
Kanetsu three kingdoms 2


Feast Taoyuan Haojie Three Knots of Righteousness, Beheading the Yellow Turban Hero First Meritorious Service (Part 2)

When the book was received, the three of them led about 500 people to the Taishou Mansion, and Zou Jing introduced them to see The Taishou Liu Yan. As soon as we met, we introduced each other. Generally speaking, when seeing a leader, you have to climb a relationship first, and Liu Bei is no exception. When I saw Liu Yan, I talked about my own lineage, which means that I am also a person with an identity, and I am also a royal orthodoxy, so we have not yet produced five blessings. Liu Yan was also very good, recognizing Liu Bei as a nephew, thinking: I don't care who you are, you can help me fight.

A few days later, Liu Yan received news that Cheng Yuanzhi, the general of the Yellow Turban Army, had led 50,000 people to attack the city. Liu Yan ordered Zou Jing and the three brothers to lead five hundred men and defeat the enemy army! (Not ordinary people, five hundred people beat fifty thousand people, nb) Liu Bei led five hundred people to set off happily. (With five hundred and fifty thousand, Uncle Huang is still happy, I don't know what good to say Uncle Huang, it may be that our realm is too low.) )

Walking and walking, all the way to the bottom of Daxing Mountain, I met the enemy army. I saw that the enemy troops were all wearing shawls and distributing, and a piece of yellow cloth was tied to the door of the head, and the shape was quite unique. When they met, the armies on both sides stopped.

Liu Bei rode at the front of the line, on the left was Guan Yu, on the right was Zhang Fei, Liu Bei took the horse whip and pointed forward, and scolded: "Anti-national and anti-thief, why not descend early!" Cheng Yuanzhi was furious (just scold this angry?) ), let the deputy general Deng Mao fight. (Here I would like to tell you about the rules of war in the Three Kingdoms period: the war in the Three Kingdoms period was mainly divided into three steps.) First, the two sides scold each other to see who can scold whom; second, the two sides send representatives to fight; third, collectively. Liu Bei's side of the camp sent Zhang Fei out of the battle, only to see Zhang Fei kick the horse's belly, holding a snake-shaped spear and roaring, rushing up, in the blink of an eye, Deng Mao was stabbed in the center of the nest and fell off the horse. At this time, Cheng Yuanzhi rode a horse and raised a knife to take Zhang Fei's life, Guan Yu did not look good, carrying the Green Dragon Yanyue Knife to assist Zhang Fei, Cheng Yuanzhi was surprised, his mouth was not closed, he was cut in two by Guan Erye. Later generations began to write poems:

Hero Lu Ying in this dynasty, a spear and a knife.

At the beginning of the show, the power will be displayed, and three points will be good to mark the life.

The remaining Yellow Turban Army looked at it, the boss was killed, hurry up and run. Drop your weapon and run, so you can run faster. Liu Bei immediately ordered a chase, and the Yellow Turban Army surrendered one after another, returning with a great victory. Liu Yan did not expect to win the battle, personally greeted and rewarded the soldiers.

The next day, he received a notice from Gong Jing, the Taishou of Qingzhou, saying that his side was also surrounded and rushed to the rescue. Liu Yan came to Liu Bei for consultation. Liu Bei said, "I'll go." Liu Yan ordered Zou Jing to lead five thousand troops with Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei to Qingzhou to rescue them. The Yellow Turban Army, which was besieging Qingzhou, saw reinforcements coming, and the soldiers divided into two routes, one way to besiege the city and all the way to meet Liu Bei's troops. (It seems that this time the Yellow Turban Army is still regular.) Liu Bei was outnumbered and had to retreat first, retreating 30 miles and then camping in the village.

Liu Bei said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, "Brothers, we will definitely not be able to fight head-on, and we must think of some strange moves to win." ”

So Liu Bei asked Guan Yu to hide a thousand people on the left side of the mountain, and Zhang Fei to hide a thousand people on the right side of the mountain, and he and Zou Jing went to lure the enemy and Ming Jin (the device for issuing a new number in ancient wars, that is, knocking on a metal bar. Liu Bei and Zou Jing took the rest of the people to fight the Yellow Turban Army, and when the Yellow Turban Army looked at it, you dared to come to such a small number of people, and this time you had to be subdued. Liu Bei ran in front, the Yellow Turban Army chased after guan yu and Zhang Fei, liu Bei sent a signal to attack, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei launched an attack from the place of ambush, Liu Bei turned around and fought. The Yellow Turban Army looked at it, it was not good, it was in the ambush circle, and it did not care to see how many people there were on the other side, so it ran back. At this time, Gong Jing, the Taishou of Qingzhou, also attacked out with the militia and wrapped the Yellow Turban Army in dumplings. The Yellow Turban Army was defeated and suffered numerous casualties. Someone else began to write poetry:

The fortune-making final account has divine merit, and the second tiger still needs to be inferior to a dragon.

