
"Rising knowledge" life fun cold knowledge sharing, daily science popularization, take you to increase knowledge ~–

author:Mr. Gu Yinan

Life cold knowledge

1. U.S. checks do not need to be written on specific bank check paper. As long as all the necessary information is included, the check can be written on any object and can be legally cashed. (So the big sign held up when receiving the prize may be a real check)

2. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allows heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury to appear in cosmetics such as lipstick and eyeshadow.

3. The CIA boils water by burning classified documents.

4) Mississippi is the only state that allows people to drink alcohol while driving, as long as the driver's blood alcohol level is below the legal limit.

5. Mexico is named after its capital, Mexico City, not after that country.

6) Oxford University found that if someone pokes one of your middle toes when your eyes are closed, most people don't know which toe was touched.

7. Ichiro Suzuki, the god of Japanese baseball, learned Spanish only to say bad things about his opponents.

8, the elephant's feet come with "high heels". The bones of elephants are cushioned with a thick layer of flesh, like the feet of humans wearing high heels.

9) A Japanese zoo once spent four years trying to mate a pair of hyenas before finally realizing they were both males. (Because male and female hyenas also have "fake tintin", it is easy to get confused)

10. Stone man syndrome is an extremely rare disease: human tissue will grow back into bone after any minor damage.

11, under normal circumstances, how the hand can be used ~

"Rising knowledge" life fun cold knowledge sharing, daily science popularization, take you to increase knowledge ~–

12, psychologically speaking, when people relay other people's things, they always like to add oil and vinegar, and will also add their own ideas according to personal understanding and preferences.

"Rising knowledge" life fun cold knowledge sharing, daily science popularization, take you to increase knowledge ~–