
Iyama successfully handled the complicated situation The Japanese chess jihad again defeated Keigo Yamashita

On January 29th and 30th, the second round of japan's 39th Chess Jihad Challenge was contested at the Hachinohe Park Inn in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. Defending chess Seijiyama Yuta defeated challenger Keigo Yamashita in 228 hands to lead 2-0 on aggregate.

This issue of the Chess Challenge recreates last year's matchup, and whether Keigo Yamashita can shake the throne of Yuta Iyama is of concern. In the first game, the black-clad Iyama in the first day of the dragon's difficult adversity, the next day with a profound calculation of the road to successfully cure the orphan, and finally won with half an eye, won the opening. Whether Yamashita will equalize in time in the second set will have a great impact on the trend of seven wins and losses.

Previously, Yamashita and Iyama had both reached the top nine times in the Grand Triple Crown Competition, of which Yamashita won five chess saints, and celebrities and Ben infang each won two yuan. Jingshan won the chess sage twice, won the celebrity four times, and climbed the basic infidel three times. Whoever can become the winner of this period of chess will be the first to enter the "ten big triple crowns" club. Interestingly, former Japanese first man Zhang Xu has also won the grand treble title a total of nine times (Qisheng 3, Celebrity 4, Andying fang 2), and now can only watch the two competitors who can climb to new heights first. In history, only Hideka Takakawa (9 issues of Honinfang, 1 issue of celebrities), Lin Haifeng (8 issues of celebrities, 5 issues of Honinfang), Zhao Zhixun (8 issues of chess, 9 issues of celebrities, 12 issues of Honinfang), Kobayashi Koichi (8 issues of chess, 8 issues of celebrities) who can win the championship ten times. Even Eio Sakata, who had swept the title battle, was one step away from achieving this great achievement (2 issues of celebrities, 7 issues of Honinbo), and other giants such as Hideyuki Fujisawa, Masao Kato, Masaki Takemiya and others failed to break through the threshold of "three crowns and ten crowns".

The year before and last year, Yuta Iyama won the Triple Crown for two consecutive years, and if he can defend his title in full this year, he will equal Zhao Zhixun's performance of winning the Triple Crown for three consecutive years from 1996 to 1998. Compared with the five-fold win-loss of the one-day system, Iyama performed more stably in the seven-fold win-loss of the two-day final, and achieving this goal is not a luxury.

On the 29th, the first day of the second innings began, and the person who served as the founder of the innings was the famous Kudan Kudan Kudo Norio of the older generation of Japan. Keigo Yamashita, who is the first to take the lead in black, starts with the traditional astrological sanssouci angle, and Iyama should start with a small star. I thought that the layout would be relatively stable, but both seemed to be scrappy, in the lower left corner of the fixed formula, Jingshan Bai 16 took off the first anti-clip black chess, Yamashita Black 17 immediately attacked in two ways, and the chess game quickly entered the unknown territory. The chess pieces on both sides are somewhat strange, with various clues and complicated situations.

Progress on the first day of a two-day match has always been slow, and this game was no exception. When the 45th hand Yamashita was pressed in the lower right corner, Iyama proposed to seal his hand and gave the 46th hand seal to Theatoku Fujio. On the first day, it took 4 hours and 7 minutes to go down the mountain, and Itoyama took 3 hours and 23 minutes, both sides were very cautious, and The chess of Iyama was relatively brighter.

On the morning of the 30th, the battle continued at 9 o'clock local time, and the attack and defense of the two sides became more and more difficult to understand, several pieces of chess were entangled with each other, and the next piece of white chess looked bitter, but Jingshan escaped in a clever order. Yamashita used the attack to encircle the left, and the two sides finally returned to the track of the competition field, but how to fix the "irregular chess shape" everywhere was still a headache.

Yuta Iyama showed great ability to deal with complex situations, and the official stage finally took full control of the situation. Yamashita Keigo struggled to support to 228 hands, seeing that the trend was irreparable, and threw in the towel.

Yuta Iyama went down two cities in a row, and the three consecutive chess saints dominated a smooth road. The third round of the seven wins and losses will be played on February 5 and 6 in Owomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture, can Keigo Yamashita perform something to avoid the boring situation of the seven wins and losses in this period? (Xiao Xiaofeng)