
The "umbrella" of the triad organization that monopolizes the pig market has been knocked out The local pork price has dropped by 1/3

author:China Youth Network
The "umbrella" of the triad organization that monopolizes the pig market has been knocked out The local pork price has dropped by 1/3

Ling Hua painted

For some time, various localities have promoted the reform of "decentralization and management of services" and continuously achieved positive results in building pro-Qing government and business relations. In individual places, however, some problems persist. Some pursue the supremacy of departmental interests, simplify administration and delegate power are not in place, the open and dark do not let go, the left hand is changed for the right hand, or the small one does not enlarge, and the virtual does not put the truth; some seem to have delegated the work and responsibility, but the power is still firmly in their own hands, resulting in poor management at the grass-roots level and unable to catch it; some have just changed the "vest" for the examination and approval matters, and then immediately handed it over to the "red top intermediary"; some work processes are still complicated, and the process optimization is still far from enough.

In addition, problems such as cheating, eating and taking cards, deliberately setting up obstacles to make it difficult for service recipients, and acting as "protective umbrellas" for criminal syndicates and evil forces also exist in some places. Combing through the typical cases of disrupting the business environment reported by various localities, it is not difficult to find that if we cannot deepen the rectification of the stubborn diseases of formalism and bureaucracy, the economic development of enterprises and localities will be seriously affected.

Service "short hand" Ask for "hand length"

A few days ago, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported that on December 27, 2018, Xie Xiaoyi, a staff member of the Investment Project Section of the Ruijin Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, violated the regulations after accepting the application for the establishment of a certain investment promotion project in the city, did not reply to whether the project met the filing requirements on the same day, and prevaricated that the relevant departments and leaders could only approve it after ruling, and did not take the initiative to follow up until January 11, 2019, after being questioned by the leader. Although Xie Xiaoyi and others were eventually punished by party discipline and government affairs, the attitude of non-comment and prevarication in the face of events is bound to make investors who "come by pleasure" "return home in defeat".

"If the water is deep, the fish is happy, and if the city is strong, it is Jiaxing." The business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises, and it is also an important foundation for economic development. However, in some places, some functional departments have played the game of "two-faced people", saying that they are important and work is secondary, and the documents are written with importance and ignored in reality.

In October 2018, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the Municipal Business Office jointly found in the special supervision of promoting the reform of "decentralization and management services" and optimizing the business environment that the municipal planning bureau implemented the documents with documents, and there was a problem of inadequate work. Although the bureau has formulated the "Work Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment and Simplifying the Approval Procedure", it has not actually been implemented, and the relevant administrative examination and approval matters have not really entered the government service center; the simplification of administration and decentralization is not in place, and the administrative approval power that should be delegated has not been delegated; there are many links in the planning review work, the pre-approval procedure is confused with the approval process, the review process has no time limit requirements, and the arbitrariness is large; the declaration materials are not compressed according to the requirements, and still contain materials other than those stipulated by laws and regulations. The Bureau was immediately given a notice of criticism.

If there are problems that are not rectified, some systems are not implemented, trying to use a paper document to deal with the higher-level competent departments, and playing a formalistic bureaucracy in the construction of the business environment, the Chifeng City Planning Bureau's "board" is not unjust.

When enterprises do things, the most feared thing is that the relevant departments "kick the ball"; when encountering difficulties, the most feared thing is that there is no way to ask for advice, and the relevant departments are passive to deal with it. In March 2018, Gao Ying, head of the enterprise management section of the Hongqiao District Commission of Commerce in Tianjin, did not take the initiative to study and solve the problem after receiving the problem reflected by an enterprise, nor did she report to the leader in charge, but transferred the materials to Shi Yiyuan, deputy chief of the marketing section, for disposal, and did not follow up on implementation. Shi Yiyuan only told the enterprise by phone that it could report the problem through the online platform, and neither gave guidance on how to declare it, nor did it follow up on the return visit, resulting in the delay of the problem for two months and adversely affecting the local business environment and investment promotion work. In December 2018, the two received severe warnings from within the party.

It is undeniable that some cadres are accustomed to "others asking me to do things", always wanting to be an official and a master, and let entrepreneurs revolve around themselves. Some departments have always regarded themselves as managers, believing that management is approval, approval is to handle certificates, and certificates are charged, and there is a lack of service awareness. In some new situations, they are reluctant to contact entrepreneurs, let alone help solve practical problems, and are not afraid of "not being close" and afraid of "not being clear".

