
The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

author:Bluestone Films

In 1994, a producer, with $23 million in funding, brought in a second-rate director and two third-rate actors to co-produce an action comedy.

The lesser-known director was Michael Bay, and the two equally unknown actors were Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.

The film is the "Jedi X-Men" released in 1995, which is a legend in the history of film.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Because it instantly became popular with four stars: Jerry Brookheimer, Michael Bay, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Jedi X-Men was Michael Bay's first film job, and as a result, the film grossed $140 million worldwide for just $23 million.

Michael Bay also began his era of commercial blockbusters in Hollywood with this screen debut.

"Brave To Be Dead", "The End of the World", "Pearl Harbor", "Transformers" series, were all one of the highest-grossing commercial blockbusters of the year.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Because the film sold well, Michael Bay was also known as "selling copies."

Audiences familiar with selling copies know that the films from his hands are all big-made, big-scene explosion aesthetic styles.

Bombing cars, buildings, airplanes is a daily routine, islands and spaceships, even meteorites have been blown up by him, each time can make the audience feel a new shock.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Transformers 2

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

"Brave to the Island of Death"

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The End of the World

Therefore, Michael Bay has another title, "Explosion Bay".

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The domestic audience is most familiar with the "Transformers" live-action series movies opened by him, but for the majority of Transformers fans, it can be described as mixed.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The good news is that the first "Transformers" released in 2007 is really good quality, which evokes the audience's childhood memories.

The worry is that the quality of the sequel is worse than one, especially "Transformers 5: The Last Knight" as the most, Douban only 4.9 points.

Look at the honors that Exploding Shell has won in recent years, and you will know how bad the reputation of these sequels is.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Explosion Bei also said many times that he wanted to quit the walk, but each time he broke his word and made a sequel.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

After filming the fifth film, Explosion Bay once again said that this was the last time to direct. Two years later, Transformers 6 was indeed cut.

Although the road to Explosion Bay's "Transformers" is basically over, his "Road to Explosion" is not over.

In 2019, he teamed up with the wealthy Netflix and spent 1 billion yuan to make a movie that exploded from the beginning to the end, "Ghost Shadow Attack: Countering Violence with Violence".

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Although every penny was spent, word of mouth was still as good as ever.

Maybe it was the overwhelming and successive bad reviews that had been seen through earlier, or maybe it was really loving the explosive aesthetic style, and the explosion shell made a commercial action blockbuster.

In 2022, he came with his latest masterpiece, Outlaw Ambulance.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

On October 22, "Outlaw Ambulance" released its first trailer, a nearly 3-minute trailer, which still continues the iconic blockbuster style of "Exploding Shell".

Dazzling sports shots and a sharp editing style instantly take the viewer on a perilous adventure.

Visually striking action scenes are staged one after another, such as fierce gun battles between police and bandits;

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?
The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

For example, cars blow up into scrap iron and soar into the sky;

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

There are also aerial footage of helicopters and police car chases that can get an adrenaline rush.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?
The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The reaction to this trailer on the Internet has been mixed, some expect this film to have the same level as "Jedi X-Men" and "The End of the World", and some people say that they are tired of watching the explosive shell style.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The picture is as explosive as ever, so what about the content of the film?

It is undeniable that in many of the previous works of Explosion Shell, the story has always been outrageously thin.

Just like the previous two years of "Ghost Attack: Countering Violence with Violence", it is a very cheesy commercial action blockbuster. And watch this kind of explosive special effects film, don't bring a brain, cool is finished.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The explosion focused the camera on the remake, a remake of the 2005 Danish film of the same name.

However, the original film had a general reputation after its release, and it only had a score of 6.4 on Douban.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

The original story tells the story of a pair of brothers who, in order to raise money for their mother's medical treatment, steal an ambulance to escape the police, and there is a medical worker and a dying patient on the car, under the condemnation of conscience and the conflict between the brothers, they are in a dilemma.

The exploding version of "Outlaw Ambulance" is basically the same as the original on the main line of the plot, but with slight changes.

The protagonist's identity becomes a battle-hardened veteran, Will, who is shot down by his brother Daniela in order to pay for his wife's medical expenses and robs 32 million from the bank.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Similarly, in the new version of "Outlaw Ambulance", in addition to staging a fierce cat and mouse chase battle, there is also a complexity of portraying human nature.

Faced with a rain of bullets and bullets, as well as the wounded in critical condition, the brothers had a conflict and were in a dilemma.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

It is reported that the film will have elements of traditional action scenes and thriller films, and the story will integrate the styles of "Life and Death Speed" and "Jedi X-Men".

Regardless of the plot, the style of chases, gunfights, and explosion scenes in Outlaws is indeed very close to that of Jedi X-Men.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Jedi X-Men

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

"Death Ambulance"

Judging from the trailer and media descriptions, such a blockbuster with both shocking action and thrilling plot is indeed very suitable for explosion to direct.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

In order to create this action blockbuster, the film also assembled a strong cast.

"Mystery" Jack Gyllenhaal will play Danny in the film, where he has been nominated for several Oscars and Golden Globes several times.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

In addition to "Death Ambulance", there are seven movies starring him that will also be released in 2022, a veritable "model worker".

Actor Yahya Abdul-Mediter, who played black manta ray in the DC superhero movie Aquaman, starred as a veteran returning from Afghanistan.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

After "Aquaman", Yahya Abdul-Medin continued to make films: "The Matrix 4", "Mad Max's Tale", "This Life", "Candy Man" and so on.

In addition, the sexy and fiery Latin beauty Elsa Gonzalez will also join the film, and she has performed in film and television works such as "Kill a Dawn", "Extreme Car Thief", "Fast and Furious: Special Operations" and so on.

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Although there is a top hollywood production team and a strong cast escort, the final quality of the new explosive shell work will not be known until it is released next year.

Over the past 26 years, the Michael Bay films we've seen have a distinctly personal touch.

Whether it is "Escape from Clone Island", "Ghost Attack: Fighting Violence with Violence", or the "Transformers" series, the audience relives the explosive aesthetic of the explosive shell over and over again, spitting and contributing to the box office.

So this time, can the explosion turn over with the new film?

We'll see!

The new film continues to "explode", leaving the explosion of "Transformers", can it turn over this time?

Bluestone Movie | Mei Liqing

This article is the original content of Bluestone Movie, please do not reprint it in any form without authorization!

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