
Do you know? In the Song Dynasty, Xiuning had a teacher, Chen Que

author:Huangshan Net
Do you know? In the Song Dynasty, Xiuning had a teacher, Chen Que

Chen Que, Zi Shou Weng, Xiuning Chen Village people. The ancient name of Chen Village is Tengxi, and the Surname Chen is a large surname, known as The Chen clan of Tengxi. Chen Que was born in the twelfth year of the reign of Emperor Lizong of Song (1252) and died in the second year of Emperor Yuanhuizong's reign (1334), at the age of eighty-three. In his later years, the old man of Dongfu, because of the name of the church "Dingyu", everyone was called Mr. Dingyu.

The "Yuan Shi Confucianism I" says: "Chen Que, a native of Xiuning, Anhui Province, after the fall of the Song Dynasty, concentrated on the study of Confucian classics, Yan Youchu reopened the imperial examination, Chen Que had no intention of taking the examination, but the relevant officials forced him to participate, but the township examination was selected, he no longer participated in the examination of the Ministry of Rites, received apprentices at home to teach, and did not leave home for decades." ”

The change of dynasties has always been a test for the literati. Bo Yi and Shu Qi, shame on Zhou Su, Ning was starved to death in the Shouyang Mountains; Fang Xiaoru, who swore not to die for Zhu Di, was condemned to kill the Ten Tribes; Wen Tianxiang, who did not drop the Yuan when he died, was also famous in history and ancient times. Chen Que was a rural teacher, and of course he could not compare with them. It is recorded in the annals of history, but it is disdainful of participating in the new imperial examination. This kind of action, which is considered to be the discipline of the literati, became a typical example when later generations wrote the History of the Yuan.

I thought that this might just be a side note for posterity. Because after the death of the Song Dynasty, scientific expeditions were stopped. Yan you reopened the imperial examination thirty-six seven years after the Yuan Dynasty, at this time Chen Que was already sixty-three or four years old, and it should be an ordinary person's move to have no intention of conducting scientific research at this age. It doesn't match what "discipline" is also out of step with the wind and cattle. In fact, some sources say that after Chen Que mobilized to participate in the Zhejiang township examination (Xiuning was subordinate to Zhejiang) after you were mobilized, he was "ill and could not reach the test." This should be an objective reason, of course, Chen Que's subjective unintentional scientific expedition is not false.

The reason why Chen Que is in history is actually his reputation. Later generations, Zhu Sheng and Chen Que were regarded as important representatives of the New Antherologists in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. But few people know that Chen Que is 47 years older than Zhu Sheng, and he is also Zhu Sheng's teacher. Zhu Shengzhi is famous because he gave those nine words to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Chen Que's merits were first of all "not leaving home for decades" and "receiving apprentices to teach." Imagine how many peach and plum he has in the world, and how many outstanding people like Zhu Sheng are among the peach and plum. Not to tu shitu, a lifetime of governance, Mr. Chen Lao can be an education of a big person also. I have been to Chen Village, which is an extremely beautiful and idyllic and quiet small village, with neat houses and smooth roads. The water at the mouth of the village has formed a large deep pool with a very wide water surface, and every morning there are always a few fish paddling in it, stirring up a series of ripples on the dark green pool water. Today, when I recall these pictures again, there seems to be an extra scene in front of my eyes: above a hall with a plaque of "Dingyu Hall", some students dressed in wide robes and long sleeves who are sitting precariously are listening to an old gentleman's teaching, and the old gentleman said eloquently, and the disciples listened to it, and this scene was fixed on Chen Cun for decades.

Do you know? In the Song Dynasty, Xiuning had a teacher, Chen Que

However, Chen Que is not only an educator, in addition to educating students, Chen Que is also "generally dedicated to the study of saints" and "through the ancient and modern". In addition to teaching, Chen Que devoted himself to research and wrote a lot of works in his lifetime. Chen Que's works were included in as many as five of the Siku Quanshu. In addition, Chen Que also wrote a "Chronicle of the Xin'an Family". Therefore, Chen Que is also a scholar, a writer, and a master of science.

Before liberation, there was a small pavilion next to the road leading to Xiaying in Chen Village, and there was a plaque in the pavilion entitled "Dongfu Liufang". This was obviously built in honor of Chen Oak. In a shrine on Mount Mane, there was also a long-term offering of Mr. Dingyu's spiritual seat for people to burn incense. (Author: Zhong Haijun)

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