
Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

author:Rich son Kan Qiu

After Harden left, the Rockets officially entered the rebuild! Who is the cornerstone of reconstruction? It must have been Kevin Porter Jr., who played very well last season and this year's chart-picker Jaylen Green! This pair of backcourt "Gemini" was full of expectations, but the new season rockets handed over the penultimate record of 1 win and 7 losses in the West, and at this stage it is a 6-game losing streak, including only stealing a victory from the Fish Belly Thunder. In fact, as far as I expected before the start of the season, the Rockets met expectations! Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Green, you go to the bench!

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

After Kevin Porter Jr. came to the Rockets, he corrected the attitude of the "problem teenager" who used to be in the Cavaliers and opened a new chapter. In the 26 games that came to the Rockets last season, Kevin Porter Jr. averaged 16.6 points, 3.8 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game. Kevin Porter Jr., who played a brilliant performance, quickly stood firm in the starting lineup and was seen as the cornerstone of the Rockets' reconstruction! In one of the games against the Bucks, Kevin Porter Jr. played a perfect performance of 50 points and 10 assists. However, this season, Kevin Porter Jr. averaged only 13.3 points, 4.5 rebounds and 5.1 assists per game in 8 games, shooting only 29.8% from three-point range, the most conspicuous of which was mistakes. Kevin Porter Jr. averaged 4.9 turnovers per game, ranking first in the league! Among them, there are 9 terrible mistakes against timber wolf gundam, and 8 terrible mistakes against green army gundam!

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

At the beginning of the season, Kevin Porter Jr. had the confidence to average 10 assists per game, however, the official game began, which is completely different! Kevin Porter Jr. couldn't play the No. 1 position, and his role on the court coincided with That of Jaylen Green, leaving the Rockets in an infinite singles- In fact, the Rockets themselves are an All-Star who can pass the ball, and Wall has averaged 9 assists per game in his career, but he is now in an awkward situation! No team dared to take over the $46 million contract, and the Rockets were reluctant to use Wall (so as not to affect the value of the deal). I think the Rockets need to make a choice next, either trade Wall for a young all-Star-level guard with potential, or let someone else play the No. 1 position!

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

In addition to Wall, Augustine can also play the No. 1 position, but Silas did not give the 33-year-old a chance, and even the playing time was limited. This season has averaged only 12 minutes per game, but has managed turnovers very well, averaging just one turnover per game. I think that if Augustine is given a start of about 30 minutes, Augustine can average at least 6 assists per game and less than 3.5 turnovers per game. Augustine didn't fall so badly, so why didn't Silas use it?

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

I think the best way for the Rockets to deal with Kevin Porter Jr. next is to press Keving Porter Jr. on the bench! Jaylen Green can actually play the No. 1 position, and the Rockets can completely put up a starting lineup such as Jaylen Green + Nouaba + Tate + Wood + ShenJing. Giving Jaylen Green enough ball power and cultivating Jaylen Green as a "Harden", I believe that Jaylen Green's average data per game is not only 14.8 + 3.6 + 3.3 data. At the very least, assists will rise to more than 5 times, and with more touches, shooting efficiency will also be improved. After all, Jaylen Green is a ball-holding two-legged defender.

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

The Rockets' mission this season can be said to be to strive for the top pick, but also to let the potential rookies play! In addition to selecting Jaylen Green with the 2nd pick this year, the Rockets also took Shinkin with the 16th pick, Garupa with the 23rd pick and Christopher with the 24th pick. Shen Jing is a bit of a big Gasol meaning, Garuba template chasing dream Green, Christopher template Harden. The author feels that it is completely possible to put these 4 people in the starting lineup, posing the lineup of Jaylen Green + Christopher + Garruba + Shenjing + Wood, although this lineup does not have the fighting power of Jaylen Green + Nouaba + Tate + Wood + ShenJing, but it can hone the Rockets' 4 futures faster!

Averaging 4.9 turnovers per game, Porter Jr., Porter Jr., give the ball to Jaylen Green, you go to the bench

Silas is a kind coach and a gentleman's coach, which is rare in the NBA's coaching lineup! But Silas also has some problems, and the adaptability is questionable! Seeing Kevin Porter Jr.'s first five games, Silas did not make relative adjustments, or insisted on his own routine. If you put Kevin Porter Jr. in the starting lineup next, I think the Rockets have not achieved the effect of training new people this season, despite the signing of the champion. After all, sooner or later Jaylen Green will be in the No. 1 position, and Christopher and Garupa are not getting much good workout! If Jaylen Green is the core and regarded as the cornerstone of Harden's team, the author feels that the future of the Rockets is clearer!

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