
The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

author:Uncle Kazan Vasha

Medvedev, the former president of the Russian Federation, his political career has always been inseparable from one name, that is, Putin. Medvedev is a member of the "Petersburg Gang" and has reached the peak of power, but there is always a big mountain around him, and he automatically resigned as prime minister in 2020, which also symbolizes that his relationship with Putin is getting farther and farther. Now I am just hanging up the post of vice chairman of the Federal Security Council, and maybe this is the political career of this lifetime.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

Although the political career can not be broken, but fortunately Comrade Xiaomei has a perfect love, the fairy love between Medvedev and his wife, "when I first fell in love, I knew I wanted to marry you", and his wife Svetrana was married for many years, and the two had only one son, born on August 3, 1995, Ilya Medvedev (Илья Медведев).

At this time, Medvedev was still teaching at St. Petersburg State University, and after the birth of his son, he also served as an adviser to Sobchak, chairman of the Municipal People's Congress. During those years in St. Petersburg, Medvedev had already owned some properties, and his purse began to bulge.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

In 1999, the Medvedev family moved to Moscow, and at the age of 7, Ilya entered the Capital Gymnasium to study, and from an early age under the cultivation of his mother, Ilya was very fond of sports.

He was adept at soccer, swimming, and fencing, and enjoyed learning foreign languages, as well as developing a keen interest in precision science. During school, Ilya was very low-key, hardly appearing in any media cameras, and there were also special people to protect her.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

An interesting thing happened to Ilya in 2007, he rescued a girl from a robber on the street, and it turned out that people were actually making a movie, and Ilya's behavior was recorded, and it was made into a short film called "Hero".

As a result, the second video, directly using Ilya as the protagonist, is called "Shoot Me", the content of the film is that a boy wants to make a movie, but appears on the shooting scene at an inappropriate time and humiliates the director.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

In fact, during the filming process, the producer already knew the identity of Ilya, the prime minister's son, and this publicity effect did not need to be used in vain, but these things were reported in 2012 after a few years.

After graduating from high school, when it was time to go to college, Ilya chose three universities, Moscow State University, Saint Petersburg State University and Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and finally he decided to follow the path his father had followed.

He studied law at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He also continued to study foreign languages, English, French and Italian. During his time at school, Ilya studied seriously, and as a child of the leader, there was no bad news coming out.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

But it is human nature to hunt for curiosity, especially for celebrities. In 2015, a reporter took a photo of Ilya dating his girlfriend, and in the garden of his girlfriend's company, a guard accompanied him at the time protected the safety of Young Master Mei.

However, a 20-year-old boy is normal to fall in love. In 2016, when Ilya was preparing to graduate, the teacher forced them to go to the library to study in order to keep them in good shape, and it was during that time that Ilya read about international law, Russian and foreign financial and labor laws, russian homestay litigation procedures, foreign civil and commercial law, and so on.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

Ilya's graduation thesis was about Russian and British joint-stock companies and their laws and regulations, and the kung fu paid off, Ilya graduated with excellent grades, and during his time at the school Ilya was known as one of the best 30 students.

While attending school, Ilya interned at a law firm in Russia, where he planned to build his own technology project in the future, working in his own country, and he always insisted that he was so patriotic that it made no sense to go abroad for education.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

In addition to the aforementioned love of sports, Ilia also likes Japanese anime and rock, he likes the Beatles, Lincoln Park, etc., Ilya does not live with his parents, he is also very busy every day. Except for the New Year, the time to talk to my father every day is no more than 15 minutes, and even on Victory Day, I can only talk to my parents through video.

In the fall of 2019, the media began to report on Ilya and his girlfriend, and after several years of dating, it seems that the relationship between the two is very stable, and the girl is called Yana Gregory Young, an Armenian, and they participate in the music festival together.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

For Yana, the media did not dig out any valuable information, only that this was a civilian girl, studying hard at school, and the photos on social media were very ordinary, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

I don't know those rich and powerful people, so Ilya is looking for an ordinary girl, and there is no rich lady who is an official or a businessman, and there are rumors that the two are ready to get married.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

In 2019, actor Stanislav Sadarsky said Ilya was granted U.S. citizenship. Said in the United States, Ilya has his own business, he opened a café, and there is also a large website.

In a previous interview, Ilya said that he planned to study at the University of Massachusetts in the future, combined with the fact that he had studied English very hard since he was a child and had traveled to the United States many times, so he was most likely a U.S. citizen.

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

However, according to official information, Ilya lives in Moscow, and whether it is true or not can only be judged by himself.

In a previous interview with Medvedev, he also said: "Now Ilya has his own business, and he enjoys the joy of work. I supported him in his private business. ”

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

Russian-American relations have always been like this, openly opposed, but in fact, rich and powerful people in Russia also like to get their children and assets to the United States, for them, the United States is like heaven.

China has had a saying since ancient times, "flies do not bite seamless eggs", if nothing happens, how can others wronged you for no reason, so I would like to believe that Ilya has changed from a Russian to an "American".

The only son of Medvedev, he insisted he was patriotic, but was rumored to be an American citizen

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