
Huake Suguan Aunt retired the whole college teachers and students farewell, 500 words farewell letter touched students to see students as their own children 500 words farewell letter touched students 200 photos to see a circle of crying people
Huake Suguan Aunt retired the whole college teachers and students farewell, 500 words farewell letter touched students to see students as their own children 500 words farewell letter touched students 200 photos to see a circle of crying people

Before leaving, the students took photos with Aunt Jin.

Holding a heavy photo album in his hand, Jin Linjun, who was about to turn 60, cried. She knew in her heart that this was the most valuable gift and the highest evaluation that this school and this group of children had given to the dormitory administrator.

Yesterday, it was the day when Jin Linjun, the housekeeper of The 19th Building of Yunyuan, School of Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, officially retired, and the representatives of teachers and students of the college went to bid her farewell. Two days ago, she sent a simple farewell letter from "Mountains and Rivers Are Long, My Heart Forever" that blew up the circle of friends of Central China University.

Rush to clear the snow early in the morning of the last day

In the early morning of December 30, 2018, Jin Linjun fumbled to open his mobile phone, and it was only 5 o'clock when he saw it. Remembering that it had snowed the night before, she couldn't sleep, so she simply got up to wash up, simply got some food, and went out at 5:40. From the home of Tangxun Lake Community in the East Lake New Technology Development Zone to the 19 dormitories of Yunyuan in the East District of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, she first took 10 bus stops, and then transferred to the school bus, and it was 7:40 to the school, and the usual weather was good for 40 minutes.

The road behind her, commuting to and from work twice a day, she has been walking for 10 years, and that day is her last working day. The next day, Jin Linjun officially retired.

After arriving at the dormitory building, Jin Linjun took out a broom from the duty room and thought of sweeping the snow in front of the door before the students got up. The road is slippery, and the boys are always walking in the wind and fire, if they fall down, it is not good.

Snowflakes are still falling, occasionally early students walk by, always shouting "Auntie is good", Jin Linjun one by one admonished, "Be careful, don't slip" More and more students got up, everyone began to shout "Auntie good" when they saw her far away, and a few reached out to take the broom in her hand to help, but she politely refused. Others stopped and helped her clean up the snow.

On the two or three hundred meters long path in front of the door, Jin Linjun swept back and forth several times, and sometimes she stopped and straightened her waist and took a few breaths of hot air into her hands. In some easy slippery places, she also found a straw mat to put on it. For a housekeeper, these jobs are not part of her job.

Jin Linjun rested in front of the dormitory building, and more and more students came to visit her, some took two oranges, some took a grapefruit, and some classmates held a bouquet of flowers. Many people saw her, hugged her first, like mother and son, and pulled her to take a group photo in front of the words of the automation home. Jin Linjun hurriedly handed over the hand warmer or poured a cup of hot water for the children to burn their hands.

Jin Linjun's mobile phone QQ and WeChat also rang non-stop, all of which bid farewell to her.

Huake Suguan Aunt retired the whole college teachers and students farewell, 500 words farewell letter touched students to see students as their own children 500 words farewell letter touched students 200 photos to see a circle of crying people

The students presented photos and blessings to Aunt Kim.

Jin Linjun, who turned 60 at the end of 2018, is an authentic Wuhan native who worked in state-owned enterprises all his life and retired in 2008. Although the family conditions are still good, there is no need for her to go out to work and support the family, but once idle, she still feels empty. Eventually, starting in March 2008, she became a housekeeper in Building 19 of Central China Dayun Court.

When I first came, the salary was not high, 580 yuan per month, in addition to the expenses such as car fares, there was not a few money left in January, but Jin Linjun was very happy in his heart. She said that college students have high cultural quality, culture, and with them, she feels a lot younger and happy every day. She often brought small snacks from home and distributed them to the students on duty in the dormitories.

Whenever he has free time, Jin Linjun always likes to chat with the students. She often cooks a few meat dishes at home, bringing them to poor students who are reluctant to eat and drink, and supplementing the children.

Xiao Huang, who lives in Room 519, comes from the zaoyang countryside, his father died, and his mother sold eggs for his two children to study. When he went to Guangzhou for internship that year, there was no travel expense, and Jin Linjun gave him 1,000 yuan after knowing it, and also prepared a large bag of things for him to eat on the road. Today, Xiao Huang has worked in a bank in Wuhan, and the two often talk about work and family trivia through QQ.

