
French presidential candidate on China: We have only 67 million people, China has 1.5 billion people, "we are not the world's police"

Source: Global Times

[Global Times special correspondent in France Luc] France's "Southwest" reported on the 20th that Jean-Luc Mélang-sur-Merlong-sur-Merlong-singh, a Candidate for the French Presidential Election and the leader of the "indomitable France", publicly stated in the media a few days ago that he did not think that Taiwan was a country and that "it is not recognized by the United Nations."

French presidential candidate on China: We have only 67 million people, China has 1.5 billion people, "we are not the world's police"

Mellon Xiong Infographic

In a 26-minute interview, Mr. Mei was asked whether Taiwan is a country for you, saying, "Taiwan is not a country." Taiwan is not recognized by the United Nations. I don't want to get caught up in the Cold War with China. France has no other option than dialogue. He also warned that the Chinese government's anger over "Taiwan independence" is justified because it touches China's red line. "China does not intend to invade Taiwan, but if Taiwan declares independence, then China may find that the red line has been crossed," Mélang-hsiung said. So we have to find a way to make sure that doesn't happen. ”

Mélang-sur-Merlenchon also expressed his presidential campaign and purposes, especially at the diplomatic level, saying France would not go to war against China. "In the past we (France) waged war against many countries for no reason, but I will not," he said. We are a country of only 67 million people. A single strike could wipe out France. There are 1.5 billion people in China, and we have to recognize that. He concluded by adding, "We are not the world's policemen." ”

Jean-Luc Mélange, 70, was elected French senator, member of the European Parliament and Minister of Education, and announced his candidacy for the 2022 French presidential elections last November.

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