
Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money


I don't know when to start, fava bean jun used to pay attention to some bloggers one day suddenly began to forward the video of Mina dancing, whether it is a man or a woman like to watch her dance, fava bean Jun always feels very magical, men look at Mina's body we all understand, are men, the girl looks at Mina for what, is also a hungry body, fava bean Jun glanced at it, are saying that she is very cute, and even a female netizen because of Mina's birthday, wrote her a long list of blessings, this year, boys and girls like the same female anchor, It's not common.

Of course, Mina has recently risen a lot of female fans, which is also her own efforts to get, in terms of dance ability, Mina is definitely the top, some netizens have praised watching Mina dance, just like the Korean girl group retired, two words: professional.

Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money

Not only dance, Mina has recently begun to develop her abilities in other fields, in a vain attempt to turn herself into an all-rounder, the easiest and most effective way to look is singing.

This year, the singing female anchor learns to dance, the dancing female anchor learns to sing, multiple skills are a little more attractive, see here, Fava Bean Jun looked at themselves, mother, Fava Bean Jun is indeed not as hard as these female anchors, the problem is found, after work Fava Bean Jun to learn to dance!

Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money

However, recently Mina said on the live broadcast that she was cheated on learning to sing, which is a bit interesting, what is going on.

At that time, Mina said that she wanted to show everyone the results of her own learning to sing, and immediately came a "rewind", the overall difficulty of this song is not high, but Mina opened her throat, and the water friends were directly numb, which is the result of the class? Many water friends wonder if Mina was fooled by the teacher, this level is honestly speaking, not as good as the KTV scene of Fava Bean Jun.

Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money

Speaking of this, Mina said that she was really fooled, when she went to learn to sing, the teacher said that her voice was special, and she also had to recommend it to the crew of the good voice, and now she would call.

This ton of praise, to Mina blow a little can not find the north, people like to listen to good words, this directly from what will not be done to a good voice, of course, there is a little drift, and then the ghost made the god sent money, a total of 3, 4 thousand.

After Mina paid the money, the more she learned, the more wrong she felt: "I thought my voice was really special, I thought it was true, now that I see it clearly, it's good that I can find a boyfriend in my voice, so many people like me, do they like my voice, they want me to shut up." 」 ”

Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money

Don't understand it, ask, is it now popular to wear a top hat and then trick students into paying money, but such an unreliable flicker, there are really people who believe that it is the most annoying.

Fava Bean Jun suddenly remembered that Sue, who was also a female dance anchor before, had also been deceived in this way, that was even more powerful, she claimed that she was going to participate in the "Creation Camp", and by the way, she stopped broadcasting, and then waited for the big list to come down, there was indeed a female anchor of fighting fish, but not her, and then she explained that she was deceived, and during that time she practiced dancing every day, recorded songs, and ended up working hard to be lonely.

Voice unique recommended to participate in good voice? Dance female anchor Mina revealed that she learned to sing and was cheated by the teacher for money

It seems that the most important thing for people is to have self-knowledge, to find out their own strength and positioning, otherwise it is easy to be fooled, losing money is small, losing reputation is big!

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