
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

author:Shadow Detective

The summer season is finally here!!!

However, due to the impact of the epidemic, the battlefield in the past two years has also shifted from the theater box office to the network broadcast volume early.

It's better to be late than not to arrive, no, this year's big war is also quietly fought on streaming.

The "first shot" was menacing, and not counting the cost, the right to buy the broadcast amounted to US$200 million (1.3 billion yuan), one of the highest in history.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

It combines elements of science fiction, apocalypse, monsters, gunfights, action, and family.

Visual effects cool film? Popcorn big smash?

See the real chapter!

Tomorrow's Battle

The Tomorrow War

2021.7.2 US Network

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

>>>> a big chicken eating game

It can make Amazon spend $200 million to buy broadcast rights, which has a lot of potential.

Production company Skydance is an old friend of Chinese film fans.

He has appeared in the "Mission Impossible" series, "Terminator" series, "Zombie World Wars", "Star Trek", "Annihilation", "Twin Killers" and other sci-fi action blockbusters.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

"Star-Lord" Chris Palat, "The Handmaid's Tale" Commander's Wife Yvonne Strakhovsky, "Burst Drummer" Grumpy Old Man J. K. Simmons, who made up the starring Big Three.

Super British comedians + American drama familiar faces + strong acting school + creative director + ace producer.

The standard formula for summer blockbusters is here.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Pratt and Simmons play a father and son

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Enough scenes.

Shooting street shootouts is as experiential as playing with chicken.

In the Reuters video comment section, viewers spoke out the voices of many people:

This film is better to be released in theaters than streaming.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The special effects team has been involved in the production of Marvel, "Rapid Shock" and many other works.

A sense of entertainment and impact in one, each explosion makes people feel that the funds are burning.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

It's reminiscent of the exploding shell on the shores of Lake Daming (Michael Bay, director of the Transformers series).

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The production team even went to Iceland to shoot snow scenes.

True trench inhumanity!

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

After talking about the hardware, let's talk about the plot.

December 2022, USA.

The male protagonist, Dan (played by Chris Pratt), became a high school teacher after retiring from the battlefield.

Wife beauty handsome, family harmony.

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One day, a group of soldiers parachuted into the World Cup arena and occupied the global live broadcast.

They're not aliens, they're from the future — they're humanity 30 years from now.

This crossing is to recruit soldiers.

It turned out that 30 years later, the earth was invaded by alien species white spikes, the human army was gradually defeated, and the earth was in danger.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Large-scale conscription officially begins.

Countries have sent elite troops, through the future of black technology, a steady stream of transport to the battlefield 30 years later.

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Civilian recruitment is also in full swing.

Great Dane was chosen by "Glory", and after saying goodbye to his family, he embarked on a journey to save the world.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Soldiers are thrown into the battlefield like a chicken-eating game

What is this white nail that is sacred?

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?


Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The shape resembles an alien shape, with long hands and long feet and a large head, and sharp teeth and drooling.

The running speed is extremely fast, and the attack power is quite strong, which is comparable to the big guys in "A Quiet Place".

Melee ends opponents with sharp teeth and tail entanglements, while long-range combat injures people by firing hidden weapons like spikes.

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Destroy the white spikes to save the world.

This is also the main purpose of The Great Dane's journey into the future:

Find a biotoxin that is enough to kill white spikes.

Back in 2022, eliminate the white spikes from the source...

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

>>>> fake sci-fi, real tribute?

Since its launch, the film has received mixed reviews.

Douban 6.6 (6.4), IMDB 6.7, Rotten Tomatoes Index 55%, Popcorn Index 81%.

Vertical comparison is not superior in science fiction films.

But horizontally, it is a fairly capable of playing among recent streaming media blockbusters.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

After 138 minutes of watching the film, my cousin made a simple summary of the film:

It's a qualified popcorn film.

Cool and explosive special effects and art design, although it is a product of Hollywood industrial assembly line, there is no lack of ingenuity of creators.

Smoke and smoke, wind and sand and dust, dark and dull color combinations slowly unfold the apocalyptic background.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The army fought against the white spikes, from the sky to the ground.

Raptor fighters, armored tanks... The battle scenes are not ambiguous at all.

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Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The big scene of strafing the monster, coupled with the setting of the monster, is quite flavorful of "Galaxy Team".

"Galactic Team" is also about the confrontation between the army and alien species, and has received many praises for its visual effects and political satire.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Top: "Tomorrow's Battle"; below: "Galactic Team"

The stems of many classic film works also appear in this film.

