
Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)

author:Fish fresh fish

It is said that autumn is the season of harvest, but there is another song called the fruit of midsummer.

Summer is as hot as fire, the sun shines on the sea, and the splash of light is no worse than the golden wheat waves of the autumn harvest. In the summer sun, on the coastal tidal flats, a variety of seafood is harvested.

I remembered the movie I had seen before, "Summer Concerto", and repeated it three or four times, and I liked the story. The story takes place in Kinmen, across the sea from Xiamen. Male No. 1 A Kuan and male No. 2 sandworms often go to the beach in the summer to dig sandworms, and the sandworms dug can be sold for money, which can also be seen that the sandworms have certain edible and medicinal value.

Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)
Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)

Sandworms are also distributed on the tidal flats of the Xiajin Sea, because they are very sensitive to the growing environment, and once contaminated, they cannot survive, so they are also widely known as "environmental biomarkers".

Mr. Yu briefly introduced the sandworms for everyone.

Commonly known as sandworms

Chinese scientific name Checkered Starworm

The Latin scientific name sipunculus nuduslinne

Also known as sandworms, sand sausages, sand sausage worms, naked star worms, beach sausages

Animal kingdom

Gate Starworm Animal Phylum

Class Starworms

Order Checkered Starworm

Family Astoria

Genus Grecopodium

Species of checkered starworms

Distribution area China Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Taiwan coastal

The shape of the sandworm is very similar to an intestine, it is long-barreled, the body length is about two decimeters, and the body is naked and hairless, the longitudinal muscles of the body wall are bundled, and each ring muscle is staggered to form a square lattice pattern, although the checkered star worm does not have the preciousness of sea cucumbers, shark fins and abalone, but the taste is delicious and crisp, which is beyond the reach of sea cucumbers and shark fins. And because of the increasingly serious marine pollution in recent years, many of the beaches along the beach are no longer suitable for sandworm production, and the number of sandworms has decreased significantly. It is said that things are rare and expensive, and the value and price of sandworms are becoming more and more expensive.

Edible medicinal value of sandworms

【Sexual taste】Sweet, salty, flat sex.

【Therapeutic effect】Quench thirst, lower blood pressure, nourish yin and lower fire, clear the lungs and replenish deficiency. Symptoms such as yin deficiency strain, kidney deficiency and low back pain, bone steaming hot flashes, yin deficiency night sweats, lung deficiency cough and wheezing, chest tightness and phlegm, bedwetting in children (frequent nocturnal urination) and women's postpartum milk scarcity can be treated with sandworm diet. Modern nutrition has also confirmed that sandworms have the effect of lowering blood lipids and destroying the growth of cancer cells. Since the enzymatic lysate of sandworm has the effect of antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-radiation, antiviral, anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, anti-immune, and anti-aging effects, therefore, the modern medicinal research direction of sandworms is mainly in thrombolytic drugs, anticoagulants and anti-aging drugs.

【Habit】Sandworms live in the sandy mud bottom along the beach, drill out at high tide, and lurk in sand and mud holes at low tide, so they are called sandworms. The larvae or adults of the sandworms have no segmentation phenomenon, the muscles are more developed, and they usually eat sand grains for a living, but the body structure is simple, so the sand particles in the intestine are washed away, and the whole worm can be eaten.

Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)

【Introduction】The meat of sandworm is crisp and tender, and the taste is delicious, better than sea cucumber and shark fin soup. Because sea cucumbers and shark fins themselves have no taste, it is necessary to add other ingredients such as chicken or lean meat when cooking, otherwise it will be tasteless. The sandworm has a delicious taste, no need to add other ingredients, has the reputation of "natural monosodium glutamate".

Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)

In addition to the delicious taste, the nutritional value and therapeutic value of sandworms are more than that of sea cucumbers and shark fins, known as "marine cordyceps", and some places replace "cordyceps" for dietary therapy. It is rich in protein, peptide components, 17 kinds of amino acids, of which the essential amino acid content is very high, in addition to containing calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium and other 12 kinds of trace elements and cordycepin with antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-radiation, antiviral, anti-fatigue, anti-cancer, immune regulation, anti-aging effect of nutrients.

Sandworm belongs to the seafood class, not the traditional Chinese medicine class, and sea cucumbers, although it has a high therapeutic value, has medicinal and food dual uses, but it is not specifically used for the treatment of certain diseases, but for daily food supplements. Sea cucumbers are toxic and should not be eaten by children under three years of age, but sandworms are not, and infants, pregnant and young can be eaten. Sandworms are rich in protein, the taste is particularly delicious, can be eaten fresh, can also be dried after eating, has the effect of nourishing the yin and tonifying the kidneys, lowering blood pressure, treating dampness, anti-cancer, drying after frying, frying, stewing, braising, boiling soup, boiling porridge can be.

Sandworms can be made into dried sandworms, which become smaller in size and easy to preserve.

Environmental marker organism in the Xiajin Sea - sandworm (checkered star worm)