
How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

author:Guangxi famous and excellent

Nonverbal implications suggest that there are also obvious differences due to the gender differences between men and women, which must be studied to "read" and understood.

First, in terms of physiology, the sexual organs of men and women are different, and the physical characteristics are different.

Second, in terms of psychology, men and women have different voices, smiles, and behaviors.

This difference between men and women, in terms of nonverbal suggestions, is mainly manifested in psychological characteristics. For example, men perceive things more coarsely, while women perceive things more thinly; Men's logical thinking ability is stronger, while women's logical thinking ability is weaker; Men's attention is more focused on things, and women's attention is more focused on people; Men deal with problems decisively, and women deal with problems steadily.

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

And so on, and so on. This all shows that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses, and they are complementary. This tells us that when receiving nonverbal suggestive messages from men and women, we must first consider these gender and psychological differences between men and women.

Take the "non-verbal" action of "laughing", the difference between men and women is not only manifested in different ways of laughing, but also in the meaning of laughter. As the saying goes, "Three fish in a pond, three women in a room." Juyu is a very active fish, and if there are three fish in a pond, it seems that the pond is full of fish. Women are crying and making trouble, and if three women are together in a room, their laughter will make you feel that the house is full of women. It seems that "laughing" is an instinct of a woman and is an important part of her life. In fact, a woman's "laughter" is not entirely a sign of happiness, and in most cases, it does not necessarily reflect the emotions of the fixed, but implies a gentle way of self-discipline, which is equivalent to telling you: Don't let me be rude and unreasonable. We must notice this psychological difference in women when we accept this nonverbal hint from a woman.

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

Let's talk about the non-verbal action of "crying", as the saying goes, "Boys have tears and don't flick", which means that men do not shed tears when they are sad. Women seem to be born to cry, not only to cry for sadness, but even if they are not sad, they can cry. The crying of such people is separated from feelings. So when we receive the suggestive message that a woman is "crying," we have a process of discernment; Is it really sad, or is it deliberately contrived?

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

In addition, a pair of young boyfriend and girlfriend, the nonverbal hint signals that occur between the two are also very different. For example, women often like to look directly at men, or intentionally or unintentionally do a small action such as fiddling with hair and dress to attract the attention of the other party; This suggests that she takes personal relationships very seriously. Men, on the other hand, tend to look around, showing a manly husband's temperament, implying that the other party has the ability to act as the other's protector. No matter what kind of hint, it is an attempt to give the other party the impression that they have their own personality characteristics If the two people talk, the woman is absent-minded, the eyes do not face the man, play with the fingers while talking, twist the sleeves, or look down at the ground, these non-verbal is to hint at each other, and the emotional development of both sides has encountered obstacles. At this point, if you read her nonverbal hints, you will be able to stop with interest and avoid further conflicts. If you don't read it, or even misunderstand it, it is still wishful thinking, and the result is bound to be self-inflicted.

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

In terms of dress, men and women also have obvious personalities. Take clothing, men have clothes to wear, fit comfortably enough, and women, no matter how beautiful clothes they have, they have to buy one by one, which seems to have become a fetish. If men and women are reversed, men pay too much attention to dress, not only do not understand for women who pay attention to dress, but may also be criticized by women.

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

There is a famous Magazine of Manhood in Japan, which, after investigating a hundred cases of women, listed the habits of men they hate the most:

1. Dress yourself up excessively.

2. Cover your mouth with your hands when you laugh.

3. Twist your waist and ass while walking.

4. Bring your legs together when you sit down.

5. your little thumb up when drinking tea.

6. Hold your bag to your chest when walking.

7. Hang items such as handbags on your wrist.

How to read men and women? How to read men and women? What are the differences between men and women?

Why are women themselves accustomed to these nonverbal movements but do not like these nonverbal movements of men? This is mainly the feeling that men should not be feminine. It can be seen that if men read women, they will not imitate these nonverbal actions of women, confuse the gender and psychological differences between men and women, and cause women's disgust.

Therefore, we must understand men and women in the question of understanding nonverbal gender differences.