The "I will be back" when Dane and his daughter say goodbye is a tribute to the "I'll be back" of the classic sci-fi blockbuster Terminator.

Coincidentally, the father-in-law of Great Dane's character, Pratt, is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the character of the T-800 Terminator.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Top: Battle of Tomorrow; Bottom: Terminator

During the filming of this film, the lead actor Pratt posted a message on social media.

Originally titled Ghostdraft, it couldn't be used for some reasons, so a new title needed to be considered.

The title of the film that was envisaged has some homage to the meaning of the terrier.

For example, in Generation Alien, as mentioned above, the white spikes are set up in a similar way to the alien appearance.

Another WWZ2 but with As not Zs.

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Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Top: Battle of Tomorrow; Zombie World War below

This is interesting because the first zombie world war was produced by Skydance.

The apocalyptic setting of this film, the crazy attack of white spikes on humans, is very similar to the nature of zombie attacks.

(Of course, the cousin does not rule out that Pratt is comparing himself with Brad Pitt to see who is more handsome)

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Jurassic Draft, looking at the confrontation between Great Dane and White Spike, is it somewhat familiar?

It also appeared in "Jurassic World" starring Pratt, but one was a tamed dinosaur and the other was a tamed monster.

It is reported that in order to shoot this film, Pratt has reduced diet and strengthened training, and has lost as much as 32 pounds.

It's very dedicated!

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Above: Battle of Tomorrow; Jurassic World below

>>>> slot points are full

If you like popcorn genre films and want to have fun on this hot summer day, this piece will really satisfy your appetite.

Enough good things have been said, and I am afraid that you will say that your cousin is unfair.

Visual effects, high emotional intelligence says it is "promotion forced", low emotional intelligence says it is "surface kung fu".

The flaw of "Tomorrow's War" is that it fails to give the audience a visual bombardment in the plot.

Cool surface, the drama is touching, but the logic is more touching.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The screenwriter of this film, plus this film, has only written a total of 3 feature films (and a bunch of good cakes that have not been cashed in).

In the words of Douban netizens, this is the script written by the author of the eighteen-line network novel that makes people "feel inspired".

Good guys, do special effects with your heart, write the script with your feet?

First of all, the theme, the apocalyptic monster routine film, the same type of "Edge of Tomorrow".

People also played tributes ("Groundhog Day"), but the word of mouth doubled at the box office, becoming one of the best science fiction films of the year.

The theme is not afraid of the old, who is embarrassed, the same all pay tribute, how can the difference be so big?

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Top: "Tomorrow's Battle"; bottom picture is "Edge of Tomorrow"

Let's talk about the details.

Throwing aside the label of science fiction films, it is also okay to simply see this film as a journey to fight monsters and upgrade growth.

But since your name is Sci-Fi, at least some scientific content must be carefully studied before writing, right?

Netizens questioned "Why do people in the future world want to find people in the current world to fight monsters?" ”

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

The cousin's understanding is that the population of the future world is not enough, and the second is to ambush the family relationship line (the male protagonist and his daughter, the male protagonist and his father).


So spanning nearly 30 years, the butterfly effect, the grandfather paradox... This piece is not mentioned at all (as long as I don't say this, it doesn't exist).

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Traverse the device

Moreover, the human equipment in the next 30 years will still be the F22 + Humvee + Browning machine gun.

There is no sense of futurism at all.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?
Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

And then there's this monster.

There is no air power at all, and 8 billion people are eaten to the limit.

Co-authored is that they also eat nuclear bombs, eat and reproduce super, and every day in addition to eating and eating is snapping (but there is no camera)...

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

Although it played a tear bomb like "Interstellar" on the family line, it looked at its cousin with some heart congestion.

But crossing is a background, completely without regard to logic, such a setting makes the film a serious "cripple".

A large number of game-style shots are also enough to show that the film is a brainless film full of game experience.

Charge a lot of money, cool a handful, look back and think it's really silly.

Spend 1.3 billion, just show me this?

It's a pity that the special effects of this film are done well, and the plot collapses as a result.

According to netizens, this film is expected to introduce the mainland big screen.

Interested audiences may wish to collect it first, and then remember to visit the theater to feel the shocking charm of visual effects.

Everyone who has already seen it is also welcome to talk about your feelings in the comment area and find a good way to solve the science fiction bug.

(Already online on Amazon Prime Video)