
Essay: Thinking brought about by the "gilding" of the Golden Hall


VIENNA, July 19 (Xinhuanet) -- In 2013, hundreds of Chinese performance groups with uneven artistic standards piled up on the stage of Vienna's Golden Hall, which some in China define as the "highest musical and artistic temple", in the name of "cultural exchanges", and this boom has not diminished so far.

Receiving enthusiastic reports and praise from the Chinese media, the performance group returned to China triumphantly with the "halo" plated on the Golden Hall, admired by everyone, the value rose rapidly, and the intermediary agencies that matched the activities also made a lot of money. However, the image of Chinese culture has become the greatest victim.

Why do entertainers go to Vienna's Musikverein to be "gilded"? What is the chain of interest for this type of performance?

There are misunderstandings in the understanding of the Golden Hall by the Chinese people. Many people think that stepping on the stage of the Golden Hall represents a world-class artistic level, and the promotion of fame and fortune has achieved this "gilded" trend, which also makes the original meaning of "foreign cultural exchange" change.

In fact, the Musikverein is only the largest of the many concert halls in the Vienna Association of Friends of Music building. It is a regular venue for the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and hosts many concerts each year, including the world-famous Vienna New Year's Concert. The successful performances of some high-level Chinese art groups here have played a positive role in promoting Chinese culture, for example, the wonderful performances of several Peking Opera groups here in the past two years have caused a sensation in the local area and are well received.

However, there are also many performances that surprise the audience. For example, once the program list of the performance had the chinese historical war robes displayed, originally thought to introduce the ancient Chinese military uniforms, but unexpectedly the actors wore costumes on the stage.

According to the reporter's understanding, in addition to art groups, with the increase in domestic economic income, there are also many rich and local tycoons who do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to "perform" in the Golden Hall. Some people even wrapped up the Golden Hall and invited everyone to watch his live show "calligraphy", and after returning to China, the price of his "ink treasure" actually rose.

In fact, the Golden Hall basically operates in a commercial manner, as long as you pay tens of thousands of euros for the venue, you can "gild once". Therefore, "one plating" to the Golden Hall does not mean that it is the highest artistic level in the world.

At the same time, more than once "gilded". The reporter found that in order to falsely report the "gilded" results of the performance group, some people even forged invitations and awards from the Austrian side for awarding to the performance group, and even some members of the performance group believed it.

Yu Ligong, a Chinese scholar living in Austria, told reporters that the Chinese have been "gilded" in the Golden Hall for more than a decade, and he has also been invited to watch many such performances, and he has been worried about this for a long time. He said: "The artistic level of many groups is very low, and some even have a fish eye, which pollutes Chinese culture and is very shameful Chinese face." ”

These performance groups are under the banner of "cultural exchange", and each of them has its own institutional support. Yu Ligong believes that if this abnormal phenomenon is continued to be tolerated, it is believed that future fraud will become more and more unmanageable, and eventually the result of "bad money expelling good money" will eventually occur.

It is understood that in order to facilitate the development of such performance activities, many intermediaries have set up a cultural exchange association in Austria, and this step is very simple.

Some also help the performance group to go abroad by applying for a tourist visa, reducing the approval process for going abroad, more like going abroad for sightseeing, and also including taking the stage in Vienna's Golden Hall to enjoy the feeling of "star".

Recently, the Ministry of Culture of China issued a document to stop the "gilding" of domestic art groups at all levels to foreign art venues such as the Golden Hall. In Yu Ligong's view, the government's policy is on the one hand, the correct guidance of the media to the public is also very important, in addition, to improve the quality of the Chinese art team to better promote Chinese culture.