
The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

Among the emperors of the Jin Dynasty, 3 were killed by their own people. Among these three emperors, the Wei King completed Yan Yongji as the most classic. After Yan Yongji reigned for 5 years, he was finally killed by the powerful minister Hu Shahu, which can be said to have set a precedent. It was also in these 5 years that Jinguo was constantly attacked by Temujin. Due to improper employment and command errors, Jin Guo was defeated again and again. In the Battle of Wild Fox Ridge alone, the Jin Dynasty lost more than 200,000 troops. In other words, in these 5 years, the national strength of jinguo has declined significantly.

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

Finished Yan Yongji was the son of Emperor Jin Sejong's Completed Yan Yong, who was still a Ming Emperor in the history of the Jin Dynasty. However, after the completion of Yan Yong, the emperor of the Jin Dynasty who succeeded to the throne was not as good as one. It was during this time that Ironwood really rose gradually. In 1208, Jin Zhangzong died. This Jin Zhangzong was the nephew of Yan Yongji, and according to the reason, the throne had nothing to do with Yan Yongji. However, Jin Zhangzong had no sons, so he could only choose from the near bloodline. In the end, the courtiers chose to complete Yan Yongji. It is not how strong this Wang Ye's level is, but precisely because Yan Yongji is an embroidered pillow that will not threaten the interests of various groups.

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

It was also at the same time that Yan Yongji came to power that Temujin launched a large-scale attack on the Jin Dynasty. The Army of the Jin Dynasty had long ceased to be bold, and in the face of the Mongol army, the Army of the Jin State was defeated again and again. Those nobles of the Golden Kingdom who were dressed in fine clothes and food lost the glory of their ancestors. In addition, Yan Yongji made many mistakes in the employment of personnel. Due to improper employment, in the Battle of Wild Fox Ridge, more than 200,000 Jinguo troops were lost at one time. After this fiasco, the Jin dynasty was no longer able to fight a head-on battle with the Mongols. In addition to improper employment, Yan Yongji also favored the ambitious Hu Shahu.

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

Hu Shahu was a man of clever tongues, and originally guarded the Western Capital of the Golden Kingdom, that is, Datong. But in the face of the strong Mongol army, Hu shahu took the lead in escaping. After returning to Zhongdu, Hu Shahu was not only not punished, but also added officials to the knighthood. From this point of view, Yan Yongji is also digging his own grave. With the expansion of power, Hu Shahu also developed a sense of disobedience. Taking advantage of the convenience of controlling the military power on the outskirts of Zhongdu, in 1213 AD, Hu Shahu launched a mutiny. Due to the desperate resistance of the Janissaries, the mutiny did not go well. After all, in the end of that year, Hu Shahu successfully invaded the palace and killed Yan Yongji.

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

Originally, Hu Shahu wanted to be an emperor himself, but Jin Guo was after all the world of the Yan family. If Hu Shahu usurped the throne, the Guanyan family would definitely not agree. Under the persuasion of the civil officials, Hu Shahu supported Yan Yongji's nephew Yan Xun to succeed to the throne. In fact, you may have found that after entering the middle period, the names of the nobles of the Jin Dynasty have been significantly Sinicized. If you change the finished Yan to the Han surname, there is basically no difference. Hu Shahu was not happy for long, and after more than a month of mutiny, he was killed by his subordinates due to internal contradictions.

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, who was killed by his own people, reigned for 5 years, why did the Jin Dynasty decline?

For Jinguo, this civil unrest is very inappropriate. Because the Mongol army was about to march on the city, under such circumstances, the Jin State decided to move the capital. The capital moved from Zhongdu to Kaifeng, Henan, relying on the Yellow River against the Mongols. However, Jin Guo did not want to think that once the capital was moved, it would be difficult to preserve the northern region. In this way, the Jin Dynasty was completely compressed in the Central Plains. Nominally, we can rely on the natural danger of the Yellow River, but the problem is that the Yellow River is really not a natural danger. In winter, the Yellow River would freeze and cavalry could even pass directly. At that time, the Northern Song Dynasty relied on the Yellow River to resist the Jin cavalry, but the Song Army fled without a fight.