
My "home", Bakyah Hexi

author:Audit commission
My "home", Bakyah Hexi

Ucha County, located on the Pamir Plateau, is located in the western border of the motherland. This place that "sends away the last rays of sunshine of the motherland" is the home of the Kyrgyz, Uyghur, Han and other masses. How is Ucha developing? What are the difficulties in the lives of the masses of all ethnic groups? On the eastern coast, where the morning light of the motherland is ushered in early, there is such a group of people, who are always worried about the distant western pole of the motherland.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

The Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government resolutely implement the Party Central Committee's strategy for aiding Xinjiang, and since 2010, have organized 12 districted cities and 5 counties (cities, districts) in the province to assist in the construction of Xinjiang's Ili Prefecture and Kezhou. Since then, Changzhou has been linked to Ucha and Wanli.

Over the years, the roads of Ucha have widened, hospitals and schools have become more beautiful, facilities have become more advanced, and there have been more tourists. Jiangsu aided Xinjiang people, built Ucha with hard sweat, and witnessed the development of urban and rural areas of Ucha; more importantly, with care and love, witnessed the changes in the lives of poor farmers and herdsmen in the Ucha Mountains and the changes in their "home".

My "home", Bakyah Hexi


The adobe-built home has changed

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

The new house was built and jubilant

Walking into the village of Kyzylkuruk in Urukchati Township, there are clean and tidy centralized resettlement sites, and new houses with pink walls and red roofs are neatly arranged. The newly built highway at the mouth of the village is smooth and neat, and can be connected to the township and county seat.

"Big Mom, how many people are in your family?" Is the house enough to live in? Do you have to pay for the house? ”

The sunlight of the plateau reflected the happy smile on the face of this Kyrgyz aunt. Hearing that it was a guest from afar, she enthusiastically took the audit team to visit her new home. The house is a brick-concrete structure, although the area is not large, more than 60 square meters, but the kitchen and bathroom are complete, and the family is enough to live. There is water and electricity in the house, especially the use of flush-type toilets, bidding farewell to the dry toilets of the past.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

Former adobe houses

Recalling the adobe house before, the aunt never dreamed that without having to pay for it herself, the family lived in such a comfortable new house: "Azier, Turmushu Mizi Baik Yahexi, Communist Party GareHemati!" The village party secretary smiled and translated for the auditors, "Now, our life is very good, thanks to the Communist Party." ”

In order to ensure the housing safety of farmers and herdsmen in deeply impoverished areas, in recent years, the central finance, the autonomous region and the provinces that have aided Xinjiang have jointly arranged funds to help poor farmers and herdsmen in Xinjiang build safe houses and settle down houses, and to ensure that poor households with the ability to build houses "do not pay money and pay less money" to live in new homes, and poor households with no ability to "move into" new homes with bags.

In the past three years, the Forward Command of Jiangsu Aid Xinjiang Kezhou has arranged a total of 29.98 million yuan of aid funds for the construction of safe houses and settlement houses for farmers and herdsmen in Wucha. Every year, the audit team went to the centralized resettlement site, compared with the site selection plan and the apartment design plan, reviewed the housing safety appraisal report, inspected the construction of the project on the spot, and visited and inquired about the farmers and herdsmen to collect opinions. There have been 2,361 farmers and herdsmen who have moved from crowded and dim adobe houses to spacious, bright, water- and energizing, fully functional brick-concrete houses.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi


School is their "home"

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

The audit team looks at the school classroom

Ayidanikh Batzh is an 11-year-old Kyrgyz girl who is a fourth-grader at The Black Reeds Primary School and, like many of her classmates, comes from a herdsmen family. In the village where her family lives, the village committee is 18 kilometers away from the primary school, and in the past, the children in the village went to school and had to take the school bus to and fro.

Little Bartez's parents, from the warm spring flowers to the frosted autumn grass, have been in the depths of the grassland, grazing the abundant aquatic grass. There is no place in the grassland, and children can more easily receive education, which has become a worry for farmers and herders in remote areas.

In 2017, when the audit team and the comrades of the Changzhou Forward Working Group for Aiding Xinjiang went to Heiziwei Township and inspected the primary school, they found that the school had no accommodation conditions. They learned that Heiziwei Township is sparsely populated, mainly herdsmen, the masses live scattered, many families are not close to schools, and students with accommodation needs have to go to the county town to study.

"If the school has a canteen and dormitory, it will be more convenient for children to go to school and no longer have to run back and forth."

