
Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

author:Yu said that he was still resting
Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

On September 20, Liu Jianhong, a well-known former CCTV sports host, said in his personal social media:

"Evergrande as a whole is in deep crisis, and Evergrande football is also in danger. Evergrande football has been almost the only bright spot in Chinese football for a long time, and even a banner of Chinese football, but Evergrande football is also the representative of Jinyuan football."

"Since its birth, it has used its own kind of boldness, or the kind of thinking and action that is different from ordinary people, to shape a completely different Evergrande football model, in a sense, in the early stage, Evergrande football has indeed played a role in creating momentum for Evergrande's entire group, a very huge advertising effect, from this point of view, Evergrande football's expenditure is not nothing."

"However, now evergrande as a whole has problems, so Evergrande football has also become precarious, in fact, Evergrande football is not enough to save Chinese football...".

Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

"Merchants have merchant considerations ... There must be a commercial consideration... Now, this crisis of Evergrande football actually makes the crisis of Chinese football clearer. There was no Suning football last year, and if there is no Evergrande football this year, Chinese football has fallen into a vicious circle."

"On the one hand, the level of our own professional league is getting lower and lower, the level of competition is low, the level of appreciation is low, so the commercial value has become very low, on the other hand, we cannot continuously cultivate new people from the whole, so we can only sink step by step in this vicious circle."

"Why haven't we established such a youth training or a whole football training system in the past 30 years? I am afraid that it is not accurate to let Chinese football answer this point, but we may indeed have to consider it from the chinese sports system, from the big aspect of our Chinese education system."

Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

"But one thing is for sure, Chinese football is almost hopeless in the next 20 years! Because we don't have a really mature youth training system, we can't continuously supply excellent talents to the league, including our national team, so for a long time to come, we will have to endure this kind of defeat of Chinese football at all levels... And our league can't be a big step forward."

"So, why not catch the youth training? In the past 30 years, our Football Association has mentioned grasping youth training and grasping youth training, but in fact, it has not really invested in youth training, and even if the Football Association wants to vote, fear can only be exercised within the scope of the Football Association."

"Then, stepping out of the scope of this authority exercised by the Football Association, the Chinese Football Association also has some powerlessness! Today's Chinese football is really like a scar on the face of Chinese sports: not only extremely hurtful, but also extremely insulting! ”


Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

Recently, due to evergrande's operational problems, it is obvious that fans are more concerned about the future of Evergrande football - and the news that the Guangzhou team wants to host it seems to be not empty.

Evergrande football is indeed the representative and mirror of Chinese football in the past ten years, it has both the league 10 years and 8 championships under strong capital investment, and the unprecedented honor of the two golden cups in the AFC Champions League, of course, there is also the unforgettable past after the dispersal of today's "Golden Dollar Football".

In fact, when it comes to "golden dollar football", it is not to say that capital is the "original sin" of professional football, on the contrary, at any time, for market-oriented professional football, the continuous investment of capital is still an important foundation for the development of football, including the investment of state-owned capital, which is also the case in essence.

Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

Of course, in terms of how capital is applied to Chinese football, this obviously still makes Chinese football pay tuition again - now it seems that not just crazy football investment, it will definitely bear the flowers and fruits of a virtuous circle, once the gold lord behind the investment in football has changed, it will make professional football "one prosperity and one loss", which is obviously not a truly mature and benign professional football model.

Therefore, there is a "neutral name" reform of Chinese professional clubs, and the real logic behind it is actually to make professional football clubs move towards relative operational independence, such as the diversification of equity, which will make the viability of professional football clubs stronger and more independent.

Evergrande's investment in football has both honors and lessons, and we should still look at the problem in two - some people say that Evergrande has other considerations for investing in football, which is true, but behind the investment of enterprises in football, in fact, there are other considerations, such as economic, social and other factors, therefore, we do not have to completely deny the contribution of Evergrande football, although we must also deeply reflect on the consequences of the imbalance of "golden dollar football".

Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

Of course, if you blindly and completely push the responsibility to Evergrande football, this is also an irresponsible approach - as Liu Jianhong said, Evergrande football is not enough to save Chinese football, but it should not become all the "back pot man" of Chinese football, otherwise it is to avoid the heavy and light, and it will lose the direction that should really reflect and start again: that is, if you can't really do football youth training, then Chinese football will never have a future!

In fact, now the "golden dollar football" of the Chinese Super League has become unsustainable, but it is a good thing, Chinese football has reached one bottom after another anyway, then at this time, it is just possible to start again - "failure is the mother of success", we do not believe that Chinese football can never find the road to success! 【Original Review: Yu said that hugh】

Liu Jianhong: Chinese football is like a scar on the face of Chinese sports, and it is extremely hurtful and insulting

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