
Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

author:Zheng's eyes look at education

In the air, it takes 2.94 seconds for the sound to reach 1 km away. In the content chain of live broadcasting, as the final end of the chain and also a key link, the "1 km" of the live broadcast screen from the anchor end to the audience end is often longer. If a conversation takes 3 seconds faster to hear the other person's voice, it must be difficult to satisfy, and the same is true for a live broadcast.

On June 2, the launch of Polyway's new generation of delay-free live broadcast products was held in Beijing as scheduled, and for the first time, the form of online + offline integration of OMO was adopted, and the linkage between Beijing and Guangzhou was carried out through Polyway Ultra HD lagless live broadcast, and PRTC was fully released to the public without delay. Through technology and product innovation, Polyway has reduced the delay of 3 to 20 seconds of traditional live broadcasting to 0.4 seconds, opened up the last kilometer of live broadcasting, and realized an interactive experience that is almost consistent with offline face-to-face communication.

In the current Internet, live broadcasting has basically become a standard, education, office, e-commerce, games... Almost every industry is combining different services with live streaming. The reason is that both businesses and users understand that after the real-time interaction of text and audio, an online face-to-face real-time communication is more real, more efficient, and more fascinating.

Liang Yingwei, vice president of polytechnic technology, also said at the press conference: "Interaction is always the biggest charm of the Internet." However, at present, there are still key problems such as high latency and weak interaction in live broadcasting.

This is also why Polyway has developed a delay-free live broadcast.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

Redefine live streaming

The wave of enterprise digital transformation has promoted the upgrading of live broadcast demand

"The essence of the Internet is Inter+net," Xie Xiaofang, founder and CEO of Polyway, said at the press conference.

Since 2020, all industries have undergone tremendous changes, and a large number of offline-based enterprises have poured into online live broadcasting. Live broadcasting has also evolved from "pan-entertainment" in the eyes of the public to the backbone of promoting the operation of society, becoming the best choice for enterprises to expand their digital transformation capabilities. In the process of in-depth digital transformation, enterprises are also demanding better live broadcasts.

But the existing live broadcast technology is not enough. Especially in terms of interaction delay, it is always unsatisfactory, and the traditional delay of 3 to 20 seconds greatly limits the interactive experience of live broadcasting. Xie Xiaofang believes that if the delay is more than 1 second, the user can very obviously perceive the existence of the delay, and only if the delay is pushed to 0.6 seconds, the vast majority of people will be satisfied. To achieve the communication experience of offline face-to-face chat, the live broadcast delay must be reduced to less than 0.4 seconds.

The emergence of PRTC's non-delay live broadcast can be said to have come into being. Through technological and product innovation, Polyway PRTC non-delay live broadcast developed based on WebRTC completely opens up the "last mile" of live broadcast experience, reduces the live broadcast delay to 0.4 seconds, realizes offline face-to-face real-time interactive experience, and solves the problem of delayed interaction that plagues enterprises.

Xie Xiaofang further said that the future of the true Internet means the integration of online and offline, the future door of the virtual world and the real world has been opened, and Polyway hopes to help enterprises achieve a more realistic experience through delay-free live broadcasting, so as to obtain the development dividend in this wave of Internet upgrading.

Polyway upgraded the live broadcast without delay

Teaching, marketing multi-scenario coverage, SaaS to PaaS full support

In 2018, the Polyway team conducted internal discussions on the new generation of live broadcast technology, and by 2019, the development of lag-free live broadcasting was officially launched. When the epidemic struck in 2020, while resisting more than 20 times the user growth, polyway's technical team worked hard and successfully launched a delay-free live broadcast. More than 1,000 enterprise users have carried out multi-scenario and stable live broadcast applications through delay-free live broadcasting.

At the press conference, Liang Yingwei told us that the delay-free live broadcast has now covered a variety of scenarios for education and enterprises, and supports video cloud products at all levels from SaaS to PaaS.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

At the SaaS layer, latency-free live broadcasting has covered scenarios such as training, marketing and seminars for enterprise live broadcasting, as well as large class classes, double-teacher classes and small class classes covering education live broadcasting.

At the PaaS layer, according to the different access needs of customers, Polyway provides pre-assembled SDKs and access codes according to different live broadcast scenarios, and implements the generalization of component platforms at the bottom level.

These different levels of video cloud products have fully supported the lag-free live broadcast technology, all of which are supported by the underlying technical architecture of Polyway PRTC.

At the same time, in Liang Yingwei's view, Polyway's delayless live broadcast will effectively solve the 4 core problems of enterprise live broadcast applications:

1) Low latency and Ultra HD

Ordinary live broadcasting has been difficult to meet the needs of enterprises, the 3 to 20 second delay of traditional live broadcasting is almost impossible to interact in real time, and the user's demand for high definition is also getting higher and higher, 1080P video has become a norm. Only by opening up the last mile of live broadcasting, reducing the delay to less than 0.4 seconds, and improving the clarity to 1080P or even higher, can the live broadcast be closer to the experience of the real scene.

2) High concurrency and wide area

Limited by the single-room concurrency limit, the live broadcast without delay is only limited to small class classes and other scenarios. However, as large-scale traffic scenarios such as live broadcasts of large classes and live broadcasts with goods play an increasingly important role in enterprise operations, the high concurrency demand of enterprises for delayless live broadcasting is becoming stronger and stronger. At the same time, through the integration nodes all over the world, enterprises can achieve global initiation and global viewing to ensure the availability of overseas business.

3) Low threshold and low cost

The lower access threshold means that enterprises can upgrade from standard live broadcast to lag-free live broadcast in just one step. Through Polyway PRTC technology, enterprises only need to pay one-half the cost of ordinary RTCs to achieve a latency-free experience and high concurrent interactive live broadcasting, which is far better than other solutions.

