades, he had already experienced vicissitudes, was no longer a superior international student, and had seen too much decay and degeneration under the capitalist society.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

He believes that this can not be called a sample of world development at all, and will even lead people into the abyss of desire, "from leaving Taiwan for the United States in 1950 to returning to Taiwan in 1969 to settle down, I have nineteen years of extraterritorial career in the sea and the sky, because of the 'sea wide', so it carries the heaviness of the first half of life, because of the 'sky', but also overlooks the quest of the second half of life." ”

The United States is almost Chen Lifu's life station, when he was a teenager, he saw a corner of the country, and then enjoyed the glimpse of half a life.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

When I went to the United States again, "I suddenly realized the truth of 'born in sorrow and died in comfort', and truly understood what is 'domineering and domineering, doing whatever you want', what is 'only power is still, only profit is the goal', what is 'warm and full of lust' and 'fornication and theft'. ”

And China has followed its own path and has gained a firm foothold among the nations of the world, which is the template that should be used for the long-term development of mankind.

In 1950, Chen Lifu hurried to the United States: he had no money to become a public servant, and he relied on raising chickens and operating skins and eggs to make a living

Based on the one-China standpoint, I care about Taiwan and the mainland as Chinese well, and I hope for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great rejuvenation of culture."

"But be unashamed, and let the reputation be ruined."

"I am Chinese, I care about Taiwan, I care about the mainland, and I believe that the spirits of Chinese culture will definitely make the planet on which human beings live more adorable."

Chen Lifu's experience gained over the past hundred years is worth listening carefully to today's people.

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