
How to correctly treat intrachocarpus in aquaculture

author:Fish farming has long been known

Today, I would like to talk to you about how to diagnose and treat intraculazoan disease in fish, and you can learn about it, hoping to help the vast number of aquaculture workers.

The main outbreak of oblique tubeworm water temperature is 12-18 °C, and it is more likely to erupt at 12-22 °C in the general breeding process, and it is more common in March-May and November-December. Oblique tube worm infects a variety of fish, the harm is relatively large, can cause a large number of fish deaths.

How to correctly treat intrachocarpus in aquaculture

Oblique tube worms mainly take the mucus of the gills as nutrients, which can be treated by the method of debonding, ferrous sulfate, and fruit acids can remove the gill mucus and clean the gills, so that the parasites of the gills can be removed first. Fish have a very poor constitution when they are sick, and if a large amount of insecticide is used at this time, it may cause a stress response, but it is not good for the fish. After the fish, the floating head and walking are because the gills are blocked and the breathing is not smooth.

How to correctly treat intrachocarpus in aquaculture

Oblique tubeworm is relatively rare in high temperature weather, and in low temperature and rainy weather, the pond water temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, and the incidence of oblique tubeworm disease is very high, which is a very common disease. If the indicators of nitrite and ammonia nitrogen in the pond where the disease occurs exceed the standard, the use of insecticides is prone to problems.

If the onset is more urgent, it may die hundreds of them in two or three days, and if you use insecticides again, some serious diseases will also die, and the mortality rate will be very high at that time.

How to correctly treat intrachocarpus in aquaculture

Prevention of oblique tubeworms recommended: every month regular mixing use of Lechang eucalyptus essential oil, to deworm instead of insecticide, to prevent alternative treatment, not only can effectively prevent and control oblique tubeworms, but also can prevent and control spores, wheelworms, three generations of insects, ringworms and other common parasites, so that the parasites in aquaculture can not multiply in large quantities, so that parasites do not cause illness and death.

How to correctly treat intrachocarpus in aquaculture

Eucalyptus essential oil is a pure plant ingredient, is a safe additive included in the EU feed additive catalog, no toxicity, heavy metals, will not pollute the water body, will not bring harm to the fish, will not cause fish to eat less, do not eat, slip edge, black body, convulsions, death and other phenomena; eucalyptus essential oil is easy to biodegradable, will not cause water or fish body drug residues, in line with green food requirements; the use of eucalyptus essential oil to deworm, will not make parasites resistant, do not need to rotate the use of different types of drugs, save costs.

The article comes from the original article of Shandong Longchang Animal Health Products Co., Ltd., please indicate the source when reprinting, thank you!