At the beginning of the birth, you can make great achievements, and you should be divided into loneliness and poverty.

After Gong Jing finished treating the soldiers, Zou Jing wanted to go back. Liu Bei said, "I heard that Zhonglang sent Lu Zhi and Zhang Jiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army, to fight in Guangzong. I used to study with Teacher Lu, and now it is the time for Teacher Lu to employ people, and I want to do a favor. So Zou Jing returned to Zhuo County with a large army, and Liu Bei's three brothers took the original five hundred people to Guangzong to support.

When he came to Guangzong to see Lu Zhi and explained his intentions, Lu Zhi was very happy and asked Liu Bei to be on standby at any time.

At that time, Zhang Jiao had 150,000 horses and Lu Zhi had 50,000 people, and no one could help anyone on both sides of Guangzong.

Lu Zhi felt that it was not a matter of going on like this, since 50,000 people could fight a draw, then adding a few more people would not be able to win. He approached Liu Bei and said to Emperor Liu, "I am confronting Zhang Jiao here, and Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun are confronting Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao in Yingchuan." You go over there and see how the battle is going over there, and I'll give you a thousand more, what do you think? ”

Liu Bei: "No problem. ”

Let's talk about Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun's side. The brothers Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao were not opponents at all, and they were defeated by Emperor Fusong and Zhu Jun. The two brothers retreated with a large army to a meadow where they camped. Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun took a look, this is not a chance to come, it is simple to fight with people who can't fight, and it is not complete to burn that side with a fire.

In the evening, Huang Fusong asked every soldier to bring hay and flint, and waited until the second day (from 9 to 11 o'clock in the evening for the second day), there was a strong wind, and the wind direction was exactly the place where the local camp was set up, and when the opportunity came, the soldiers lit a fire, and the fire took advantage of the wind and burned towards the local camp. Zhu Jun ordered the men to attack. The enemy also understood what was going on, it was fire and knife, and it was scared that it was a stream of urine, and wearing pants began to flee for its life.

The battle continued until dawn, Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao led the remnants of the defeated generals to run when they saw the road, and when they were running, a group of people and horses blocked the way with a red flag. "Mader, who is so blind that he doesn't know if Lao Tzu is going to run for his life?" Zhang Liang thought to himself.

The procession separated, and a man on horseback walked out in the middle, this person was seven feet tall, small eyes, long beard, the official position was riding lieutenant, Pei Guo Chenjun people, this person's surname was Cao Ming Cao Zi Mengde. Yes, this person is Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's father's name was Cao Song, originally surnamed Xiahou, and later adopted as an adopted son by Cao Teng, the zhongchang attendant, so he was surnamed Cao. After Cao Song gave birth to Cao Cao, for the sake of auspiciousness, he gave him a nickname of Ah Qi.

Cao Cao loved to play when he was a child, and he was a little clever. His uncle felt that he would be ruined if he continued to play like this, and often educated him, and there was nothing to report to Cao Cao and his father about Cao Cao. Cao Cao was very upset, and one day he came up with an idea. That day, when his uncle came to visit the door, Cao Cao quickly lay on the ground and pretended to have a stroke, his uncle saw it, and quickly looked for Cao Cao and his father, and Cao Cao hurried over to see what happened to Cao Cao. As a result, when he saw that Cao Cao was not wrong, he asked Cao Cao: "Are you okay, just now your uncle said that you had a stroke lying on the ground." Cao Cao said, "Dad, don't listen to him, I've never had this problem, I guess my uncle didn't like me, he said it blindly." From then on, Uncle Cao Cao beat him again, Cao Song did not listen, and Cao Cao continued to live happily.

Once someone asked Cao Cao: "I heard that you are very nb, now the world is so chaotic, the people live in the depths of the water, can you make the world too peaceful?" Cao Cao took these words to heart. Cao Cao heard that Xu Shao of Runan saw people quite accurately, so he went to visit him and asked, "How do you see me as a person?" Xu Shao did not speak, and asked again, Xu Shao said: "You are a capable person, and you will definitely become a generation of tyrants in the future." Cao Cao was very happy to hear this.

