
Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

author:Meng culture
Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Debunking rumors, dogs can swim this rumor how many dogs hurt every year!

To tell the truth, many people think that dogs can swim, why say so, because the dog planing swimming is when we were young with the family dog in the creek to learn, as a professional level swimming coach, at that time we learned to swim, a summer vacation 60 lessons, the fee is only a few pieces of meat bones, it can be said that it is much cheaper than the current two hundred more than a private training class.

At the beginning, the controller really thought that the dog could actually swim, because the dog was not afraid of the water at all, right? We often see the dog at home playing in the water.

ps: The key part of this article has been marked black, easy for everyone to read, if you have any questions, you can leave a message below!

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

But seriously, many people especially like to summarize everything with the so-called "facts" they see, because whether a dog can swim is inseparable from its body structure, the long-term living environment of the community, and whether its function is sound.

If you just meet some dogs that can swim, and then think that all the dogs can swim, and then take them to swim, then don't you make a metaphysical mistake?

Just like one person likes to eat rice, ten people on the side like to eat rice, and they think everyone likes to eat rice? Maybe there are people who like to eat steamed buns or noodles?

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Remember that there is also such a story in an ancient text: Once upon a time, there was a Vietnamese who was good at swimming, and gave birth to a son just after the full moon. His mother wanted her son to be thrown into the water. Someone asked strangely, "Why do you want to do this?" His mother replied, "His father was a master swimmer, and he must have been a swimmer as well." ”

The mother's erroneous conclusion that "he must also be a swimmer" was based on her erroneous premise that the son must be like the father.

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Can our Chinese Pastoral Dogs swim? In fact, this is only a part, like the pugs I have seen, Jingba dogs, Pine Lion dogs, etc., they can basically only flutter in the water a few times.

And they are only one of the majority of Chinese pastoral dogs, whether they can swim, this really involves a lot of factors, but it is a few days ago, a baby cow was taken to swim and drowned, in just a few minutes, the shoveler is still playing with mobile phones.

This kind of thing actually happens every year, and the number of times is not quite a lot!

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

On April 9, 2019, the drowning of the black french cow was not just an accident, it was said that dogs can be dog planers, but in many cases we found that dogs actually can't swim, last summer we had a group of dog owners to play in Zhoushan, only Labrador and Golden Retriever dared to swim far into the water, the rest like Corgi, Alaska, Husky and my family's Samoyeds ignored the sea and resolutely did not go into the water!

Like when a friend's Labrador first saw water, he was only 4 months old, and he naturally fell out of the water and began to swim, as if he had swum many times a long time ago.

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

The Labrador dog is not actually from the Labrador region, but from Newfoundland, Newfoundland everyone may know, because its fishery and seafood breeding industry is world-famous, Labrador was initially called a small Newfoundland dog, St. John water hound, black water hound, etc., because it was not originally used as a guide dog or search and rescue dog, but was used by local fishermen to retrieve cod, and to help remove the hook after landing, and also helped to drag the wet and heavy fishing net back to shore. Often have to go into the water to help the owner catch fish.

The body structure of Labrador is very adapted to life in the water, its body size is small, but it is very strong, it is a very strong swimmer, the overall assembly line, and it has double layers of short hair, which has a thick layer of fluff, which can make them not freeze in the cold water, and the work efficiency is much higher than that of the long-haired Newfoundland dogs!

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

And what are the other dog breeds like short legs or shorter nasal passages?

Pugs, French pit bulls, English bulldogs, corgis, these dogs are very unaccustomed to swimming, why?

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

First of all, the limbs of these dog breeds are short but strong, suitable for short-distance sprints and outbreaks, which is related to the nature of their cattle herding and bullfighting work, and with such work, these dogs often have a nose passage close to the face and a face wrinkle that is easy to drain blood, such a design is particularly useful at work, but it is their old life when swimming!

On the one hand, small short-legged pedaling is not as easy as long-legged dogs, because the contact surface is small, and the narrow nasal passage itself has high breathing requirements, and it is easy to choke on water, so we found that short-legged dogs fluttered in the water particularly badly, but if we did not pay attention, it only took two minutes, and the dog would choke to death!

