
Ding Lei called on the music copyright industry to "tear down the wall" and proposed to build a world-class copyright governance model

author:Beijing News

"Since the beginning of this year, many enterprises in the Internet industry have gradually opened up. For the music copyright industry, I think the most effective way is to build a fair, open and transparent copyright governance model, especially the copyright trading system, so that the incentive value of copyright can be fully exerted. On October 17th, the 8th China International Copyright Expo China Digital Music Copyright Development Sub-Forum was held at the Hangzhou Baima Lake International Convention and Exhibition Center, and NetEase CEO Ding Lei delivered the above opening speech.

Ding Lei called on the music copyright industry to "tear down the wall" and proposed to build a world-class copyright governance model

NetEase CEO Ding Lei Delivered a speech at the Digital Music Copyright Development Sub-Forum of the International Copyright Expo.

Ding Lei called on all enterprises to fully abide by the rules of supervision and truly make up their minds to lift the exclusive monopoly and disguised monopoly of music copyright. He said that NetEase Cloud Music is accelerating the construction of copyright real-time data (system), which will be opened to all copyright owners in the near future, and copyright owners can view playback data and copyright settlement data in real time, and more than 170 copyright parties have accessed it.

"In the past few months, the relevant state departments have continued to make measures to lift exclusive copyright supervision, which has made a good start for future development. But to this day, the results of copyright opening up are still very little perceived at the public level, and the vast majority of music that used to be exclusive copyrights are still unable to be heard, bought and seen throughout the country. Ding Lei said, "Today, we sit together to communicate frankly, seek consensus, enforce rules, and strive to achieve the small goal of users only installing one software to listen to songs as soon as possible, but there will certainly be many obstacles and problems involved here, including distrust, interest agreements and competition." ”

Previously, in response to Tencent Music's announcement of giving up exclusive music, Ding Lei responded at the second quarter earnings analyst meeting: "NetEase is very much looking forward to it, hoping that this is a sincere decision that does not contain any yin and yang. At the same time, he called on record companies to open up licensing with the concept of openness and fairness to create an environment for the healthy development of the industry. At the same time, Ding Lei expressed his gratitude for the anti-monopoly penalty decision of the national market supervision department, saying that this decision released a "very clear, positive and inspiring signal for the music industry, so that the majority of users and related companies are full of expectations."

In addition to establishing a unified copyright governance model and trading system, Ding Lei also attaches great importance to the redistribution of the music industry's revenues. "In the original era of exclusive copyright, the wealth of the music industry belonged to a small number of individuals at the tip of the pyramid, and nearly half of the ordinary musicians earned less than 2,000 yuan a month, just accompanying the industry. However, after the exclusive copyright is lifted, a more reasonable distribution mechanism should be explored to protect creators as much as possible to precipitate more than 70 billion yuan of industrial achievements every year, so that more contributors to high-quality content can have a bigger cake. Ding Lei said.

In Ding Lei's view, the redistribution of income in the music industry mainly includes two aspects. The first aspect is to expand the scope of excellent copyright, so that excellent musicians can achieve and gain. The second aspect is to protect the enthusiasm of musicians for originality and let independent musicians get more respect. For example, Ding Lei said that since 2013, NetEase Cloud Music has taken the lead in the industry to invest manpower and material resources incubating music works and musicians, so far, there have been more than 260,000 independent music works on the NetEase Cloud Music Platform, with more than 300 billion songs played every year, bringing an industrial added value of 1 billion yuan.

Ding Lei said in the end that it is necessary to deepen the value of music copyright, better play the cohesion of music, and move from a single economic benefit to more social benefits. "Music is a humanistic product, with multiple values such as social benefits and memory of the times, and music copyright is the same, so music copyright should be able to do live broadcasting, cultural output, and create scientific value." Ding Lei said.

Beijing News shell financial reporter Bai Jinlei Editor Chen Li Proofreader Li Shihui

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