4) The whole terminal is easy to use

Polyway's delay-free live broadcast takes into account a variety of terminals, including support for mobile browsers and WeChat web video connections, no need to install apps or plug-ins, users can achieve one-click viewing, interaction, to avoid cumbersome operation processes to dissuade users.

Liang Yingwei further said that Polyway's delayless live broadcast will be the first industrial application to give full play to the advantages of 5G, and the architecture design of delayless live broadcasting is highly similar to the 5G architecture.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

Figure/Left: No delay live broadcast architecture diagram, Right: 5G architecture diagram

Specifically, due to the high-capacity and low-latency characteristics of 5G networks, operators need to sink a large number of traditional core network capabilities to network edge nodes, so operators will establish a large number of edge nodes to serve users nearby.

Latency-free live broadcasting is also a high-capacity, low-latency application, which can maximize the advantages of 5G networks; and the design idea of the control surface and data surface separation (CUPS) of delayless live broadcasting products makes the service nodes without delay-free live broadcasting sink to the edge node resources of the 5G network and integrate with them, thereby improving the overall service quality.

The combination of the two believes that lag-free live broadcasting will truly become a "5G native" heavyweight enterprise application.

Benefit the entire industry with no delay in live streaming

The industry's first live-streaming white paper was released and a new lighthouse was lit

Dong Xinyu, product director of Polyway, said that in the past period, many customers have begun to use lag-free live broadcasting. In the absence of promotion, the average monthly organic growth of live broadcasting without delay is more than 50%, and compared with ordinary live broadcasting, non-delayed live broadcasting has greatly improved the dwell time, interaction volume and sales conversion of live broadcasting.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

Zooming in to the entire industry, Zhou Xin, vice president of Polyway, said that the current user scale and usage rate of live broadcasting are increasing year by year, and live broadcasting without delay can not only effectively improve the business conversion efficiency of enterprises, but also have greater enterprise application value and prospects. The combined effect brought by no delay + VR/AR + 5G will burst out of great potential in the future, which is expected to open up a new imagination space for Internet audiovisual.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile

In addition, Zhou Xin also released the industry's first delayless live broadcast white paper - "2021 Delayless Live Broadcast Application Development White Paper" on behalf of Polyway, starting from application scenarios and typical cases, analyzing the growth potential of delayless live broadcasting to the industry from a diversified perspective, and providing a value reference for enterprise layout and application of delay-free live broadcasting.

At the end of the press conference, under the joint witness of 50 professional media such as 36Kr, Tiger Sniff, Sina Education, NetEase News, Securities Daily, and First Finance, Bai Jian, president of Polyway, Zeng Xianyong, deputy editor-in-chief of Tianji Network, Zheng Kai, editor-in-chief of positive energy in science and technology, Li Chao, executive director of iResearch Consulting Research Institute, Shi Zhong, founder of Shallow Black Technology, Cao Tianpeng, editor-in-chief of Titanium Media, and Dong Xinyu of Polyway, jointly completed the lighthouse launching ceremony, and the lighthouse on the scene was lit up, and a new lighthouse was also lit:

Polyway announced the launch of the lag-free live broadcast lighthouse plan, for Polyway's 200,000 old users, maintaining the same way as the original live broadcast fee, all upgraded to delay-free live broadcast.

In addition, Polyway will create a "lag-free live broadcast benchmarking case" for 25 leading enterprise customers in the five major industries of education, finance, medical care, automobile and real estate, and improve the interaction rate and conversion rate of enterprise live broadcast. The Polyway professional live broadcast SOP and innovative application methods will be used to create a live broadcast lighthouse enterprise in various industries, including:

l Provide 1 million live broadcast minutes without delay;

Provide industry-specific solutions and scenario SOPs. Customize exclusive programs for enterprises, and jointly explore and innovate personalized live broadcast solutions that meet the needs of enterprises and industries;

l Provide practical courses on talent training of [Enterprise Live BroadcastIng Operation Officer] to help enterprises cultivate live broadcast operation talents.

In addition, polyway experts will provide live broadcast think tanks and consulting services for 1,000 benchmarking enterprises. Help 1,000 benchmarking enterprises lead the new paradigm of digital learning and marketing growth, and create a corporate live broadcast growth system and scenario matrix.

Put customer value first

50+ authoritative media jointly recommended, industry experts praised

"When the gap between the entire online and offline experience and effect is flattened by the lag-free live broadcast," Mei Chujiu, founder & editor-in-chief of Wasabi Heap, believes, "This is a commercial success, but also the best service for every customer and every user."

A large number of media and institutions have given full affirmation to Polyway's delay-free live broadcast.

Long Yixi, COO of the online education information network, believes that this change in delivery methods will bring about great changes in the industry, and the online information transmission is no longer one-way and delayed, but real-time and interactive, which will allow more scenarios to meet the conditions of digital transformation, such as multi-party consultation of medical care, enrollment classes of education, real-time dissolution of finance, digital government affairs of the government and the combination with IoT.

In the view of Pei Yu, the person in charge of Future Star, the delay-free live broadcast almost creates an offline face-to-face perception, and the interaction between teachers and students, students and students can be more timely and more real.

In the past 8 years, Polyway has served more than 180,000 leading enterprises and institutions in various fields, providing enterprises with training, brand marketing, digital exhibitions, online education and many other scene live broadcasts, helping customers build competitive advantages, and at the same time actively thinking about how to use better live broadcast technology and products to continue to help customers create good live broadcasts.

Behind these efforts is Polyway's in-depth insight into the industry and continuous pursuit of technology, but it is polyway that has always adhered to the corporate philosophy of putting customer value first.

Polyway's new product launch without delay pulls reality into the live broadcast and opens up the last mile