
Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

author:Symbol Empire
Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

It is often said that as soon as man thinks, God laughs. Because from God's point of view, human beings think and act like people looking at ants, low-level to ridiculous. So what if the monster laughs when it sees someone? Could they be messengers from God? Because I have heard about it and learned from it, I will always feel that human beings are ridiculous.

In the Classic of Mountains and Seas, there are five kinds of monsters that laugh when they see people, and I don't know what they all enjoy, which makes people cry and laugh.


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Stone Mountain is one hundred and ten miles to the north, there is a mountain called Bian Chun Mountain, there are many wild fruits and vegetables on the mountain, mysterious spring onions, okra, leeks, peaches, plums, everything. There is a river under the mountain, with a strange name, called Barshui. The river looks straight and straight, like a wooden bar, and the water in the river has a miraculous effect, and people will become bars as soon as they drink it.

What's more interesting is that there is a monster living here, with a body similar to a monkey, a pattern on the body, very funny and laughing, as long as you see people coming, you will laugh forward and backward, laughing on the ground. Its name is yàn, and when it is called, it makes a "yo-yo-yo" sound.

Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

The ghost always thinks that he is very smart, and human beings are stupid. In their eyes, there is no reasonable place for humans, animals that walk upright on two feet.

Because standing up and running on two legs, the speed will be much lower, and it will increase the resistance; after standing upright, the position of the heart will increase, because the blood supply to the whole body is equivalent to the water supply to the second floor, and now it is necessary to raise at least to the fourth floor. Living in a jungle world, standing at a higher height, it is easy to be spotted and attacked by enemies.

In short, this design is simply useless, how can there be such a failed "evolution". But what they don't know is that it is precisely because humans have freed their hands after standing upright that they have the opportunity to develop brains, and the brain capacity is increasing, thus opening up the gap with other animals.

There is a strange bird on The Wing Looking Mountain, which looks a bit like a three-headed crow, with six tails and three heads, and it likes to laugh very much. Its name is called the qi tu ,, and it is said that after eating this animal, people will become very popular, people love it, flowers bloom, cars see cars burst tires.

The bird's favorite game is to make people guess, it has three heads, three mouths open at the same time, but only one of them makes a sound. It will burst out laughing and then make you guess which one is laughing. People guess wrong almost every time, so the plover can't help but laugh when he sees people, because humans are so good at cheating. Such stupid animals!

Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

"Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing": "The mountain of wings and looks at it, there are birds, its shape is like a crow, three heads and six tails and good laughter, the name is called the plover, the food is not tired, and it can resist the fierce." ”

The quail can also resist the evil, what lone soul wild ghost, mountain god ghost, as long as it is around, these things will not come close.

In ancient times, prison law mountain, is the birthplace of the Huái Ze River, this mountain grows a monster, called the mountain (犭軍) (hui), the body looks like a dog, but has a human face, is very good at throwing, is a sharpshooter in the jungle, almost a hundred shots.

It is also a kind of orc who laughs at people, walks with the wind, and will blow strong winds wherever it appears.

Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

In the ancient kingdom of Wuyang, in the west of the Beiqu (qú) Mountain, the people here have particularly long lips, dark bodies, and their heels grow backwards and forwards, and they will laugh when they see people laughing, holding a bamboo pipe in their left hand. "Shan Hai Jing , Great Wilderness West Classic" ( " The Kingdom of Qiyang is in the west of the North Qu ( qú ) , with long lips on its face , black body with hair, anti-heel , seeing people laughing and laughing , and managing with the left hand." ”

Legend has it that in ancient times, there lived in the south a kind of Gan giant, several inches long, long human face, long black hair, heels grow forward, as long as he saw people laughing, he himself would follow the smirk, and then cover his face with his long and large lips, and suddenly fled.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas": "In the south, there are gan giants, with long arms on their faces, black bodies with hair, anti-heels, seeing people laughing and laughing, lips covering their faces, because they are fleeing." ”

Is it a messenger of God? The monsters in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" see people often make a move to make clever monsters that make people guess the mystery of the strange birds three kinds of strange human beasts

Laughter is a complex mental act and an emoji with multiple meanings. The action of cracking a person's mouth and showing his teeth may be kind, showing friendship and enthusiasm, and welcoming the visitor. It may also be ridicule, feeling that the other person's behavior is ridiculous, which is a kind of contempt and ridicule.

According to biological explanations, only humans have such complex expressions, and animals look like they are laughing, but they are actually just an instinct. However, this explanation is difficult to convince, if all the behavior of animals is instinctive, it must be meaningful, and it has a specific function for its own survival, not a worthless behavior.

If the animal's "laughter" is not laughter, what is the value of their action? Is it able to grow meat or can it withstand hunger?