Jiangsu Aid Xinjiang people are very concerned about the education of children and attach great importance to the situation reflected by the audit team. After research, the Jiangsu Aid Xinjiang Kezhou Forward Command will build a canteen and dormitory for the school, which is included in the construction plan for the coming year.

"Is the problem of eating and living for students solved, and are children and parents satisfied?" In 2019, when the audit team walked into Heiziwei Township Primary School again, they saw that the new canteen and dormitory had been opened.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

The audit team inspects the student dormitories

"The school built a new playground according to the standard. At present, our classroom environment and teaching facilities have heard that we are catching up with Changzhou. The school provides nutritious meals for students every day, the school now has 60 dormitories, 6 people, but also equipped with heating, no matter how cold it is in winter, it can not freeze the children. Teacher He of the school introduced them to the auditors one by one.

Today, the school has 783 students and 20 teaching classes. Through continuous assistance and investment in recent years, various teaching conditions have been continuously improved. The school provides free room and board for children, and Little Bartez, like many other farmers and herdsmen children, eats and sleeps in school, learns from teachers, and grows up on campus. School has become another warm "home" for them. This "home" solves the worries of parents and is welcomed by farmers and herdsmen.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi


Cultural activities have a new "home"

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

Spacious event room

In 2019, when the audit team came to a team in Tielek Village, Tielek Township, they saw 25 villagers sitting around the grass for a meeting under the scorching sun. According to the village branch secretary of the same group, this squad is far away from the village committee, there is no special activity room, only a conference room for rotating use, and when it is not empty or crowded, it can only meet on the grass or corridor outside.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

Open-air venue

"If you don't have a place, it's hard to organize a cultural event." Villagers reflected.

The audit team learned that the villagers were looking forward to a place to play and a richer cultural life. The audit team reflected the situation in a timely manner to the Changzhou Forward Working Group for Aiding Xinjiang. The Forward Command of Jiangsu Aid Xinjiang Kezhou attaches great importance to the demands of the masses, attaches great importance to the cultural activity room into the village, and allows farmers and herdsmen to have their own activity centers, and will build a cultural activity room for this squad into the 2020 Xinjiang Aid Project Plan.

The audit team inspected the project data, surveyed the site, and helped promote the completion and use of the cultural activity room as scheduled. Today, the 174-square-meter activity room has become the main front for herders to study at night schools and publicize policies to benefit the people. Since its completion in September 2020, a total of 42 night schools for farmers and herdsmen have been held, with 1,260 participants, and 11 cultural activities such as "national unity and family affinity" have been carried out, which has enriched the cultural life of herders and enhanced national cohesion.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

save worry:

The supermarket was on the doorstep

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

The supermarket opened and the audit team experienced it on site

"WeChat received 15 yuan."

With a voice alert on arrival, a transaction is completed. In a squad in the village of Tirek, the auditors purchased 6 large bags of local milk at the convenience supermarket.

"It's really good and cheap, and it's easy to pay."

The owner of the supermarket, a young man of the Kyrgyz ethnic group, smiled shyly after listening to the auditor's words, and told the audit team in chinese, which is not too fluent: "It is so convenient to build a small supermarket in front of the house now, and people come to buy things every day." The rent is also not expensive, 3600 yuan a year, so that I can sell things cheaper and make money at the doorstep of my home. When he heard that the auditors were from Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, he thanked Changzhou for its assistance.

My "home", Bakyah Hexi

A convenience supermarket under construction

It turned out that behind the construction of this small supermarket is the heart-warming story of Jiangsu aiding Xinjiang people.

When the audit team extended the investigation, the comrades of the Changzhou Forward Working Group for Aiding Xinjiang once came here. It was learned that this squad had 88 herdsmen and more than 300 people. The squad was remote, far from the village committee, and there was not even a commissary. Usually, villagers buy an oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, and to the nearest shopping point, they have to run 11 kilometers of mountain roads.

"It's also too inconvenient to live."

Therefore, the construction of a life supermarket for these more than 300 villagers touched the hearts of Jiangsu people who aided Xinjiang.

Nowadays, the supermarket has long been opened, although it is not large, but the daily necessities are still quite complete, basically contracting the daily life needs of the villagers. Without leaving the village, the herders also enjoy the convenience of shopping. (Cheng Hongwei, Zhao Yinzhu, Li Xiangyuan)

Note: Baikya Hexi, a popular term used by local farmers and herdsmen, means "good, great".

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My "home", Bakyah Hexi


Source: Audit Advocacy Center Audit Talk

(Editor-in-charge: Liu Wenxin, Li Liang)