
Mr. Express everyone pretends that nothing will not let go of the seat Lin Shuyu ting in July with tears in his stomach

author:William's Kasumi

Yes Entertainment News Center

Yes entertainment

2015-04-11 11:26


Mr. Express everyone pretends that nothing will not let go of the seat Lin Shuyu ting in July with tears in his stomach

Actress Lin Shuyu registered marriage with her boyfriend Wu Zepu outside the circle at the beginning of the year, a few days ago, a pregnant woman gave up a storm, and she was 7 months pregnant to take the MRT and no one paid attention, Facebook posted on the 10th: "When everyone looks at my stomach and pretends to be okay, when they look away!" I really had tears in my eyes."

She said that she has a big belly, usually no one gives up her seat on the MRT, but based on her physical condition ok don't want to be too calculating. Only yesterday (10th) morning she had a headache and wanted to vomit, taking the shaky MRT was even more uncomfortable, and after a while she still did not see the people giving way, she admitted to bursting into tears and shouting: "I want to tell everyone if I can!" Pay more attention to the people around you who need your help! Of course not just pregnant women! It's all the people who need you and me to care about giving!"

Lin Shu's post resonated, and a number of pregnant netizens left messages saying that they encountered the same situation and suggested that she ask for a good pregnancy badge from the MRT station, indicating that there are still many kind people in Taiwan. At the same time, some people think that she should take care of herself first, don't pay too much attention to the indifferent people who have no sense of morality, and if she is really uncomfortable, she can get off the car and rest first.

(Source: nownews)

Mr. Express everyone pretends that nothing will not let go of the seat Lin Shuyu ting in July with tears in his stomach

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