
In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

author:A hugh culture said

After the "Heiji Rebellion" in 1159, Japan entered the "World of Samurai". The custom of loving men, which was once almost unique to monks, gradually became popular in samurai society. In the end, since the genrai dynasty established the shogunate in Kamakura in 1192, the samurai's behavior of getting close to women was increasingly despised, which was an important reason for the popularity of "love for men".

In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

The trend of male love was first prevalent among monks

At that time, the samurai attendants, the dancers of the monks, etc., were collectively called "hanging hair". In the famous historical book "Azuma Mirror" of the Kamakura period, there are many records about the "pedophilia" of the samurai family, and the following two are selected as examples:

"On November 6 of the first year of the Yuan calendar, Xin Di, Yu Tsuruoka Hachiman officials have Kagura, Takebe (Lai Dynasty) samsara, Gokaku after, enter the Gobetsu Dangfang, according to the request, Bedang from Kyoto to invite children (number you hold the Lord) to go to the next, is with the Qu Da, with it as a medium, the persuasion of the pot of wine also, hanging hair to blow the flute, stick plain flat times to pay."

"Jianjiu 2nd year of March 3, Xinhai, Ji. Tsurugatake Official Festival, there are ten children dancing (Hakone hanging hair). ”

It is worth noting that the first novel with the theme of "Love Man" is the "Story of Ishi shimizu", which came out in the first year of Hoji and Bunaga in the Kamakura period.

During the Kamakura period, some samurai coveted the "sex man", which led to the homosexuality of the Muromachi period, known as "NianYou". "In the Muromachi period, there were many male colors among samurai, and Hou Bo had almost no spoiled children. In the Warring States period, the samurai body of tomorrow is unknown today, and it is difficult to form a contract with the opposite sex to grow old. Therefore, although homosexuality can only be quick for a while, it still spreads in the general samurai society and becomes a custom in the samurai society. "

In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

At that time, there were many unisex eaters in the samurai class

According to historical records, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, the third shogun of the Muromachi shogunate, not only built Kinkaku-ji Temple in Kitayama and built a "Hanami Shrine" in Muromachi, like a "King of Japan", but also had a very good male color, and his "near-rites" (side attendants) were all beautiful men. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu was also very fond of the boyish Shikawa Yamoto Kiyoshi (a collector of Noh).

At that time, the document "Records of The Day of Woyun", recorded that Ashikaga Yoshimitsu favored the side of the beautiful child, and loved to "drink food". In the following generations of Muromachi shogunates, there was no shortage of male color lovers. For example, the sixth shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori is a good male color. Ashikaga Yoshinori was the fourth son of Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and at the age of 10 he entered The Blue Phong-in Temple as a monk. According to Junichi Iwata in the "Honmei Male Color Examination": "It can be considered that Ashikaga Yoshinori's 49-year career has been almost the same as that of men.

In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

Not only Japan, but also many emperors in China during the Wei and Jin dynasties also had the habit of breaking sleeves

Since the age of 10 to the death of Jinjin in his adolescence, the shadow caused by the incident of male sex has hung over his life.... The Ashikaga religion's male fetishism doesn't stop there. He also often visited monasteries, selected beautiful teenagers to 'drink food' to accompany meals, and even summoned them to their apartments to be pampered day and night. If you get tired of playing, find a new one as usual. Later Ashikaga shoguns took Ashikaga Yoshinori as a precedent.... Therefore, the 'drinking' of the monastery forgot its original duty. They were obsessed with how to attract the favor of the general. It can be said that in the history of male color in the Muromachi period, 'drinking food' is a very bright point. ”

Junichi Iwata can be described as Nobuhi. The "Records of the Shadow Ryo-kei" (長禄三年111日条), which records the reception of Ashikaga Yoshimasa, the son of ashikaga Yoshinori and the eighth shogun of the Ashikaga Yoshinori:." On the eleventh day, as was the old practice of the Puguang-in Temple (Ashikaga Yoshinori), the drinking and eating of the Imperial Palace was established with a book of utensils, and it could be sacrificed. To use modern Chinese explanation, that is, on the 11th, according to the old practice of entertaining Ashikaga, he accompanied the meal with "drinking food", and found that the "drinking food" accompanying the meal was very clever, so he wrote him down so that he could be dedicated to the shogun the day after tomorrow.

