
He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

author:Big and inappropriate

Zhang Jingxuan everyone should be familiar with, the strength of the Chinese music genre singing will, with Chen Yixun, Gu Juji and said that Hong Kong's Middle-aged generation of the three singing will.

Zhang Jingxuan was also invited to participate in "I Am a Singer" in 2017 because of his outstanding singing skills.

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

However, "I am a singer" tour after all failed to make it, because some netizens picked out his past release a lot of inappropriate remarks, so the whole network to block.

Originally people in the car results and returned to the original road, in the past 3 years only active in Hong Kong, did not step up to the Mainland.

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

The so-called "East does not light the west bright", Zhang Jingxuan mainland performing arts career was cut off the road, but in Hong Kong's popularity skyrocketed.

Zhang Jingxuan is very popular in Hong Kong, the concert opened more than 10 games is no problem.

However, today's turn came, Zhang Jingxuan was scolded by the people of Hong Kong!

The reason is that during the outbreak he insisted on a concert, fans how not to listen, but also added!

Originally scheduled for 5 games, Zhang Jingxuan added 8 games!

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

We all know that the outbreak in Hong Kong in the past 10 days, 20 to 26 in just 7 days confirmed the number of people as high as 456 people, of which the number of local infections is 408 people!

The number of single-day diagnoses surged to 84 on 28 November, of whom 80 were infected.

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

In this case, others are afraid to open a concert, even large parties are afraid to engage in, for fear that the outbreak can not be controlled.

Results Zhang Jingxuan "head iron", others do not open him!

Zhang Jingxuan has reason to say that it was set last year to open, dragged to this year, no longer open the Red Hall there is not good to postpone.

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

What's the result?

On November 29th, today, the Hong Kong Outbreak Daily came out - 114 cases were confirmed in one day!

It's a new high!

Hong Kong people are completely angry, angry Zhang Jingxuan has no sense of social responsibility, only know the opening of concert ring money regardless of the development of the epidemic!

Some even say the surge in confirmed numbers has something to do with his concert!

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

After the news came to light, netizens called good, shouting "live it"!

He was banned by the whole network for inappropriate remarks, and now he has been scolded by Hong Kong people, netizens: deserved

Some play art, play can not distinguish the priorities, I do not know how to do.