
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

author:Idler Movie

What kind of country is Mexico?

America's back garden, a drug haven, a hell of a gap between rich and poor, or a society where civilization is difficult to reach?

These are all Mexico, but the real Mexico is much more than that, and the movie "New Order" exposes a riotous and disorderly Mexico.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

The New Order is a dystopian setting.

The system is useless, the people are in hot water, the society is chaotic, except for the heroine and a mother and son, the rest of the whole staff is evil.

The poor and the rich are like a wall, the inside of the wall is singing and dancing, laughing and laughing, and the outside of the wall is full of flesh and blood, mourning is everywhere, only one wall is separated, but it becomes two worlds.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Marianne, the daughter of a wealthy family, is hosting her own wedding at home.

Celebrities and dignitaries came one after another to attend this grand wedding, and the local justices were still their witnesses.

With the joy of a couple of newcomers, the guests swallowed the clouds and danced, looking like a quiet time, but the appearance of a person broke this beauty.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

This man's name was Rolando, and he was the former servant of their family.

His wife was seriously ill, and the public hospital was crowded with people injured by the riot, and he had to go to a private hospital to undergo surgery immediately and save his wife's life.

However, the operation required a lot of money, and Rolando could not afford to pay for it, so he was forced to come to Marian's house to borrow money.

However, instead of borrowing money, Rolando was chased by Marianne's mother and verbally insulted by her brother, who was not accustomed to their behavior and asked the driver to take her to give Rolando life-saving money.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Marianne had just left the door on her front foot when the poor people who were rioting outside turned in.

The rich people were first shocked, and then they scolded, but what they did not expect was that the poor people did not listen to their reprimands, but instead raised their guns and shot the rich man with many mouths.

For a time, all the servants of Marianne's house turned against the water, looted all the valuable things on the rich people, and what could not be taken away, either threw them in the ditch or smashed them on the spot.

The rich send them to hell if they disobey, and the means are clean and ruthless, even pregnant women and the elderly.

What was originally a lively wedding suddenly became a terrible purgatory on earth.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Marianne survived the riot at the wedding, but the ghost outside the wedding cried wolf, but she could not escape.

Led by the driver, Marianne went to Roland's house, but the completion of the work did not mean that she could go home smoothly.

Outside the house is a sea of corpses and blood, rioters smashing, looting and burning, and Marianne is like a frightened kitten, who can only wait for a miracle to happen.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

The next day, several soldiers knocked on the door and took her away, promising to send her home, but Marianne did not know that there was a bigger disaster waiting for her.

They escorted her into a cell surrounded by high-pressure iron bars, where all the rich were locked up, and soldiers marked their foreheads with serial numbers and asked for detailed information about their families in order to extort money.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Only now is the beginning of evil.

The girls' clothes were torn, and the savage soldiers dragged them to another cell, humiliating them at will, forcing them to have sex.

After the soldiers had enjoyed their happiness, they set out to do their "right thing" and let the group of rich detainees record videos and pray for a huge ransom from their families.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Marianne was blackmailed for ten million.

The soldiers who were working on the work thought about it again and again, and felt that after layers of exploitation, they only had one or two hundred thousand in their hands, so they decided to do it themselves.

The soldiers who kidnapped Marianne found Marianne's driver's home, threatened the driver's mother and son to speak for them, and asked Marianne's family to send 800,000 yuan to release Marianne.

However, as soon as the money arrived, they immediately repented and told the driver mother and son that 800,000 yuan was only an advance payment, and 1 million was needed to redeem Marianne.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

The driver's mother and son and Marianne's family do not know that even if they pay the ransom, they cannot exchange Marianne's safety.

Because the military wants to cover up the crime and destroy the evidence, they think of passing on the contradictions, creating the illusion that the driver tears up the ticket and kills Marianne, but in fact they are the real murderers.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

And that's just a microcosm.

The real culprit behind the kidnapping of the rich man is the military top brass, who in turn is a friend of Marianne's father.

In order to maintain their absolute power, they kill the rich and kill the barbarians, then marry the savages of the poor, and finally swear their authority with the bloody blade of the poor.

The plan of killing two birds with one stone not only ensured that its own stains were not discovered, but also laid the foundation for the military to continue to collect money in the future, and the victims were only poor and rich.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

So the question is, should the rich be sympathized with and the poor be pitied?

None of them are good, the people at the bottom are full of unearned ideas, and the upper classes occupy social resources and do no evil.

For example, those who rioted were poor people who nominally fought for their rights and interests, but in fact engaged in bandit-like acts, and so did the rich people, who were in cahoots with each other and harmed the people.

The root cause of this phenomenon is that the gap between the rich and the poor in society is getting wider and wider, more policies are tilted towards the rich class, and the broad masses of the people cannot enjoy the benefits, so they will let riots follow.

After all, death's scythe will only swing at the desperate poor, because the rich have the superpower of "money", and in such a disorderly society, civilization seems out of place.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

When the poor rebel against the rich, do the rich get rich from each other?

They believe that self-interest trumps everything else, and infighting with classes often occurs.

The same class should have supported each other, but why they fight with each other, even at the cost of killing each other, the reason, two words, desire.

The Buddhists say, "The four great voids and the six roots are pure," that is, not to measure people's lives in terms of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness, and to give up the troubles of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

But as long as you are born as a human being, as long as you have desires, it is impossible to achieve "nothing in the original, where there is dust", and there is no distinction between rich and poor, so the desire is there, the class is there, the desire is there, and the struggle is not stopped.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

These unsatisfied desires have turned Mexico into a brutal dark jungle.

The people in it are divided into three, six, and nine, and the division of classes, the infighting of the same class, and the bullying of the class are all making the law of survival of the fittest more and more intense.

A group of people is a carnival, and the carnival is the external embodiment of madness, so that everyone becomes crazy and enjoys the pleasure of falling more and more happy.

They were originally sentient beings who felt joy in normal society, but under the abnormal operation of society, they were forced to become numb and crazy fierce gods.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico
The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

Mexicans in a dystopian world are distressed.

From an early age, they were told that human nature is inherently good and that they should smile at the world, but reality is gradually eating away at their remaining goodness and happiness, and at the same time killing their inner enthusiasm, passion and rebellion.

They are like a goat that has been castrated at birth, never to run, estrus, fight and mate in the mountains again.

Instead, they become docile and silent, and can only stay in the sheep pen and graze, and the end is nothing more than two, let people slaughter and rebel, they want to do the latter, but more people are the former.

The all-evil, dystopian setting that exposes riotous Mexico

The so-called "not to erupt in silence, to die in silence" simply does not work in Mexico

For Mexicans, eruptions hit pebbles with pebbles, silence does not help, no matter how they do it, they are the playthings of the power class, and they can pinch to death whenever they want.

The only way ordinary people want to turn around is to wait for their government to decay and then break out a revolution that benefits them, or they will never escape the fate of being ravaged.

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