
How does the smell of old age come about?

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

Everyone has a smell on their body, and the body odor is different, most of these smells are shampoo, shower gel smell. There are also some women's smells, most of which are cosmetics and perfumes.

How does the smell of old age come about?

Most young people, the smell of the body is relatively good, and the elderly are the opposite, most of the elderly will be old age odor, this smell is more pungent, not very good smell, which caused many people to be reluctant to contact with the elderly. So why are elderly people prone to old age? How to remove? Let's take a look.

How does the smell of old age come about?

Elderly people, the appearance of old age on the body is normal, mainly because of aging, the various functions in the body will be degraded, and the ability of the stomach and intestines will decrease. If you usually consume too much food, you will not be able to digest it in time in the body.

How does the smell of old age come about?

Food accumulates in the body, it is easy to ferment, and then there will be odors that appear and are emitted through the mouth. In addition, the mouth will have problems due to aging, so that the odor will increase, and over time, the smell on the body will be larger.

If these odors are abnormal, such as the taste of rotten apples, we must be vigilant against diabetes problems, which may be abnormal blood sugar in the body, beware of ketoacidosis, and the damage to the body is large.

If the odor on the elderly is the smell of urine, you need to be careful of the kidneys, pay attention to uremia, kidney failure, the kidney is the place where urine is formed, when the ability of the kidneys is reduced, so that the urine is abnormal, so that the smell of urine on the body is aggravated, which is also a reminder to pay attention to the maintenance of the body.

How does the smell of old age come about?

The smell of the elderly, and the living habits are also related, why the young people do not, is because the young people pay attention to hygiene, and the elderly, most of them do not care about these, you will find that in the four seasons of the year, the elderly only in the summer, the smell will be less, this is because the summer bathing more, the odor naturally subsides.

In other seasons, many elderly people do not bathe much, especially those who live alone, and they will not pay attention to this problem. In fact, they themselves can't smell the smell, on the one hand, because they don't know the smell for a long time, on the other hand, because of aging, the sense of smell is reduced, so they don't care about the smell on the body.

How does the smell of old age come about?

And those who live with their children are basically clean, and there is very little odor on their bodies. Therefore, if you want to eliminate the odor of old age on your body, you must pay attention to bathing frequently, changing clothes frequently, and reducing the appearance of odors.

If you want to be old and tasteless, what do you need to pay attention to?

The cleaning of the smell of the elderly, in addition to the hygiene habits to do a good job, there is the conditioning of the body, drink more water every day, water is the best scrubber of the body, drink more water, help clean the intestines, moisten the intestines, the waste in the body is discharged in time, reduce the accumulation of garbage and toxins, it is not easy to smell.

How does the smell of old age come about?

Also need to pay attention to the improvement of body immunity, in a young age, you should pay attention to the maintenance of the body, do not smoke, drink, pay attention to the rules of diet, too heavy taste of food do not eat, maintain adequate sleep, more exercise, body immunity to improve, not easy to get sick, all parts of the operation smoothly, the probability of the appearance of old people's odor will also be reduced, so that you are old and tasteless.

Old age odor is a common phenomenon, but not everyone will appear, this is still to see how everyone does, if you want to be old and tasteless, when you are young, you should do a good job of body maintenance, personal hygiene, home hygiene should also be maintained.

How does the smell of old age come about?

At the same time, it is also a reminder to young people to pay more attention to the elderly, communicate with them more often, and solve problems in time, which is helpful for removing the odor of the elderly. The elderly should also pay attention to the adjustment of mentality, physical stability, and the smell of old age will disappear.