In addition, using power as a cash machine and asking for cards from enterprises is another "cancer" in the business environment.

On July 8, the People's Court of Luxun County, Yunnan Province, openly tried the bribery case of Huang Hongjun, former deputy captain of the communications squadron of the command center of the county public security bureau. The trial pointed out that in November 2015, Lu persuaded the county to build a video surveillance system project of "wisdom Lu persuasion, safe Lu persuasion", and Huang Hongjun took advantage of the convenience of management coordination of the construction of the project to help Xiao Mou, the person in charge of an electronics company, successfully win the bid and accepted a bribe of 70,000 yuan from Xiao Mou on three occasions.

In order to hide his eyes and ears, Huang Hongjun asked Xiao for a bribe: "My wife needs a little money in her business. Obediently listening to the sound, Xiao understood the "subtext" of Huang Hongjun at that time and immediately transferred 50,000 yuan to the other party.

As everyone knows, the bills that the "Yellow Red Army" let the enterprises buy for themselves today are all "mines" planted for themselves in the future, and when the water comes out, their violations of discipline and law will certainly be severely punished by party discipline and state law, and they will be doomed.

Encounter problems around meet "oil and water" to lean on

The survival and development of enterprises not only needs high-quality services, but also needs a good social environment. In April last year, police in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, smashed a group of "old people's carrying teams" that had been entrenched in Dongshan Street for seven years and were known for their "domineering" behavior. The local villagers led by Xu Mou have long used verbal threats, interfered with the production of enterprises to raise prices, forcibly move, and even do not provide services to ask for handling fees, creating a "overlord handling" incident, and local enterprises complained about it.

"After these people were arrested, the improvement of the business environment allowed us to finally avoid the headaches of these trivial things every day, and we could concentrate on production." Through the words of the business owner, it is not difficult to find that before "concentrating" on production, it is a long-term "inability to concentrate". It took 7 years to punish the "fist" of illegal crimes and "soft" before it was "hardened" in the nationwide special action to eliminate organized crime and eliminate evil, exposing the problem of formalism and bureaucracy in the business environment.

Zhang Qingwei, secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial CPC Committee, once pointed out bluntly, "At present, there is a bad atmosphere in the organs, the work is arranged, the leading departments do not take the lead seriously, the coordinating departments are not responsible, and they all want to be 'mailrooms', pushing and shoving, turning around, resulting in low work efficiency." "Some people go around when they encounter contradictions, hide when they encounter problems, and do not actively think of ways to solve some problems that have accumulated for a long time and have large contradictions; some of them are passive and sluggish and do not implement them; some of them make more high-profile statements, and their actions are less and less implemented; some cadres still have problems such as unclear understanding and insufficient intensity in grasping implementation, and problems such as grasping them tightly and grasping them unrealistically still exist.

In addition, some leading cadres have "turned a blind eye" to acts of damaging the business environment, and even personally went into battle, acting as a "protective umbrella" and standing on the platform to cheer. In September last year, the Shandong provincial government announced that "the Rizhao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has smashed the 'protective umbrella' of the triad organization that monopolizes the pig slaughtering market, standardized the local pig slaughter market, and reduced the local pork price by one-third." Previously, Rizhao City and the Slaughtering Office of the Commerce Bureau of Donggang District colluded with the gang of criminal and evil forces to illegally set up an "underground inspection team" to jointly enforce the law, through illegal seizure and seizure of pork from other sellers, and coordinating their competitors to sell in remote markets, etc., to provide help to the gang and seek illegal benefits.

What is the small "pork", "oil and water" geometry? It is astonishing that many leading cadres have "slipped and slipped." As managers, their "soft fists" are reluctant to touch the "hard stones" of illegal acts, and even regard the "hard stones" as "golden lumps", and eventually fall into prison.

Arbitrary law enforcement, selective law enforcement, extensive law enforcement, and unfair law enforcement is one of the most dissatisfied problems of the masses. Some departments have a serious sense of privilege and a style of work in law enforcement, and law enforcement is simple and rude; some departments abuse their law enforcement power and exceed their authority to enforce the law; some departments use the name of inspection services to solicit sponsorship, engage in "changing the fortune," "fishing for law enforcement," and seek wealth by punishing them; and some political and legal cadres and policemen even use their special status, status, and influence to participate in shares in the name of relatives and friends, and to engage in business and run enterprises in the form of actual holding, and to connive at relatives to operate and participate in special industries.