Throwing in the towel is a means of reaching the top in any era. Therefore, not only the monasteries, but also the general's subordinates often offered beauty to the general to "drink food". According to the Go-Hosei-in Chronicle, on April 22, 1493, hosokawa offered "drinking food" to the 10th shogun Ashikaga Yoshinori.

"What is good on the top will be effective at the bottom." In addition to the shoguns, in the Muromachi period, the local princes were famous and spoiled Yukio. According to the "Tale of The Second Water", at that time, ape music and field music maiko became popular, and artists who were good at this way often came and went to the residences of dignitaries and nobles, and many of them were favored. For example, at that time, the shoguns, gongs, and martial artists were all obsessed with and favored by an ape noh artist named Miyachiyomaru. According to the "Bun yasuda Raknoji", Prince Zhenchang once summoned the 17-year-old ape music artist Fu ruo to spoil him. Due to the popularity of male colors, it became fashionable for beautiful teenagers to paint grease and powder men and dress up as women at that time.

After the "Onin Rebellion" (1467--1477), Japan entered the Sengoku period. Many of the warriors of the Jingo Iron Horse had "small surnames" and used "child prostitutes" as a consolation after the conquest. Therefore, at that time, some "small surnames" were like concubines, and shared the military general's Feng Lu. Some have thus become "gold" (upstarts). According to historical records, Oda Nobunaga, who aspired to unify Japan with "Tenjin Bubu", had more than 50 "small surnames", of which he was particularly fond of a "small surname" named Senlan and became a "nian friend" with him.

The Picture Book Taikaku chronicle states: "Senran is the second son of Sen Kecheng, the lord of Mino and Yamashiro Castle. At an early age, he was called to be Nobunaga's attendant. Senran is not only talented and intelligent, but also has a clear eyebrow. He served as Nobunaga's attendant and received 50,000 stones. ”

According to the "Male Prostitute Shinjong Gengen Sutra", one day, Oda Nobunaga went into the toilet and asked Senran, who was waiting outside, to help him with a knife. Sen lan was idle, so he counted the marks on the sheath of the knife over and over again. The next day, Oda Nobunaga gathered many "small surnames" together and said, "Who can say anything about this sheath of my sword. As many marks as there were, I gave him the knife. ”

The teenagers rushed to report various numbers, but Senran was silent. Oda Nobunaga felt a little strange and asked him, "Why don't you say?" Senran replied, "I counted yesterday and know it very well, so I don't say it." Oda Nobunaga sighed, "It's really Senran!" He became more and more pampered with him. According to some historical records, Oda Nobunaga might not have been killed by Mitsuhide during the "Honnoji Rebellion" if he had not favored Senran. Because, Mitsuhide Akira, as a member of the wise, will be highly valued by Oda Nobunaga.

In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

In addition to "love men", the samurai class at that time also popular "pedophilia"

Senran was deeply unhappy about this, and repeatedly quarreled with Wise Mitsuhide, and often slandered Oda Nobunaga in front of him, provoking the relationship between Oda Nobunaga and Wise Mitsuhide, causing Oda Nobunaga to listen to rumors and suppress Wise Mitsuhide, causing him to raise the anti-flag in anger. Whether this claim is true or not is difficult to verify, but Oda Nobunaga has a "child prostitution" habit, which is found in many documents and can be used as a history of letters.

