
In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

author:Makiyuki said

In the 1982 NBA Draft, a player named Mark Eaton was selected by the Jazz in the 3rd place in the 4th round. In the concept at the time, the fourth round of rookies belonged to the absolute grassroots players, they had a low starting point, poor talent, and few people could really stand in the NBA. However, it is such an unknown rookie player, after years in the industry, gradually grew into the mainstay of the Jazz's restricted area, and eventually became the famous "hot pot king" in the history of the NBA.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary
In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

Gobert with Mark Eaton, with Mark Eaton on the right

History is always strikingly similar, and in the draft 31 years later, the Jazz also chose a center with a tall arm, who is the "French tower" Rudy Gobert. Similar to Mark Eaton's experience, after an initial few years of struggle, Gobert has grown into an influential player on both ends of the board. This season, Gobert was recognized by most coaches in the West and entered the All-Star bench for the first time in his career. However, even so, some voices questioning Gobert have never stopped, they believe that Gobert is just a blue-collar player, far from the level of the All-Star level. Obviously, these "eloquent" questions are weak in the face of facts and truths.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

In the past four years, the Jazz have reached the playoffs for three consecutive years and achieved brilliant results, including two semifinals. As a small-ball city team, this achievement has been quite good. There is no doubt that the success of the Jazz is inseparable from Gobert's rapid growth. Since becoming a full starting center in seasons 16 and 17, Gobert has averaged two doubles per game for four consecutive seasons, making him a veritable interior gate for Salt Lake City.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

So far this season, Gobert is still in excellent form, averaging 15.1 points per game, ranking 71st in the league; averaging 13.7 rebounds per game, ranking 3rd in the league; averaging 3.4 rebounds per game, ranking 4th in the league; averaging 2.0 blocks per game, ranking 6th in the league; shooting 69.8% from the field, ranking 2nd in the league; scoring 11.4 points from the interior, ranking 12th in the league; shooting 70% from the interior, ranking 4th in the league; scoring 3.8 points on the second offense, ranking 4th in the league. Obviously, from these basic data and their rankings, we can feel Gobert's super offensive and defensive dominance in the penalty area.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

From the analysis of high-level data, we can also see that Gobert has a huge stadium value. According to statistics from the NBA's official website, when Gobert is on the floor, the Jazz's offensive efficiency can reach 113 (113 points per 100 rounds), and when he is off the court, this value will drop to 106.3, and the difference between the two is as high as 6.7. Similarly, on the defensive end, when Gobert is on the floor, the Jazz's defensive efficiency can reach 106.8 (106.8 points conceded per 100 rounds), while when Gobert is off, the Jazz concede 1.3 points more per 100 rounds on the defensive end.

In the first impression of many people, Gobert is not a very good player. In those people's minds, if you define Gobert as a blue-collar center, they recognize and accept it, but if you classify him as an All-Star, they have a hard time accepting it. Why is this happening?

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

First of all, the statistics of the data are imperfect, and many data do not fully reflect and even underestimate the influence of players. For example, according to the data of the Synergy website, Gobert's empty cuts, blocking and demolition downs, and second rebounds this season have scored 1.419 points, 1.192 points and 1.152 points per round, surpassing 77%, 68% and 63% of the players in the league, respectively. From these data alone, Gobert's offensive strength is only the upper level of the league, far from the top.

But in fact, behind these data, Gobert is grossly underestimated. Fans who have watched jazz games know that once Gobert has the opportunity to make waves under the basket, opponents will often implement multi-person packages, which is bound to affect his finishing efficiency, such as the well-known Rockets playing Jazz, due to the rocket's lack of interior height, in order to limit Gobert, they can only adopt the strategy of chasing and intercepting him under the basket. Although this strategy can limit Gobert's play to some extent, it can open his three-point line portal. This is Gobert's most important value on the offensive end: because he has a strong end threat, he can greatly involve the opponent's defensive strength, thus creating a large number of empty opportunities for his teammates.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

Secondly, due to the rise of the small-ball era, the three-point tide is coming, and the low-post singles tactic has been abandoned by more and more teams, so many traditional centers have been forced to transform from offensive developers to basket pure finishers, which has greatly reduced their offensive role, and most fans have shifted their focus from the center to the defender. Of course, it must be pointed out that the reduction of offensive drama is not equal to the decline of offensive influence, and a center with a strong downfall ability like Gobert can make opponents worry at any time.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

Recently, rumors have raged about jazz considering a trade with Gobert, and the cause of the incident is that there is a conflict between Mitchell and Gobert. Although it is still true or false, the author has to say that if the trade goes to Gobert, jazz is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall. Here's why:

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

From the perspective of team history, predatory defense has always been the label of the Jazz. This season, because of The Loss of Favors, the Jazz's defense in the fourth position has seen huge holes, and the team's defensive efficiency has slipped all the way to the 11th place in the league. It can be said that the current Jazz are completely relying on Gobert alone to support the team's defensive system, and he is already the unshakable cornerstone of Salt Lake City's defense. If he were traded, it would also mean in some ways that the Jazz would have to rebuild.

As I've said before, the Jazz have always been short of offensive development guards, and last summer's trade to Conley was based on this consideration. However, as mentioned above, because Gobert has a strong internal pulling force, opponents rarely pack the Jazz's backcourt. And if you really choose to trade Gobert, then with a shot, Mitchell and Conley will encounter unprecedented pressure. At the same time, the Jazz are also difficult to find a center who can play perfectly with the guard.

Mark Eaton's NBA career lasted 11 years, during which time he played all over the Utah Jazz, leaving a very strong mark in salt Lake City's history: he was selected as an All-Star, won the best defensive player, entered the best defensive team, and won the block king many times. In the 1984-1985 season, Mark Eaton also set a record that no one can surpass to date - 82 games, averaging 5.56 blocks per game.

In-depth sharp review | Rudy Gobert, the real cornerstone of Utah Jazz Gobert has great value on both ends of the offensive and defensive ends Why our impression of Gobert is not so strong If the Jazz choose to trade Gobert, it is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall Summary

Today, follower Gobert is following mark Eaton's path, striving to forge his own glory. After winning the titles of Block King (16-17 season), Best Defensive Player (17-19 season), All-Team (16-19 season), and All-Defensive Team (16-19 season) in the past few years, this season's Gobert has finally completed his all-Star tour. This is a well-deserved honor, and it is also an honor that is 3 years late.