
At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

author:Mu Yan said entertainment

People say that the years are not sparing, but sometimes there are always some people who come up to us and tell us that this truth does not apply to everyone, such as the "sexiest man in Denmark" that we are going to talk about today, Max Dietman Mickelson.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

The Danish actor, who was born in the 1960s, has just celebrated his 53rd birthday, and for the younger generation, he is about the same age as our parents, but he does not see the vicissitudes of the years, but still has an irresistible charm.

When it comes to Danish cinema, we may not be familiar with living in China, but we've actually seen Max's face in many works. In Marvel's fantastic masterpiece Doctor Strange, Max Mickelson plays casillas, an evil mage with "dark circles".

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

In Star Wars: Rogue One, the heroine's father, Former Imperial scientist Galen Urso, is also played by Max.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max is more famous for his TV series "Hannibal", after Hopkins's "Silence of the Lambs", Max became the second actor to successfully interpret the ogre, bringing a new "Hannibal" to the audience, and the role of Dr. Hannibal Lecter earned Max the nickname of "Uncle Ba".

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

However, with only these few roles that we are familiar with, it is difficult for us to really understand the charm of Uncle Mai, let alone know what the so-called "sexy" is, and to know why this man can get so much praise, we still have to start from the beginning.

Max's sexiness lies in his casualness, seemingly careless, but in fact he is doing big things in a muffled voice. In the planning of the path of life, Max never had a clear plan. He never thought that there was anything that a man was born to do, that life was not arranged at birth, and that from the perspective of Max's own life experience, his life was indeed wonderful because of many unexpected changes.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max with brother Russ

For Max, childhood is the most influential part of his future, and an important part of his childhood is his eldest brother Russ Mikkelson, for whom the brother is both a brother and a partner, interestingly, although Now Max and his brother are very good actors, but back forty years ago, none of the brothers had the idea of a future career.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Russ Mickelson played the arch-villain Charles Magnussen in Sherlock

Max Mickelson and his brother grew up in The Norrebro district of Copenhagen, where their father was a taxi driver and his mother was a nurse, making them a typical and ordinary blue-collar family. Max's father loved to listen to radio dramas, while the brothers were obsessed with Monty Python's Flying Circus, and perhaps the smell of these plays planted the seeds of performance in Max's heart, but the matter of making children actors was not within the Mickelson family's consideration. The young Max became a gymnast because of his excellent physical condition, and his future plan was to compete and win gold medals.

By chance, Max was photographed by a dance teacher who, after starring in a musical, asked Max if he would like to learn dance. Years later, Max recalled that he agreed to study dance mostly because there were more girls in the dance school, but in any case, after that, Max came to the Ballet Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden, and stayed for nine years.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Studying in Sweden has allowed Max to become fluent in Swedish, and max is now proficient in five languages: Danish, Swedish, German, English and French.

Now it seems that perhaps the indelible elegance of Max is derived from years of dance, and in the past decade of dance drama experience, Max has gradually discovered that his real interest is not dance, but the part of dance performance. He decided to return to Denmark's most famous theatre, the Aarhus Theatre, to learn acting formally, before finally making his screen debut as an actor at the age of 31.

In 1895, the Lumière brothers of France made the first film in history, and in the following year, Denmark made its first film, so that Danish cinema is basically the same age as the history of film and film, and its development and glory are also in line with international standards, and the development of the global film industry shares the same pulse. After several booms and busts, danish cinema once again ushered in its golden age at the end of the twentieth century, and Max Mickelson was one of the superstars who rose during this period.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

While studying at the Acting School at the Aarhus Theatre, Max met Danish director Nicholas Winding Reyfern, who had just returned from his studies in the United States, and the two brought their Virgos as actors and directors, respectively, "The End of the Road" and "Pusher". The film later became a masterpiece of fame for the two, and also made Max and Rayfern a very good friend, in the following years, Max has cooperated with Leifern many times, "The End of the Road 2", "Sunrise Martyrs' Shrine", "Blood Flow" and other works are the product of the cooperation between the two.

It has to be said that this movie has made a good start to Max's acting career, which is not only his luck, but also proves that Max is indeed a talented actor. In "The End of the Road", Max played a small gangster who sold drugs in Copenhagen, bald head and tattoos, Max's screen debut was diametrically opposed to his previous elegant image, but it was surprising, after which Max won the trophies of various Nordic film festivals many times, becoming the brightest new star in Northern Europe.

"The End of the Road" is regarded as the first Danish gangster film, in Denmark that year to harvest a very high box office, but also caused a wave of crime and gangster movies, and even had an impact on the domestic fashion trends at that time, the film also created opportunities for many of the starring actors, for Max, many of the subsequent film invitations have benefited from this, "The End of the Road 2" is to turn the camera directly to Max, focusing on Tony's story.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max's early works also reflect the main features of turn-of-the-century Danish cinema, including the "Dougmar 95" movement launched in 1995 by the famous Danish director Russ von Trier ("Dogtown", "Dancer in the Dark"), a return to the primitive, handheld camera shooting, no special effects and background music, aiming to return the film to the original real and pure texture, the style of "End of the Road" we mentioned earlier is very close, and Max later starred in "Love Outside the Window" It is one of the representative works of "Dougmar 95".

"We made a cool movie together, and when it's all over, we'll go back and start a new round of work." This is Max's attitude toward acting all along. Unlike later in the world, Max has a richer choice in Denmark, and his selection criteria is to follow his own wishes, Denmark for him, is the place where passion and dreams are generated, but also the testing ground of his acting, which gives him many opportunities to challenge himself, and he gradually grows up here in order to let Denmark be seen by the world.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

"007: Casino Royale" made Uncle Mai officially recognized by a global audience for the first time, and it is also one of his most classic screen images, and he was able to star in thanks to the "Love Day Outside the Window" that we mentioned earlier.