From formalism and bureaucracy to illegal crimes, some party members and cadres have allowed money to override fairness in their service and management business activities, using public power as a private instrument, and the deterioration of thinking has led to the "fist" becoming softer, and the illegal use of power has finally "lifted a stone and smashed it on their own feet."

Targeted measures to eliminate haze and eliminate disadvantages

The lack of a good business environment in a place is often due to the "official-oriented" mentality. The ideology and concept of a small number of cadres are still stuck in the era of the planned economy, they are accustomed to watching over stalls and keeping their jobs, they are unwilling to accept the baptism of the market economy, and they lack the courage to stand at the head of the tide and work hard. It is manifested in the following: they do not know how to give play to the role of the market mechanism, they make a big package of what should be entrusted to the market, and they point fingers at the things that should be fixed by the enterprise, but they rush to deal with the work of providing public services and maintaining a fair and orderly market environment.

The formalism and bureaucracy in the business environment not only delay work and hurt the people's wealth, but also deviate from the party spirit and lose the purpose, so that various policy decisions cannot play a practical role, and the masses therefore lack a sense of gain. Only by targeting the implementation of measures, strengthening the construction of work style, elongating the ears of listening, controlling the hands that are stretched out, and making the fists hard, can we return the business environment to a pure land.

On June 26, Xiantao City, Hubei Province, held a formalistic and bureaucratic all-media inquiry in the business environment, after watching the video clip "What is the Way for Enterprises to Run Errands" and "Whose Cost Association", the guest of comment, Professor Chen He of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, pointed out: "These two videos, one reflects the laziness and slow behavior of government departments, and the other is that the red top intermediary is very attentive to serve, and behind it is actually the problem of cadre style. If the cadres' work style is not rectified, it is the biggest weakness of the business environment. ”

Optimizing the business environment is, in the final analysis, a human issue. Wang Yong, former secretary of the party committee of the Henan Academy of Social Sciences, believes that as public employees, we must change our work style, base ourselves on the overall situation of development, strengthen our sense of service, put an end to such unhealthy tendencies as "slowness," "laziness," and "resentment," and be a good "shopkeeper" of service enterprises, so that the people can think about it and I can do something; the people have some wishes, and I have something to do; and we will respond to everything we need and do nothing.

Some people say that it is only after experiencing it that you can feel it. In order to reshape the business environment, Heilongjiang Province has fully implemented the "one-handed process" and fully promoted the "maximum one run". Harbin City issued the ""First-in-Charge Process" Implementation and Assessment Measures", requiring the first-in-command to take the form of personal office, agency office, escort office, etc., engage in pre-consultation to form filling, from queuing to the completion of the matter, running the complete process, from which to find the inconvenience of handling things, low efficiency and other issues; directly accept the approval of service matters, provide face-to-face services for the whole process for the masses of enterprises, and find problems such as poor process and poor operation. Through a solid hard move and a heavy hammer to create a "good environment" for business, but also spawned an economic development "acceleration".

It can be seen that only by carefully feeling the needs of enterprises and the masses, actively improving service quality, improving the efficiency of administrative services, and using power "subtraction" service "addition" to stimulate market "multiplication", can we continuously enhance the sense of acquisition and satisfaction of enterprises and the masses, and create a good development environment.

In September last year, Henan issued the "Three-Year Action Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment (2018-2020)", mentioning that it will strengthen supervision and assessment, establish a supervision and accountability mechanism for the whole process of optimizing the business environment, include the optimization of the business environment in the scope of tracking and auditing of the key supervision matters of the provincial party committee and the provincial government and the implementation of major policy measures, establish a fast and convenient complaint acceptance and investigation accountability mechanism, and seriously hold accountable formalism, bureaucracy, departmentalism, slow action, inaction and other behaviors that harm the business environment.

As discipline inspection and supervision cadres at all levels, they should take the initiative to take responsibility, have the courage to "shine the sword", dare to be accountable, and resolutely investigate and deal with the formalistic and bureaucratic problems of party members and cadres in business activities, so as to escort the healthy development of the business environment. Only by exalting the sword of discipline and law, cutting off the chain of interests, and making policies more transparent and law enforcement more just can we create an excellent environment that is pro-business, safe and prosperous. (Shi Xuejie, Liao Pei)