
Introduction to headline numbers (updated)

author:Chen Xiang- Wave Theory
Introduction to headline numbers (updated)

Author: Chen Xiang

Grateful for the motherland, grateful for the society, grateful for everyone's trust and support. Chen Xiang - Wave Theory, a practical practitioner of wave theory in China, and a columnist of many large media, tells the correct solution of wave theory, solves problems for wave lovers in the world, and strives to spread the correct wave concept and trading concept!

In the next year since 2007 in a variety of opportunities to guide into the investment market, began to learn investment trading related knowledge, after experiencing the stock market, futures market, foreign exchange market, precious metals, energy and other markets, immersed in the study of wave theory, summed up a set of wave application knowledge and trading skills, after careful consideration, the system used in the name of the name named "Chen Xiang - Wave Theory".

Perception: one push and one tone, one simple and one repetition, called the wave

Wish: Spread the wave theory to believe in the correct solution, give up and down, and ask for the bottom, so that wave lovers can correctly understand the wave theory and use the wave theory correctly, and solve problems for wave lovers.

This public account (Wave Theory) mainly shares the practical methods of wave theory in the domestic stock market, futures market, international exchange market, gold and silver, crude oil and Bitcoin investment market, and does not recommend account opening in any market (including stocks, futures, foreign exchange, etc.). At the same time, do not do any live broadcast, nor create QQ groups, WeChat groups and other group chats, weekly video sharing is generally updated on weekends. Here, you can not only see but also learn, and illuminate the road ahead for everyone when everyone is confused!

Many friends have given us feedback that in addition to the public account, there are many people who impersonate Teacher Chen's personal QQ number, WeChat id and other accounts, using Teacher Chen's identity to add friends, and many friends have also reported to us that they have been deceived by people who call themselves Teacher Chen. Everyone must pay attention to the fact that if someone says that they are Teacher Chen, they must ask the other party to say a word in voice and distinguish between true and false through sound.

What's more, because it is very busy in the next weekdays, to trade, answer, go out, study, daily chores, participate in some activities, etc., it will not take the initiative to add anyone, nor will it chat with people privately, so all those who say that they are Teacher Chen, and take the initiative to contact you, let you add groups, sell courses, ask you for money or donations, etc. Everything involving money is fake.

In the next personal QQ number and WeChat signal, at present, only students or friends who have had many intersections will be added. If it is easy to add, it is definitely not Teacher Chen himself. For more knowledge of wave theory, please pay attention to the VX public account: Wave Theory, search for brl32 (l is the English letter).

It is fate to meet in the vast sea of people, and I cherish and trust each of my friends who pay attention to and trust me. The readers of this public account are investors with certain investment tendencies, and I will share my years of investment experience and accumulated views and ideas with you. If you are naturally an investment-oriented person and are willing to learn how to invest, then treat investing as a serious undertaking, and pay enough effort to do it, work hard, never depreciate yourself, and regard investment as a pure gamble like a layman.

If you regard investment as gambling or unwarranted suspicion and unreasonable troublemakers, please quietly unfollow attention. After all, there are only a few people I can influence, Shakyamuni Buddha is so great, there are also people who come to attack him, hinder him, and question him, not to mention that I am an ordinary man! I only hope to influence and change the people who are related to me in my lifetime, so that they can take fewer detours in trading and return to the right path, and have no regrets in this life!


There is only one headline number under the name of Chen Xiang-Wave Theory (as shown below), and the rest of the headline numbers are impersonations, please be careful to add, beware of being deceived! Due to the fact that there are many things in the usual transaction, the public account is responsible for the assistant.

Introduction to headline numbers (updated)

If there is any error in this article, I repent,

If this article has merit, all will return to it,

Eliminate the three obstacles and troubles, and gain wisdom and true understanding.

——Chen Xiang