
Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Pu Yaolei

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Don Scored a goal to help Tottenham Hotspur women's team win.

Tang Jiali, who played for the Women's Football Team of Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League, finally ushered in the first goal of her foreign career.

In the first round of the group stage of the English Women's League Cup in the early morning of October 14, Beijing time, she scored the only goal of the game with one shot to help Tottenham Hotspur win.

After putting on the Tottenham hottest team shirt, Tang Jiali has staged many eye-catching performances before, but for her, the most desired thing is undoubtedly to be able to break the goal, this time finally opened the goal account, Tang Jiali herself is also excited.

And this key goal is also a positive factor for her further integration into the team and the trust of the coach. This first goal may just be the beginning.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Tang Jiali (right) in the game.

Goal, long wait

This season, Chinese female footballer Tang Jiali started her career in foreign countries and became a member of the Women's Football Team of Thera league.

In the pre-season warm-up match, Tang Jiali scored a goal, but the first goal in the official match finally arrived in the early morning of October 14.

In the first round of the English Women's League Cup group stage, Tottenham Hotspur women's football team faced Charlton women's football team, and Tang Jiali made her debut. In the 51st minute, Tang Jiali inserted into the penalty area, received a cross from her teammate on the left side of the goal, and the ball went into the net against the ground.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Tang Jiali Weibo.

In the end, this goal also became the only goal in the whole game, and Tang Jiali became the hero of the team's victory.

This goal is indeed a long wait for Tang Jiali. In the previous matches, Tang Jiali has played threatening shots many times and has also contributed to the wonderful performance of killing assists, but she is always a little bit away from scoring.

This time, this layer of window paper was finally broken - after the goal, Tang Jiali's excitement was overflowing, jumping up and hugging with her teammates to celebrate.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

In the previous game, Tang Jiali assisted her teammates in the kill.

Integrate into the team and immerse yourself in the local culture

Being able to play a wonderful performance and contribute to the team immediately after embarking on a journey to stay in the west, Tang Jiali is also worthy of praise for the speed of integration into the new environment.

For every player who stays abroad, in addition to adapting to the new technical and tactical system, adapting to the overseas living environment and language environment is also an obstacle that is not easy to cross, but Tang Jiali and her team are also prepared for this.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Tang Jiali sunbathed her life in the west.

When preparing to leave for Yang, Tang Jiali once said in an interview with the surging news reporter that in the process of determining the stay in Yang, the Football Association and its own team gave great support, including pre-preparation, accommodation, translation and other issues, and there will be people to help themselves.

It is understood that in the United Kingdom, Tang Jiali's team has also contacted some friends in local life to help Tang Jiali, but the most critical is, of course, Tang Jiali's own efforts.

Tang Jiali originally had some English foundation when she was in school, and before staying in Yangyang, she also got a professional vocabulary book for football from her agent to learn, in order to enhance her communication skills.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Tang Jiali and her teammates.

Outside of the training ground, she also integrates well with the team, and in her spare time, she will go out for a walk and dinner with her teammates.

As Tang Jiali said before, with the bright play on the field and the exchange of off-field: "Now my teammates have slowly gained a sense of trust in me. "Now that the goal has arrived, it will also be a positive boost to her confidence.

During Tang Jiali's match with the team, there were also Chinese fans who came to the scene to cheer for her - but it was not only the Chinese fans who supported Tang Jiali, after playing a good performance in a row, many foreign fans became Tang Jiali's fans and asked her for autographs after the game.

Fully integrated into the culture, Tang Jiali showed the strategy of staying in the West, and she deserves to return to the Chinese women's football team

Before leaving for Yangyang, Shanghai women's football coach Shui Qingxia zeng Yin Yin instructed: "The mother of the child is worried, and she must take care of herself abroad." It seems that Tang Jiali's road to staying in the Ocean can make the water guide put his mind at ease, and it is also worth the fans' continued expectations.

The door of the Chinese women's football team will continue to be open to her, and she will no longer have the regret of losing the Tokyo Olympics for some reason.

Editor-in-Charge: Ascendas

Proofreader: Shi Gong

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