
Read Carnegie – taking advantage of harsh environments

author:Ugly brothers are cattle

Take advantage of harsh environments

To be successful, Carnegie said, you must learn to take advantage of harsh environments. Seeing this advice from Carnegie, I first thought of several old Chinese sayings, such as being born in distress, dying in comfort, and being left to die and being born later, and thinking of the famous sentence in Mencius: "Therefore, the heavens will send down a great task to man, and he will first suffer his heart, strain his bones, starve his body, empty his body, and mess up his deeds, so he is moved to endure, and he has benefited what he cannot do." "If you can realize that the tribulations you have experienced are the preparation and cornerstone of your success, and the precious wealth of your life, you will face any difficulties calmly and think of winning the battle.

Carnegie said: "Difficult times, bad fate, loss of face, loss of comfort, loss of occupation ... All adversity is not a great misfortune in life; the greatest misfortune in life is the inability to deal with the wolf who suddenly comes to the door, and to get a leather coat on the wolf to wear. ”

In Carnegie's view, man is the most cowardly and least capable animal on earth. His body is hairless, very weak, nervous, many diseases innervate him, the slightest change in temperature and air pressure will make him sick, and occasionally eat the wrong thing will also get sick or even poisoned. This is the original adversity of mankind. But God has endowed man with the most peculiar mind and the most dexterous hands to remedy man's imperfections. Naked and hairless, but with gorgeous clothes; indigestion, but with cooked food; afraid of cold and heat, but with a house and air conditioning; smell is not as good as dogs, but can make the most fragrant things; eyes are not as good as eagles, but invent telescopes and microscopes; hearing is not as good as cats, but invent phonographs and radios. Now, man has become the strongest animal in the world. Human beings have not suffered from adversity, on the contrary, adversity has enabled human life to develop upwards and achieve happiness. Carnegie said that adversity is the best teacher of tempering character, just as need is the mother of invention.

The harsh environment is the cradle of your growth. Carnegie especially reminds parents who struggle from hardships from an early age not to spoil their children, not to try to accept them instead of them or to help them avoid tribulations. He said that some parents only hope that their children will be blessed and able to avoid the hardships they have suffered, and such parents, although they are kind and loving to their children, are wrong, they forget their sound character, which is the result of dealing with adversity and hardship, subduing adversity and hardship. If parents teach and expect their children with such misconceptions, they are depriving their children of their most precious right to life. The most qualified university in the world to teach character is a tough university!

If you are now in adversity, losing your position, losing your money, and yourself or your lover are invaded by illness, you don't have to be depressed and complain. Carnegie said that you only have the courage to rise up and fight your bad luck, is the right way, as long as you persevere to the end, the final victory will belong to you.

Carnegie said, "If you are in the midst of adversity, you don't have to cry out for this bad luck, you should use it as an asset to develop your character and help you succeed in your career, it is not bad luck for you, but your most beneficial friend!" ”

"The adversity we encounter is our good friend." This is the spirit of dealing with adversity that Carnegie advocated. It is also an essential ideological weapon for you to succeed.