When Cao Cao reached the age of twenty, he was elected as a filial piety and served as a northern guard in Luoyang. This is all a must, who does the grandfather is the middle waiter. After arriving in office, Cao Cao enforced the law strictly, no matter who made a mistake, he could do what he wanted. I guess everyone agrees with this, but to exchange positions, if you become a petty official, the relatives of the senior official make mistakes, and a few people dare to do what Cao Cao does. Cao Cao did this, even if he had meritorious achievements, he rose quickly. Soon after, he was transferred to the Dunqiu Order, and later the Yellow Turban rebellion, and he was promoted to the rank of knight lieutenant. Not to mention that "there are people in the dprk who are good officials" is this truth.

After being promoted to the rank of knight lieutenant, Cao Cao took five thousand horse infantry to Yingchuan to assist, just in time to meet Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao to escape, this is really a coincidence, the defeated soldiers are afraid of the war, and they can't care about how many people Cao Cao has brought, and then run. Cao Cao's five thousand men and horses killed 10,000 enemy troops, and also harvested rich booty, flags, horses, golden drums, and many other things. Under the desperate protection of the Yellow Turban Army, Zhang Liang and Zhang Baocai were able to escape. Cao Cao would also come to the cause, did not rush to chase, first met with Emperor Fusong and Zhu Jun before continuing to chase. To ask Liu Bei what they were doing at this time, well, they were still on their way.

When Liu Bei was about to arrive, he saw the flames soaring into the sky, shouting to kill Zhentian, knowing that this was a fight, hurry up, but it was still too late to lose, and the enemy army had already run. Since he arrived, he had to see Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun, and Liu Bei saw Huang Fusong and told him what Lu Zhi meant. Huang Fusong said, "Zhang Liang and Zhang Bao have lost, they have no place to go, they must have gone to Zhang Jiao, brother, you still have to hurry back." "Liu Bei's heart has ten thousand of those things running, and I have to run back when I arrive." Forget it, go back.

Liu Bei walked to the halfway point, encountered a group of people and horses, pressed a prison cart passing by, took a closer look, and scared Liu Bei almost off the horse, because it was Lu Zhi who was pressed in the prison car.

Liu Bei quickly asked Lu Zhi, "What is the situation?" The change was too sudden to accept. Lu Zhi sighed and said, "Brother, originally with my ability to hit Zhang Jiao is not a problem, who thought that Zhang Jiao would demonize the Law, as a result, I could not attack for a long time, the emperor sent Zuo Feng to understand the situation, Zuo Feng came and hinted that I gave him money, and it was not without my good fruit to eat." Brother, you know me, can I give, I said, 'Lao Tzu doesn't even have the money to buy grain, give you money back, dream!' When the boy went back, he put on my shoes and said that I had deliberately not gone to war, and the military's heart was scattered. The emperor still believes it, so why don't you put it back on me and punish me? Zhang Fei was furious after listening to it, "His mother's, there is no Wang Fa." "When you're done, you're going to hijack the prison car." If Liu Bei liu lao is calm, if he hijacks the prison car, he will not be mixed up in the future, and he will have to endure when he is weak, and boss Liu quickly persuaded Zhang Fei to stop. The prison cart carried Lu Zhi to the capital.

Guan Yu said, "Lu Zhi has already been arrested, and now the leader of the army, we are not familiar with him, I think we should go back to Zhuo County." Liu Bei also meant this. The next day, a group of people were walking on the road, when they suddenly heard a shout of killing behind the mountain, and the three of them rushed to a high place to see what was going on. It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you are shocked to see it. I saw the yellow color that spread over the mountains, which was also mixed with red flags, and the red flags were written with the four big characters of "General Tiangong", which was indeed the army of Zhang Jiao. The Yellow Turban Army chased after him, and Dong Zhuo ran in front. Liu Bei observed the situation for a moment and said, "Well, it's the Yellow Turban Army, hurry up and save people." The three of them rushed out with the people, invincible. The Yellow Turban Army was shocked, from where to rush out such a group of people, still so fierce, first withdraw. The three rescued Dong Zhuo and brought him back to the village, and Dong Zhuo asked Liu Bei what kind of official he was now. Liu Bei said: "There is no position, or the common people." Hearing this, Dong Zhuo's eyes were about to fly into the sky, and he didn't even say a word of thanks.

Liu Bei walked out of the big tent and told Zhang Fei what had happened inside. Zhang Fei was so angry that he was about to slaughter Dong Zhuo with a knife.

It is exactly: human snobbery is ancient and modern, and who knows heroes is white. Andre is as fast as a wing, and does his best to curse the negative people in the world!

This teaches us not to be snobbish, but to understand the Entu newspaper. Who knows who will look like in the future, in today's words, "don't deceive the poor young."