
Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

On November 5, 2021, party and state leaders Xi Jinping, Wang Huning, Han Zheng, and others met with representatives of the National Emergency Management System Advanced Models and Fire Loyal Defender Commendation Conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

On the morning of November 5, General Secretary Xi Jinping cordially met with the representatives of the National Emergency Management System Advanced Models and Fire Loyal Defender Commendation Conference in Beijing, expressed warm congratulations to them, and extended sincere greetings to the cadres and fire rescue commanders and fighters of the National Emergency Management System.

The emergency management department is a department personally planned and promoted by General Secretary Xi Jinping, and the national comprehensive fire rescue team is a team personally awarded and created by General Secretary Xi Jinping. In the past three years, the general secretary has presided over many meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, the collective study of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee, and the meetings of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, etc., to study emergency management work on special topics, personally decide on major issues in the reform and transformation of the contingent, and lead the cause of emergency management in the new era to forge ahead and make great strides forward.

CCTV network "Simulcast +" specially combed General Secretary Xi Jinping's sincere message to the majority of cadres and fire rescue commanders and fighters in the emergency management system and the results achieved in the construction of the emergency rescue team in recent years, learn with you, and pay tribute to the majority of emergency rescue guards.

Loyal defenders of the Party and the people!

Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

On November 9, 2018, the flag awarding ceremony of the national comprehensive fire rescue team was held in the Great Hall of the People. General Secretary Xi Jinping presented the flag to the national comprehensive fire rescue team and delivered a speech.

The national fire rescue team should be loyal to the party, strictly disciplined, go to the soup and fight the fire, wholeheartedly serve the people, charge forward when the people need it most, save the people from water and fire, help the people in danger, give strength to the people, and fight heroically to safeguard the safety of the people's lives and property.

——On November 9, 2018, the flag was presented to the national comprehensive fire rescue team and a speech was delivered

For a long time, the fire brigade, as the closest and most closely linked team to the people, will come out when the police are out, and they will move when they hear the police, and fight in the places where the people need it most, especially in the face of major disasters and accidents. After the reform and transformation, as the main force of emergency rescue and the national team, you have undertaken the important responsibility of preventing and resolving major safety risks and responding to and handling various types of disasters and accidents, and the party and the people have high hopes for you.

It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the contingent of emergency rescue teams and build an emergency rescue contingent with both specialized and regular skills, sensitive response, excellent work style, and strong skills. It is necessary to adopt various measures to strengthen the construction of the state's comprehensive rescue force, and adopt methods such as combining with local professional teams and volunteer teams and establishing mechanisms for joint training and rescue cooperation to give full play to the role of forces in all aspects. It is necessary to strengthen the building of the combat strength of the emergency rescue team, pay close attention to making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and improve the rescue capability of all kinds of disasters and accidents.

——Speech at the 19th Collective Study of the 19th Politburo of the 19th Central Committee on November 29, 2019

The emergency management department is on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and may face extreme situations and life and death tests at any time. All commanders and fighters of the emergency rescue team must be loyal to the party, strictly disciplined, go to the soup and fight the fire, and serve the people wholeheartedly, so as to become a trusted force of the party and the people. Emergency management has the characteristics of high load, high pressure and high risk, the emergency rescue team has a lot of dedication and sacrifice, and all parties should care about and support this team and enhance the sense of professional honor and attractiveness.

A little more news

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

On October 28, 2021, the firefighters who participated in the final of the first National Fire Industry Vocational Skills Competition were in the competition.

Nowadays, the national comprehensive fire rescue team has accelerated the transformation and upgrading, more than 3,000 professional teams such as water, mountains, earthquakes, and air service have been newly formed, and the "10+2" forest fire comprehensive emergency rescue fist force has been built; all kinds of emergency rescue professional forces are also growing, and nearly 100 national emergency rescue teams such as earthquakes, mines, hazardous chemicals, and aviation rescue have been built, and more than 20,000 people have been developed, and more than 620,000 social emergency rescue forces have been developed. Initially build an emergency rescue force system with Chinese characteristics, with the national comprehensive fire rescue team as the main force, the professional rescue team as the coordination, the military emergency force as the surprise attack, and the social force as the auxiliary.

Win the people's war, the overall war and the obstruction war of epidemic prevention and control

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

Firefighters perform disinfection operations at the terminal on April 3, 2020.

Transfer, washing, water, medicine, emergency, duty... The figure of emergency management personnel can be seen everywhere; "online approval", "tolerance acceptance", "front service", etc., have become high-frequency words for emergency management work in 2020. In the list of national commendations for fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic, 14 individuals, 3 collectives and 2 Communist Party members of the emergency management system are listed among them.

People first, life first In the face of the flood, all people are united in the face of the flood

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

On July 19, 2020, in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, the fire commanders and fighters of the Hubei Fire Rescue Corps who aided Gansu sent home the middle school students who had finished the exam.

According to statistics, during the main flood season in 2020, the national comprehensive fire rescue team participated in more than 20,000 flood rescues and rescues, and rescued and evacuated more than 210,000 trapped people. The national safety production emergency rescue team dispatched more than 30,000 passengers and 130 aviation rescue helicopter flights.

Implement the new development concept to promote high-quality development

Simulcast + | loyal defender of the party and the people! Xi Jinping has high hopes for this team

On December 10, 2020, the staff of the Emergency Management Bureau of Jiangling County, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, inspected the operation of the equipment at Hubei Huadian Jiangling Power Generation Co., Ltd.

In 2020, in the prevention and control of the epidemic and the resumption of work and production, emergency management departments at all levels and fire rescue teams organized more than 85,000 safety guidance groups to carry out "point-to-point" safety guidance services for epidemic-related sites and various production and business units, and to investigate more than 3 million hidden dangers of rectification problems.


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