Because many dignitaries and dignitaries had "pedophilia" at that time, the reputation of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who succeeded Oda Nobunaga, who dominated Japan, was affected. According to the "Miscellaneous Tales of the Old Man", Toyotomi Hideyoshi's "small surname" Hashiba Nagayoshi is - an unparalleled beautiful teenager. One day, Toyotomi Hideyoshi summoned him when no one was there, causing his subordinates to speculate: "Lord Jun pingsu is not a good man, what is wrong with him today?" In fact, Toyotomi Hideyoshi summoned Hashiba Nagayoshi this time to ask him, "Do you have a sister or a sister?" Although Toyotomi Hideyoshi's lust for women is not false, there is no "pedophilia". However, the above-mentioned people speculated that it somewhat revealed the prevalence of the "child prostitution" style in the samurai society at that time. Shunti-Pen, Toyotomi Hideyoshi is not greedy for men, but his descendants are different from him.

According to the "Color of the Foothills", Toyotomi Hideyoshi's nephew, who was also his adopted son and was assigned to serve as Sekibai, had many "Nian Friends", among which Bubu Mansaku was a beautiful boy, and together with Jiro Asaka Shojiro, Nagokuyama Saburo, and Manmi Senchiyo, he was also known as the "Four Heavenly Kings of the Sengoku Beauty Boy".

"The Edo period adhered to the legacy of the Sengoku period, and the general daimyōs all served with the small surnames of beautiful teenagers. Even the second-generation shogun Tokugawa Hidetada, in his prime, was also friends with Niwa Nagatoshi, a favorite boy, Koyama Nagato, and directed the tragedy of both of them cutting their own stomachs because Ofo Morise had an affair with this beautiful teenager. The third-generation shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu also made "Nian Friends". According to the Motokushi Diary, a diary-style collection of events in the Tokugawa family during the Motoharu and Kannaga periods, Tokugawa Iemitsu became a "nian friend" with his close attendant Sakabe Gozomon when he was 16 years old, and ordered him to serve in the side room.

In ancient Japan, the popular "love of men" was due to the contempt for the behavior of close to women wandering? 1. The Rapid Spread of New Trends in Samurai Society 2. The Rise of "NianYou" 3. Pedophilia "Prevalence among dignitaries 4.The influence of Bushido."

Tokugawa Iemitsu film and television image

One day, Tokugawa Iemitsu and other minor surnames were playing in the bath, and Gozoemon saw this scene because of his difficult mood, and occasionally had "misconduct" with another close attendant at the scene. Tokugawa Iemitsu, enraged, slashed Sakabe Gozoe to death with a knife. The fifth-generation shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, also liked to make "nian friends". According to history, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi favored male color "regardless of identity and race, and his favorees were both those of lowly origins and those who were also of humble origins." In addition to the minor surnames, there are also the sons of the great names, the princes of the great powers." Tokugawa Tsunayoshi hid the best of them in the inner chamber and ordered his subordinates to be on duty day and night. Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's favorites numbered more than 20 people, who were forbidden to associate with others.

In addition to the records found in the History of Nobu, "in the works of Ihara Nishizuru and others, as well as in the operas of Kabuki and Kiyori, stories of jealousy over homosexuality abound." What is even more noteworthy is that "although the Edo shogunate spared no effort to sweep up the so-called private prostitution of Oka places and try to extinguish them, only for the male beauty of the laughing business who violated the heavenly morality, he adopted a laissez-faire or acquiescence attitude for a long time, and even Shirakawa Leweng, who was known as a generation of virtuous people, when he carried out custom reform during the Kansho period, on the one hand strictly forbade the "artist" and all other "hidden selling women" of the dark behavior, on the other hand, he acquiesced to the male beauty." This is really unusual. The reasons for this are unknown, but it can be argued that the influence of the male-colored Bushido has contributed to the tendency to default to male prostitution. ”

Conclusion: In summary, "in the Sexual Consciousness of the Japanese", "Sexual Naturalistic Pleasure" is a stream of undercurrents. When it is blocked by the "floodgates" constructed by various precepts, regulations, and consciousness, and when it is impossible to go straight, it continues to pursue sexual "pleasure" in a rebellious way.