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

In addition, swimming, many people have to spend a lot of money to ask the coach to teach, why do you think that dogs are born, it is not a fish?!

Just like people in the south near the water's edge, they often learn to swim, but there will still be a few of them, and they will not be able to swim by nature.

In the north, where you basically don't swim in the water, there will be a few people who can learn to swim, but most of them can't swim either.

Throw the dog straight into the water and let it swim? This is murder!

So how do we determine if a dog can swim?

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

First of all: let's first look at the breed of dog, in general, if the dog's predecessor work is not related to water, then it is basically no swimming ability (in the water fluttering a few times that is not called swimming, that is called playing water, do not argue, thank you!). Like my family's sled dogs, they can float in the water for a while, but they are very eager to go ashore.

What are the dogs who specialize in swimming? The first is the water hound: the Portuguese water hound, the Spanish water hound, the Irish water hound and the Dutch Rudder hound, the American water hound, the long-haired eared hound...

In addition to the water hounds, some retrievers often have swimming ability because they need to catch and retrieve prey in the water, such as golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, curly retrievers, smooth hair retrievers, Cesar Pikes Bay retrievers, Nova Scotia retrievers, if the family dog is these dogs, then it is basically 95% of the probability that it is not afraid of water and can quickly learn to swim, of course, some of these retrievers may also be dry ducks, which is also a chance.

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Second: tell from the dog's behavior whether the dog will swim or not.

If the dog is not afraid of water, and even likes to roll in the pool or mud pool, then we can first think of it as a person who can touch the water, if it is a puddle and can't avoid it, then such a pet does not like the water 100%, and it is not very good at swimming.

Or you can take the initiative to take the family pet to the pool to see if it wants to go down, which is the first step in teaching the pet to swim, so that it does not resist.

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Next: The shoveler needs to determine if he really wants to teach the dog to swim.

Dog swimming has many advantages, can strengthen the training of muscles, while the pressure on the joints will not be too large, so like some of the pets that have done joint surgery in the recovery exercise, will be through swimming this way, like dogs with hip diseases, not suitable for intense exercise, and swimming on its joints the burden is small, the use of swimming can exercise its muscles.

At the same time, swimming can correct the dog's outer figure eight, because the force in the water is uniform, so there will be no outer figure eight because of the tile.

In addition, swimming consumes more of the dog's strength, which can make the dog quickly consume physical strength after exercise.

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

If you are sure to teach your dog to swim, you can actually use your dog's life jacket at the beginning! Yes, dogs actually have life jackets, and dogs wearing life jackets can actually play a role in exercise, if the cow was wearing a life jacket to go into the water, then there would be no such tragedy!

Plus, most importantly!

Do not push the dog into the water when the dog desperately wants to go ashore, most dogs that can swim will not behave in such a state, if it is very scared, and the water is very fierce, then pay attention to let the dog go ashore first.

Otherwise, after exhaustion, the dog will sink into the water!

Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects

Nowadays, dogs that are accidentally drowned every year because of this misunderstanding, the controller understands that there are more than ten dogs around them, and placed in the whole country, then I believe that the number will be more!

Isn't it too wrong for a suffering dog to because of a wrong view from its owner?

It can only be said that sometimes, people's prejudices do not necessarily hurt themselves, but they will definitely hurt others, and don't let dogs pay the price for the stupidity of the owners!

References:[1] Huang Liwen. Dog-specific swimsuit system:China,cn201610112915.0[p].2017-09-08. [2] Take your dog for swimming in summer[j].China Working Dog Industry,2015,(7):57-58. Old Pan. Swimming, the best sport for dogs[j].Pet World (Dog Fans), 2012, (005): 106-107. The second "Funniest Swimming Social Lesson on The Planet Wang" in 2017 "Pet World" was successfully concluded! [j].Pet World (Dog Fans), 2017, (009).
Debunking rumors, dogs are injured by natural swimming lies, and owners need to avoid the risk of drowning from three aspects