There is also Xiaomiao, a Xinjiang student in the class of 2010, who was hospitalized with pneumonia when preparing for graduate school, and Jin Linjun always cooked rice at home and stewed soup for her classmates to send her over. She also often donates money and materials to sick students, and this year, a student in the school got leukemia, and Jin Linjun took the initiative to donate 1,000 yuan. More often, through the husband who is a teacher, he introduced these poor children to a tutoring job.

Some students have graduated for many years and are always in contact with her when they encounter confusion. These two days, student Xiaobin and his girlfriend had an awkward quarrel, and Jin Linjun advised him on WeChat: "Girls are always a little pretentious, this is the only way in life," "The posture is high, don't be entangled in a little thing, because you are a man..."

Jin Linjun is responsible for this dormitory building, 164 rooms live in 2015, 2016, 2017 three grades of 624 students, each of them she knows, even where many people are, are ready to find a job or graduate school, she is clear, there are many students she sees the back of the shadow to know who it is.

Half a month ago, remembering that he would have to leave these children in another ten days, Jin Linjun was very sad. Thinking about it, she decided to write a letter to the children. She had been in high school and had worked in state-owned enterprises for many years, and writing a letter was easy, but this time she was slow to write. The students are very respectful and enthusiastic about her, always saying "auntie is good" when they meet, they will always find her if they have anything to say, and teach her to learn QQ and WeChat... There are too many words to say, too many people who are reluctant to write it down, but when they really want to write it down, their minds are blank.

In the end, this retirement farewell letter of only 500 words, Jin Linjun calculated in his heart for nearly half a month, and finally wrote it on the 28th of last month. After arriving at school the next day, she had mixed feelings and sent the farewell letter entitled "Mountains and Rivers Are Long, My Heart Forever" to several of her class groups.

The letter read: "I can't forget so many days, when you knew I was leaving you, many classmates came to visit me, comforted me, said goodbye to me affectionately, and gave me all kinds of small gifts for me. I am deeply touched by your sincere and pure hearts, children, I will always love you and remember you forever. The mountains are high and the water is long, and my heart will always be! "Children, in the future, no matter where you are in the motherland, Auntie and I will deeply bless you."

Since then, her mobile phone has not stopped ringing, and a sad and reluctant word has flown like snowflakes.

The letter caused a sensation at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Students who have been in school and even graduated for many years have expressed their reluctance to her. Some people braved the cold to walk for several kilometers and brought souvenirs such as scarves, gloves, origami and so on. Jin Linjun looked in his eyes and warmed his heart.

Yesterday morning, Zhang Yao, secretary of the party committee of the School of Automation of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Zeng Zhigang, dean, and Zhu Ping, deputy secretary of the school of automation, who returned from a business trip the night before, rushed to The 19th Building of Yunyuan for the first time and sent a condolence and farewell to Jin Linjun with the representatives of teachers and students. They expressed their gratitude to Aunt Jin for her care for the students for ten years, and fully affirmed the working method of Aunt Jin's "dormitory education", and hoped that Aunt Jin would often come back to see it in the future.

Subsequently, Secretary Zhang Yao took out a photo album. It turned out that the students, when they learned two weeks ago that Aunt Kim was retiring, wanted to give her a meaningful gift. In the end, everyone decided to give her a photo album and write the words of blessing behind her back. Soon, from level 06 to level 18, nearly 200 photos were sent to Wang Zhao, a 15-level counselor in the College of Automation, and many people were sent from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and other places. "Aunt Kim, I lived in Building 19 in 2012. When I came here, I didn't go home on National Day, you also ordered me braised fish nuggets, what to eat will always give us, help us collect quilts on rainy days, really thank you. "Aunt Kim, I'm the work-study boy who used to eat a lot of your fruit." I followed your pertinent advice, changed to a new job in Nanjing, heard that you are about to retire, and delivered my sincere wishes, I hope you will always smile and be happy. Looking at these children and reading these words, Jin Linjun, who has been touched, is difficult to control, and tears are swirling in his eyes.

The reporter saw that there was also a photo of Zhu Ping, deputy secretary of the party committee of the Automation College, who wrote: "You use your simple words and deeds to convey great love, nourish the hearts of a year of young people, they also take your love to all corners of the world, they are our students, but also your eternal children!" I wish you good health, happiness and good luck for a long time! ”

More and more students came to bid farewell to Aunt Jin, wave after wave, and many people circulated these photos, looking at them, and they all shed tears.

(Source: Chutian Metropolis Daily)

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