I don't know what made the producers of "007" think that the gentlemanly doctor in this film can play a villain, but after "Love Outside the Window", producer Barbara still found a Max who had not seen in the "007" series of movies and invited him to star in the first work of the new 007.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Compared to the actor Daniel Craig, who auditioned three times before being finalized, Max's process of getting this role was too easy, and at the invitation of the producer, the role of banker and terrorist leader Le Hiefers was tailor-made for him, which not only blended the cold-blooded and cruel side of the previous gangster movies, but also made Max's own elegance and sexiness come in handy.

In the past 007 series of movies, countless villains are the same as the Bond girls, but the foil of the protagonist James Bond, but this time, The Hievers played by Max is known as the most attractive villain who can compete with the protagonist Bond so far, and it is this brilliant performance that opens up a new path for Max in the world.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

"Sexy" became an indelible label on Max at this time. Whether it is Joanna, the queen's lover in "The Royal Affair", or the Russian composer Igor in "Chanel's Secret Love History", his role has always had a fatal attraction, in the contrast between the extremely manly facial features and the elegant temperament of the body, Max does not need to say a large paragraph of lines or how to please, he only needs to stand there, it is enough to make a high queen fall.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame
At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

And when the perverted ogre meets Max Mickelson, this classic film and television image has another side of sensual warmth. If Anthony Hopkins' Hannibal is brilliant in contrast between his calmness and bloodlust, Max's Portrayal of Hannibal omits his tyrannical and repetitive side and turns cannibalism into an extremely elegant thing.

As Max says, Hannibal is the happiest character he's ever played because he really knows how to enjoy life. In the play, Hannibal is an excellent psychiatrist, and at the same time has a good taste in fashion and food, in such a thrilling and bloody work, Hannibal's cooking and enjoying the "food" picture has become the most pleasant fragment of the whole play, wearing a suit to cook is not at all contrary to him, and if you ignore the fact that he tastes human flesh, it is not too much to say that this drama is "America on the tip of the tongue".

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max's rich life experience has made him proficient in five languages, which gives him a broader platform than other actors, he can play people of different origins in different works, a pure English can be mixed with the accents of various places with the role, but the Mestan accent is not the most important, his acting skills are enough to make people believe in his role.

These are all attempts by Max on the international stage, and from a business point of view, these roles are more "brilliant" than many of his attempts in Denmark, but Max himself has consistently tasted in the selection of works. Although the fates of the characters are different, each character is never thin, compared to the same handsome image, Max does not mind playing ugly, and his sharp eyebrows always carry his own attraction.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max Mickelson entered the industry late, but his works are not small, and of all his film and television drama works, the highest rated and most brilliant should be the 2012 film "Hunting".

Contrary to what people have imagined, the hunt in the film is not a human chasing a beast, but a human being. The protagonist Lucas (Max) after divorcing his wife to a small town as a kindergarten teacher, want to start a new life, gentle and kind he quickly got the love of children and town residents, and among the children he takes care of is a somewhat precocious little girl, she actively shows Lucas, Lucas when she realizes that this feeling is a little strange, this behavior angered the girl, she angrily reported Lucas to the kindergarten director for violating her, and the young she did not know the weight behind this sentence.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Suddenly, the residents who had smiled at Lucas changed their faces, and Lucas lost his job and lost his friends. No one in the whole town believed his words, and everyone spoke ill of him, making it difficult for him to have even the most basic food, clothing, and shelter. As time went on, people's malice began to escalate, and in their anger, they beat up the innocent Lucas, killed Lucas's dog, and even wanted to kill him in the forest. It wasn't until the girl finally realized the seriousness of the affair and told the truth that Lucas finally sank, but even after many years, Lucas could still feel the seemingly innocent discussion and suspicion among the people in the crowd.

This story is undoubtedly heavy, this time, Max did not play an elite of elegant gentlemen, without the previous strategizing, he played a good old man who seemed too kind, his eyes in the film constantly revealed frustration and despair, he no longer had the calmness of the past, but more awkward.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

"A film that can make people feel pain is a good film, and a film that can make people feel sad is a classic", "Hunting" is such a work. Lucas, played by Max, does not say much in the film, but uses his own silent indictment of the cruelty of the world to him, and also silently touches our hearts, "The Hunt" is the best film in Denmark that year, and in today's "post-truth" era, it is an undeniable masterpiece.

At the same time, the film also won Max's first international award, "The Hunt" became the first Danish film since 1998 to be shortlisted for the main competition of the Cannes Film Festival, and Max Mickelson also won the best actor of the year.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Max Mickelson's life has made many attempts, athletes, dancers, actors, each attempt is a metamorphosis, making Max more different, and what we call "sexy" is the product of the fusion of perseverance, agility, and elegance.

At 53 years old, he is the sexiest man in Denmark, and anyone who loves Danish movies must know him! 1996 | In "The Last Run" and "There Is a Love Day Outside the Window", Max played a doctor, and in the process of helping the heroine, the two attracted each other to each other | 2006 Igor and Chanel Max Mikkelson in 007: Casino Royale and Chanel's Secret Love Story | 2012 on the set of Hannibal The award guest of the 2012 session of "Hunting" was Gong Li, which is also a surprise with the same frame

Back in the streets of his old life, the taverns and apartments that were once human, he said: "My life has changed, but I have not." "We know he's not someone who's limited by age numbers, and 53 or 63 is no different for him. He could spend ten years learning to dance, he could change careers and become one of the best actors in the world in the year of his career, he could play the most exquisite aristocrat, or he could play the most depressed prisoner in prison.

Of course, we also know that he will never stop trying in the days to come, to test all the possibilities in Max Mickelson.